If Mort Divine ruled the world

Today, Ronda Rousey said she thought about killing herself after losing her fight and she stayed alive because she wants to have the babies of her man.

feminists must be so upset with their chosen one
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That's because you're on the inner levels of SJWism, in that you and your like minded people hate her for her view on trans athletes in MMA :)
What is toxic masculinity? And why would mainstream feminists hate a woman for having it, when clearly they are interested in portraying women as the "be exactly like men"
I said SJW's. The two don't always align.
But toxic masculinity is defined as this;

Toxic masculinity is one of the ways in which Patriarchy is harmful to men. It refers to the socially-constructed attitudes that describe the masculine gender role as violent, unemotional, sexually aggressive, and so forth.

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I gotta be honest, Rousey isn't really like that. Unless SJW's are upset for her beating up her domestic aggressor, but that's the only example I can think of.

domestic aggressor

You mean her boyfriend that took photos of her without consent and then she proceeded to stomp his ass out?
Yeah, total domestic aggressor.

Rousey is 100% like that. That's exactly why her loss to Holly Holm was so devastating, because she talked shit non-stop, claimed she'd smack Floyd Mayweather into the next century, said she'd destroy Steven Seagal, called women "do nothing bitches" because they're homemakers.
Half the feminists hate baby raisers though, patriarchy amiright?

I don't think anyone, especially women, is upset at Rousey for talking shit on Floyd though.

I'm still thinking the SJW's hate her for trans people views, but maybe Mort will shine the light here. Probably just both perspectives in the end.
Well, you're probably right. Fuck Mayweather.

Most of my experiences with SJWs hating Rousey for "perpetuating toxic masculinity" have come from internet arguments and comment sections of things. Nothing I can really show you as any kind of evidence or whatever.

The whole trans thing probably didn't help though. She backtracked faster than Speedy Gonzales on crack anyway.
I still think she argues about the bone structure thing. That's an interesting aspect of the trans perspective that I haven't really seen developed biologically/scientifically.
Yes but at first she was being much less scientific about it.

When she got the backlash it was all about studies and "I'll fight a trans if she's done this and that and blah blah blah" but at first it was just "I ain't risking my career fighting a dude lol scowl yolo."
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Still waiting on the concrete details but the early reports is #blm thugs jumped a bronze star awarded former Marine for chewing in a racist and toxicly masculine way.

yay identity politics.
Well, there you go.

It's a bunch of unverified clickbait horseshit.

At the very most it says the victim claims some black teens asked him if "black lives matter" and I'm assuming he didn't say "yes" so they called him racist and then assaulted and robbed him.

Hardly the same as actual members of the movement doing it. Typical conservative opportunistic trash.
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