If Mort Divine ruled the world

In order to grant Kesha her wish of dissolving her contract they would be indirectly presuming guilt on his part.

It's a mess no doubt, but we already have no fault divorces. That's essentially what she wants.

I absolutely will not go into my opinion of the sort of cultural and legal environment that we have that allowed this sort of situation to arise to begin with. Certain persons would probably have a seizure.
You missed the point entirely. She is not being forced to work with Dr. Luke, only to comply with the contract. She is free to work with any producer she wishes and this has been stated numerously by his lawyers.

The entire premise is that we need to #FreeKesha so within that context, it's bullshit. She is not handcuffed to the mixing board with Dr. Luke.

"Hur dur semantics faggot it's not even Sony hur hur."

I have read nothing that confirms what you are saying at all. His lawyers have an agenda of their own and of course they're gonna say what they need to make Dr. Luke look better. However, Sony has not come out and stated that Kesha can work with other producers within the organization. The contract explicitly states that she has a 6 album deal with Dr. Luke and Kemosabe.

You'd think Sony would've just said that she can choose another producer instead if that solution were so obvious. Would probably have prevented this entire mess. Thankfully we have CIG, who obviously has immense knowledge of how production contracts work (coupled with his usual MRA propaganda) to clear the matter up.

I feel like you'd side with the man even if there was a video of him raping her 6 times honestly.
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Please, do elaborate.

I've been on one actual date with her and skyped a bit, but it seems to have dried up now but she still says she wants to see me, she's just busy. She might just not want to be mean. I don't really know. I don't feel that emotionally invested with it being so early days though, haven't sealed the deal etc. She's quite smart and I love smart women.
I think the more interesting aspect to talk about with Kesha's story is not whether or not she was assaulted but rather the expectations women set for other women. Apparently, (sexual) abuse will be solved because women will shame their aggressors via social media.
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Not sure if this is the right thread, but it's not really news so I guess it'll get attached here.

Ben Carson calls out Obama for not living the 'black experience' and I find this idea fascinating, in which what the mainstream media/culture determines what is black. Been thinking about this for a week or so when some random gymnast incorporated hip hop into her routine and thus "showing the world black culture" (world = rich white southern America, I think the article stated)

“He didn’t grow up like I grew up,” Mr. Carson told Politico. “So, for him to, you know, claim that, you know, he identifies with the experience of black Americans, I think, is a bit of a stretch.”
“He did not grow up in black America, he grew up in white America,” Mr. Carson told MSNBC, going on to say that there was nothing wrong with that. “When the claim is made that he represents the black experience, it’s just not true.”


Here's the video from the Daily Show 'debunking' it and it's pretty weak but shows Noah/the writers inability to think critically (imo).

I don't know what your point is. I haven't claimed to be a Christian in quite some time.

I just figured it wasn't something you talked about anymore? I dunno. I wouldn't attribute Christian shaming to 'SJW' groups as much as I would filth like 'new atheists' and such anyways.
I just figured it wasn't something you talked about anymore? I dunno. I wouldn't attribute Christian shaming to 'SJW' groups as much as I would filth like 'new atheists' and such anyways.

I went agnostic several years ago. I don't know if the author of that comic was trying to make a point about hypocrisy in shaming, but that's not what I took away from it. The anti religious mock the religious for believing in something/"feeling" something without evidence for or against it in general (speaking of a higher power, not theologic specifics), yet applaud those which "feel" things that are directly at odds with very clear evidence.
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I went agnostic several years ago. I don't know if the author of that comic was trying to make a point about hypocrisy in shaming, but that's not what I took away from it. The anti religious mock the religious for believing in something/"feeling" something without evidence for or against it in general (speaking of a higher power, not theologic specifics), yet applaud those which "feel" things that are directly at odds with very clear evidence.

Fair enough, if that is the case then trans people shouldn't be included then, but otherwise makes a decent point.

Aaaaaaaand this isn't anywhere near close to reality. Did you pick it out of your Facebook feed? This Christian persecution shit is totally made up. Self-identified Christians make up an overwhelming majority of this nation's leadership. I often get looks like I've got horns growing out of my head if the fact that I'm an atheist gets brought up, and I can't say that I've ever seen this happen with a Christian IRL.

Now, if this is actually satire that reflects how social conservatives perceive their position against the positions of others in the country, I would say it's fairly accurate.