If Mort Divine ruled the world

Today I learned that not reprimanding your kids if they are uncomfortable with hugging people who they don't know makes you a bad, shitty person who will let your kids do anything and not allow them to ever learn what the real world is like. Thanks, GMD!
I don't think that anyone on this site actually said that.

I’ve seen my relative demand kisses from the dates of his nephews, and everyone chuckles nervously because “He’s just a dirty old truck driver and that’s how they are.”

Our society makes it quite easy for abusers to commit their assaults, because we do not teach people how to respect consent.

Lots of us can recall the innocuous, mothball kisses wetted upon our unwilling cheeks by Nana or Pop-pop. Some of us know what it’s like to be fondled by an uncle or cousin or step-whatever. There are adults reading these words who are thankful this holiday season, only to be old enough that they no longer are forced to be near their abusers.

Law enforcement, mental health professionals, therapists and counselors all know that acquaintance rape is the most common kind of sexual assault. Children are far more likely to be molested by a member of the household than by a stranger.

You guys are using the same logic the author is. It's kind of insane.

To any person reading this, you do not owe your body to anyone.

This phrase confuses me though. I get it in the context when its applied to sex, but hugging? Does it apply to handshakes too? Because let's be honest, they have the same social context until romantic feelings are involved.

When a child has been instructed to allow a person to touch them, without regard to that child’s requested boundaries, how can we expect them to reinforce those boundaries on their own?

How does one know their boundaries if they are not tested?

Our society does not give our children the tools to protect themselves from physical and sexual abuse

Because there is a way for kids to protect themselves? Get the hell outta here. "I was going to rape this kid, but then they said no, so I stopped." :lol:
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Show me where I stated the things that the author is claiming or that I wouldn't make my kid hug someone for the reasons that the author stated. That is not what I said at all at any point during the conversation. I said that I wouldn't make my child hug someone if they were uneasy about it. I question why you would automatically reach the conclusion that you did about why I said that, since it is very different.

Mort said that he didn't read the article but I don't know what he thinks about it.
Speaking from experience, assuming your hypothetical children have a natural inclination towards introversion/social avoidance, enjoy raising a bunch of porn-addicted social retards too afraid to touch people because they never did.
Nobody I know makes children hug complete strangers, so essentially we're only talking about kids hugging family members and close friends at a stretch, kids are uncomfortable about hugging these kinds of people not due to the insidious reasons the article hints at but because they're kids and kids find affection to be embarrassing, they'd rather not be dragged out of their room away from their kid activities in order to greet a family member they don't particularly care about yet.

It has absolutely ZERO to do with bodily integrity and autonomy, this is not violation of personal space.
Stop making everything into some cretinous social justice issue, leave parents to raise their kids, they don't need your sad advice on how to breed a new generation of mollycoddled pseudo-victims.

Show me where I stated the things that the author is claiming or that I wouldn't make my kid hug someone for the reasons that the author stated. That is not what I said at all at any point during the conversation. I said that I wouldn't make my child hug someone if they were uneasy about it. I question why you would automatically reach the conclusion that you did about why I said that, since it is very different.

Mort said that he didn't read the article but I don't know what he thinks about it.

lot of words for saying a whole lot of nothing
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It might have something to do with my family being shit and me being kind of an asshole but I actually agree that if a kid doesn't want to HUG people don't force him if he doesn't like the person. He'll be rude, so what. And it has nothing to do with people not wanting to do chores or their job, that's completely different matter.
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New lows:

They have also demanded administrators rename "Lynch Memorial Hall," citing the word's racial connotations, by either removing it or adding the first name of the former college president for whom it is named.

The latter, included in a list of demands presented to school officials Friday, has provoked strong reaction on social media, where users argue that the college building, named for former school president Dr. Clyde A. Lynch, should remain unchanged.
The point of my post wasn't to be clever. It was to highlight the fact that your post contains no new information about you at all, since we've all known this for years.

I think that you should have mentioned how much you like to see dicks when you watch porn. That's always amusing.
The point is that you may gain sexual pleasure from having your children suck your sagging tits well into junior high, but it's damaging to them to smother them under mummy's protective blankie 24/7. And fwiw that wasn't my experience, my parents didn't really shelter me in that way and most of my problems are a bit different, but if you never force children to do anything they don't like, don't be surprised when they don't do a whole lot. But you probably see unwanted hugs as a form of sexual assault, right?
Again, I specifically stated that I don't agree with that sentiment but you're intentionally ignoring it to project some SJW imagery onto my posts because I said that I think it's dumb to get mad at kids for not wanting to hug people.
I actually mostly agree with Mort on that. If a child is uncomfortable around someone, I wouldn't force them to do something. I think that they'll probably get used to relatives once they know them and it's perfectly okay for kids to have less than perfect manners at a young age while they are still learning. I couldn't imagine punishing a child for being uncomfortable around someone that they don't know.