If Mort Divine ruled the world

Occasionally, my FB feed has something great.

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I know this is only vaguely relevant, if at all, but women weren't exactly second class citizens back in the day like a lot of folks put out there. They've always for the most part had equal opportunity and were treated with respect. They usually chose to fit customary roles because its what they thought they should do, just as men did, and there was a great deal of pride in following those roles well. For reasons mentioned above, it makes sense.

The only difference is how we now interpret responsibility and positions of power. If her name wasn't in a book, she must not have been anything more than a housewife who took beatings with a smile, amirite?

Bet your fuckin names aren't in books either. Point being that you can't assume the only women who weren't the stereotype are the ones you've heard of.
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the new Mad Max came out

When Mort says something fucking funny, then it kicks in that it's at your expense. God damn it.


And now you hate them? What happened?

I slowly began to pick apart my own biases, the arguments grew stale, even though I have never been a religious person I liken it to the moment a religious person starts to really see through their own beliefs. (or when an atheist becomes religious, you get it.)
Sexism against men doesn't exist.

Yes it does, according to the most commonly used sense of the word. Saying otherwise is like saying sharks aren't carnivores, because the term can only apply to mammals belonging to the order Carnivora.

I don't see why it becomes the woman's responsibility if the man chooses to engage in behavior that is specifically designed for reproduction and I will never understand why all arguments against child support make it sound like the man was forced into having sex.

What if the man was forced into having sex? I've seen people actually argue that even if he was raped, he should still pay child support.
The failures of feminism are blatant, patriarchy was essentially dismantled with no-fault divorce and the Tender Years Doctrine. Since then it's just been a wacky movement of cultural relativists, social constructivism and micro-management of people.
Yeah tell that to the women who are subjects to genital mutilation, or the muslim women forced to wear niqab or the one gettin stoned to death because she was raped. :)
Yeah tell that to the women who are subjects to genital mutilation, or the muslim women forced to wear niqab or the one gettin stoned to death because she was raped. :)

In street polls in the UK, people have said that FGM should be accepted out of cultural relativism. Liberal retards are gonna liberal retard, even if the mongol hordes are on top of them.
Basically if you don't support feminism and you're a white male, then you're a loser and you wont get no pussy. Women have been offended for a long time and it's only just starting to turn around. Feminists gonna rip this shit up an tell all you white males what's happening.
Yeah tell that to the women who are subjects to genital mutilation, or the muslim women forced to wear niqab or the one gettin stoned to death because she was raped. :)

Men in Muslim countries are stoned to death at a greater rate than women are and the genital mutilation of baby boys is globally accepted.
In many Islamic countries, it's actually common for men to either dress as women or get sex changes. It's to the point where men dress as women during riots because they're less likely to be dealt with violently by authorities.

Try again.
But are the men stoned to death because they are victims of sexual assault or because of something else? It's not really the metod of execution that is the main problem here. I mean du you seriously think that women in for example Saudi Arabia is on equal terms as men?
IMO it also boils down to having a choice and being allowed to live the life you want, not just "who got it worst?". That goes for both men and women. :)
But are the men stoned to death because they are victims of sexual assault or because of something else? It's not really the metod of execution that is the main problem here. I mean du you seriously think that women in for example Saudi Arabia is on equal terms as men?
IMO it also boils down to having a choice and being allowed to live the life you want, not just "who got it worst?". That goes for both men and women. :)

I agree, it shouldn't be a contest of oppression. But I didn't start that contest and you know who did.

In fact, yes men are stoned to death for being victims of sexual assault. In fact, it's not uncommon for two people to get caught committing adultery and for the woman to claim she was raped because, though fairly slim there is a chance she will escape the death penalty by claiming it was rape. Either way he's dead. She has a chance though.

People that buy into all of these feminist-centric points of view when it comes to the Middle East really ought to do some research on the subject.
Research the difference between male and female prisons for instance.
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Men have the choice to not engage in reproductive activity if they don't want the associated risks. That is my argument, and you have yet to refute it because it's a fact.

Men are also just as likely to lie as women about their intentions regarding sex. Don't use stupid bullshit like this in a discussion when it goes both ways.

Yet, when men make the choice to use prostitutes or go with drama free robots (literally), the howls of feminists have risen even louder.

Men and women lie equally to gain access to the bodies of each other. Lying about what one plans to do with the proceeds, birth control status, etc., is entirely one sided, even if not as common as lying for access.
I agree, it shouldn't be a contest of oppression. But I didn't start that contest and you know who did.

In fact, yes men are stoned to death for being victims of sexual assault. In fact, it's not uncommon for two people to get caught committing adultery and for the woman to claim she was raped because, though fairly slim there is a chance she will escape the death penalty by claiming it was rape. Either way he's dead. She has a chance though.

People that buy into all of these feminist-centric points of view when it comes to the Middle East really ought to do some research on the subject.
Research the difference between male and female prisons for instance.

This brings to mind a debate I watched between Lawrence Krauss and an Arabic theo-scientist. Don't get me wrong, I love Mr. Krauss. I think he's a chill ass scientist with an entertaining ego. But he was arguing about women's rights and thought the audience shouldn't be segregated in the name of equality. Meanwhile, many of the Muslim women there were offended by a lack of segregation. Its a different culture, dude. Muslim women aren't cowering victims. A lot of people seem to forget that.
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I've watched that exact debate (how fucking obnoxious was his opponent) and I remember that part. Actually I agree with him when it comes to not segregating the crowd but sure, Muslim women sure aren't and neither are religious/traditionalist women in general. That's likely why feminism has failed so badly because whenever it takes time off from shitting all over men in society, it uses that time to shit all over all women that aren't ultra progressive cult members. They routinely demean homemakers. Don't even get them started on conservative women.

God forbid a woman be against flopping tits out in public with "whore" written across their stomach in cheap red body paint.
Yet, when men make the choice to use prostitutes or go with drama free robots (literally), the howls of feminists have risen even louder.

Men and women lie equally to gain access to the bodies of each other. Lying about what one plans to do with the proceeds, birth control status, etc., is entirely one sided, even if not as common as lying for access.

Lying about how one will be there to support a woman and be there for a child is entirely one-sided and quite common too, and one of the most common ways to gain long-term access to sex without an actual committed relationship on the part of the man.