If Mort Divine ruled the world


If only we were more like the Scandinavian countries.
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ESPN 30 for 30 about the Duke Lacross rape case. Haven't watched it yet, but this series is pretty awesome imo.

I'm 46 minutes in and it's very interesting and in-depth so far. I knew about this case previously but never the details.

I definitely didn't know about the leaked emails referencing American Psycho and people taking the emails literally.
I actually didn't know much of the details and a comedian once told me, at a club, that I looked like a Duke Lacrosse player which made me laugh.

The rest of it goes into making a murderer status but actually is right.

I seriously dislike the community who share this view.

Like in the coverage of the case 10 years ago, Mangum’s an afterthought in the film. Her loved ones get minimal airtime compared to those of the Duke players.

the Duke case is now the go-to for every dude compelled to “well, actually” any discussion on rape culture, on how the system can hurt white people just as much as people of color or how the courts aren’t necessarily inherently biased in favor of people with money.

The film leans heavily on the parents and lawyers of the accused lacrosse players and comes across more as a piece aimed at shaming the collective us for allowing this to happen than a call for introspection today.