If Mort Divine ruled the world

I'm sure that this is an unpopular opinion here, but pretty much anti-feminists and anti-SJWs are pretty terrible at seeing reality too.
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I think no woman should be forced to give birth, nor forced to abort. And I think no man should be forced to pay child support for a child he doesn't want anything to do with. If the woman doesn't want it and he does, he should find a woman that does want it and get her pregnant instead.

But god forbid society be logical.
Alot of anti-crowds just finds random fringe examples and makes a case about them as If they are axioms. Kinda tiresome to argue against that kind of logic.
The thing about men having to pay child support is that it could theoretically make people more responsible. Personally I think men should have to, even with illegitimate children.
I don't see why it becomes the woman's responsibility if the man chooses to engage in behavior that is specifically designed for reproduction and I will never understand why all arguments against child support make it sound like the man was forced into having sex.
Rights have requisite responsibilities, and vice vera. If the guy has no right to have a say in whether to keep the kid, why have a responsibility to it? It's not like the woman was forced to have sex either. Probably just triggered someone.
Probably because he introduced his genetic material into the woman's body willingly. It isn't like the function of sperm is ambiguous.