If Mort Divine ruled the world

If Mort Divine ruled the world, he'd PUNISH YOU.

Then again....

Genderfluid Support

POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING) Autigender: a gender that can only be understood in the context of being autistic

Biogender:a gender that feels connected to nature in some way

Blurgender: the feeling of having more than one gender that are somehow blurred together to the point of not being able to distinguish or identify individual genders; synonymous with genderfuzz

Oneirogender: coined by anonymous, “being agender, but having recurring fantasies or daydreams of being a certain gender without the dysphoria or desire to actually be that gender day-to-day”
Send that fucker to an HBCU and watch him cry. An intercultural communications course and having students send artificial apologies to blacks and browns isn't the way to teach white students about the non-white experience. Have them read Fanon. Have them read Baldwin. Have them read Douglass. Have them read Patterson. Have them read Williams. What a joke. What an exercise. What an example of fake white sympathy.
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Well, any critical analysis of history will likely fall under the "sins of the father." The decisive question is to whether or not the "sins of the father" study is critical or superficial.
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It's interesting how all these atheists believe in sin.
If they're black, they're probably not atheists. If they're an atheist, then, obviously, it's often used as a humanistic turn on the word intended to stimulate maximum shock value to the general public (not something that I support). As for recycling the term, it's a term whose meaning extends beyond theology on the basis of its historical usage and is re-used for the purpose of contextualizing present circumstances in a historical manner. It's not that strange, Gentile :p
If they're black, they're probably not atheists. If they're an atheist, then, obviously, it's often used as a humanistic turn on the word intended to stimulate maximum shock value to the general public (not something that I support). As for recycling the term, it's a term whose meaning extends beyond theology on the basis of its historical usage and is re-used for the purpose of contextualizing present circumstances in a historical manner. It's not that strange, Gentile :p

I know the hardcore atheists like to get all indignant about theist assumptions that you can't have ethics without holy script or a belief in the divine, but it is pretty empty indignation. Without a divinely revealed script, ethics becomes subjective in practice (and thusly empty to a significant degree), even if you hold consistently to a particular philosophy (which nearly no one does). The ancient wisdom of not holding children accountable for the sins of their fathers still holds - even more so when nearly none of them had fathers with the sin in question - or even great great great great grandfathers.
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Fucking lol'd. You literally have to be retarded to understand it.

No, not literally at all actually.

I know the hardcore atheists like to get all indignant about theist assumptions that you can't have ethics without holy script or a belief in the divine, but it is pretty empty indignation. Without a divinely revealed script, ethics becomes subjective in practice (and thusly empty to a significant degree), even if you hold consistently to a particular philosophy (which nearly no one does). The ancient wisdom of not holding children accountable for the sins of their fathers still holds - even more so when nearly none of them had fathers with the sin in question - or even great great great great grandfathers.

Since there is no divinely revealed script, ethics is every bit as subjective on the part of the theist as for the atheist.
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Since there is no divinely revealed script, ethics is every bit as subjective on the part of the theist as for the atheist.

You know what I meant. A huge conglomeration of people that just take a script at face value is not the same thing as the hipster atheist picking out nuggets of ethics from superficial readings of Mills and Kant like so many groceries. Even to elect a particular school of ethics is little better. There's an important argument around the problem of selecting one's ethics.
Jews are globally maligned because of 'sins of the father' accusations. It's an unsalvagable concept if you're logical and moral if you ask me.

What does your black female friend think about that?

She spent the next few hours ripping on the guy, saying that because she's part German she better message some Jews etc. It was funny and a few of her feminist/SJW friends got butthurt.
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