If Mort Divine ruled the world

Shit Tumblr Says


I'm like 10 minutes in and this is one of the worst Milo things ever. Liberal media lies more often than the right? Trump supporters aren't violent?

Jesus christ

Holy shit

he equated Bernie socialism with authoritarian regimes.

You've really fallen off a cliff lately, Dak
I'm like 10 minutes in and this is one of the worst Milo things ever. Liberal media lies more often than the right? Trump supporters aren't violent?

Jesus christ

Holy shit

he equated Bernie socialism with authoritarian regimes.

You've really fallen off a cliff lately, Dak

Because in a 30 minute video I must agree with every single thing said.

But you picked out three things which are true: Socialism is necessarily authoritarian, the sheer number of liberal outlets compared to anything remotely conservative ensures they lie more, and Trump supporters aren't smearing blood, blocking traffic, and swarming opposing political rallies.
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Don't be all pissy when you just link a video without any explanation. It was a shit session with Milo, who apparently wants to dominate that Rubin dude because he never would shut the fuck up when he wanted to talk.

Even if socialism = authoritarian, Sanders himself says he is a democratic socialist. Let the people decide what 'gimme dats' they want. So it's un true and a bullshit scare tactic made by the right. "Socialism is bad! Except all those benefits you already get, they're ok"

Even if you want to do that bullshit logic (which is saying proportions mean nothing because #'s rule all), where is all this lying? The defaming of characters? The successful libel lawsuits?

The stupid rape cases, is that what you're getting at?

Trump Supporters are literally hitting people, not using some bullshit definition of violence borrowed from Mort.

What the hell are you defending here? Are you bored that you're spewing this bullshit today?
The only person being pissy right now is you man. I guess I missed the post where you came out as a Bernie Bro or something because I have no idea why you flipped on that video so hard.

Gimmedats must be paid for and received under socialism, whether you want them or not. That's authoritarian. We do already have a significant amount of socialism in the US via FDR and LBJ most significantly, but it's hardly "bullshit" to be against further leftward movement.

I don't follow the twitterverse which is where a lot of the defamation and drama happens supposedly, but I could direct you to pretty much any Huffpost, Guardian, NYT, etc article - and especially op-ed/"contribution" and find it chock full of bullshit aimed at the kind of people who are now voting for Trump.

As far as "violence at Trump rallies", I'd be interested to see what would happen if someone walked into one of your classes and interrupted by marching around the room calling you and/or more people all pieces of shit. I'm sure you'd enjoy another demonstration of our precious First Amendment, and let them go as long as they wanted with no altercation whatsoever.
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Gimne dats must be paid for and received under socialism, whether you want them or not. That's authoritarian. We do already have a significant amount of socialism in the US via FDR and LBJ most significantly, but it's hardly "bullshit" to be against further leftward movement.

Whether you want them or not is incorrect. Consent of the majority, there is no absolute action without representation. If people don't like 'gimme dats,' they have the opportunity to vote against them. You can be against more socialism but equating it with authoritarianism is bullshit that is literally being spewed by the right.

I don't follow the twitterverse which is where a lot of the defamation and drama happens supposedly, but I could direct you to pretty much any Huffpost, Guardian, NYT, etc article - and especially op-ed/"contribution" and find it chock full of bullshit aimed at the kind of people wgo are now voting for Trump.


As far as "violence at Trump rallies", I'd be interested to see what would happen if someone walked into one of your classes and interrupted by marching around the room calling you and/or more people all pieces of shit. I'm sure you'd enjoy another demonstration of our precious First Amendment, and let them go as long as they wanted with no altercation whatsoever.

Ah so violence didn't happen at first and then it's justified? Christ dude
Whether you want them or not is incorrect. Consent of the majority, there is no absolute action without representation.

Congratulations: You just justified the Holocaust. I think any discussion about Trump is pretty much godwinned from the getgo at this point so fuck it.


Ah so violence didn't happen at first and then it's justified? Christ dude

I didn't say no violence happened at Trump rallies. I agree with Milo that were the situation to occur they discussed that the violence will come from the Bernie (and Hillary for that matter) supporters. When I consider the label of "violent" I first look to provocateurs and aggressors. That would be the "End Trump" crowd storming the rallies, the podium, and disrupting/blocking access to the rallies (never mind all the shit they are spewing). They should be happy there have been only isolated punching incidents.
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Congratulations: You just justified the Holocaust. I think any discussion about Trump is pretty much godwinned from the getgo at this point so fuck it.

I take it you're not familiar with the politics of Weimar, nor Hitler's ascension, nor his flouting of republicanism (along with the entirety of the right), etc etc.?
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I take it you're not familiar with the politics of Weimar, nor Hitler's ascension, nor his flouting of republicanism (along with the entirety of the right), etc etc.?

Well it obviously wasn't an American Republic, but the majority doesn't approve the gimmedats if we start seriously crunching numbers (and what would that even prove if they did?). If rms wants to play fast and loose with justifications based on legal sayso so can I.The Holocaust was legal in a nominal republic. He'd take issue with that. Gimmedats are legal in this nominal republic. He wouldn't take issue with that. Muhjorty sayz!
There's so many incorrect things here. So I guess since you're taking it serious I'll respond.

Hitler didn't run on the idea that Jews should be removed and killed. And the action taken by himself and the SS was something that is incomparable to taxation in the United States. Taxes are approved by congress, but the President and his military force. Hitler used his executive power to kill those deemed unworthy.

Bernie Sanders and most Democrats, run on the idea that they want to pay for a new 'gimmedat,' people have the ability to vote against that opinion. Which is basically all what elections are. Removing or adding gimmedats, but then bullshit people like Milo and apparently you now conflate adding gimmedats with authoritarian regimes because....maybe they're dumb? I guess.

So are the German people somewhat responsible for the genocide? I wouldn't agree, since it was not his platform to commit genocide. I don't even think Hitler had a majority anyways.

What's the last tax/gimmedat to win without a majority in this country?