If Mort Divine ruled the world

So it's just the word 'tranny' that offended you? Why?

Is it wrong to call someone a tranny, if the intention is not to offend? If that's just what you think they're called? A lot of people don't know all of this very new terminology and still use tranny with no I'll intent. I mean it's honestly the case that a lot of people have only seen trannies in porn or did not realize otherwise.

How would you react in an auto transmission shop?

It's just a word and it's basically short for your term anyway. I wouldn't get offended by 'hetery'
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Can no one read? It is both the word and the "that's a dude" comments made in the video.

Sure, not everyone knows not to use the term, but the resistance shown when said "hey, that's a slur...don't say it" shows it isn't just ignorance at play.

It is the word trans people heat when they are assaulted and murdered.

Transmission shops are a different context as they're not in reference to trans people.

And the "complimentary color" to trans isn't hetero? So hetery wouldn't even make sense. It's cis.

Even so, being offended at that doesn't even make sense as it isn't a slur.
Why be offended by a word in general? Kids get called all kinds of things growing up but their parents teach them to shrug it off, stick and stones and all that.
Really transgenders should start wearing these 'slurs' with pride instead of bitching about them and being offended. You can't feel like less of a person if someone calls you something which you own a t-shirt of. For their own sake.

I know a gay couple who call each other fucking faggots all the time. Love those queers.
I know a gay couple who call each other fucking faggots all the time. Love those queers.

Not really the same thing tbh. I mean, white people get offended over this shit too. Some southern dudes may call each other rednecks with pride, but they'll still get butthurt if a northerner or black person call them rednecks. Context is everything.
This one should really offend.

Really transgenders should start wearing these 'slurs' with pride instead of bitching about them and being offended. You can't feel like less of a person if someone calls you something which you own a t-shirt of. For their own sake.

I know a gay couple who call each other fucking faggots all the time. Love those queers.

Actually trans people do adopt the term for themselves, it's mostly people that aren't trans that get offended on their behalf. All my trans friends use that term in real life all the time, just like "dyke" with lesbians.

It is mostly a porn term anyway and I've read multiple times that it was invented by trans people.

It's a nice luxury for people like you and I to be able to say things like this isn't it?

Not being massively affected by words is a luxury? Fuck you're so white, mate. Cry over some fucking words.
I know someone named Bobby and someone named Jenny. I will inform them that those are hateful slurs and I shall only refer to them as Robert and Jennifer.

lol at Mort claiming I had a reading comprehension fail. You don't even know what you're talking about to begin with but: The part you quoted, as you quoted it, was "misogynist", not "transphobic". I didn't bother watching the video, so maybe your quote wasn't accurate in relation to the video, but as you wrote it, it's a compliment for "trannies".
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Honestly, if someone doesn't want to be called a specific word don't use that word to refer to them if you don't want to be seen as an asshole. It is completely different when someone outside of the "community" or whatever uses the term as oppose to those within the community. I don't see/understand how that's difficult to understand.

If you're at a social event and met someone and found out they were from like the south, are you going to be like "Oh you're a redneck"?

Or if you met a transperson and they've told you, are you going to refer to them as "tranny"?

That's fucking rude. It's different if you know the person and you established a relationship with them where that's OK. No one is saying you can't use the word. People are just saying its sorta rude to refer to people as such since many do to make fun of them. Yeah you can say people need to grow a tough skin, but people also need to stop calling people names they don't like too.
I like how everyone thinks we have enlightened ourselves out of tribalism. We've just recreated our tribes based on shit much more stupid than genetic inheritance.

PC speech functions as a modern shibboleth, except with the Gileadites thinking they aren't a tribe but the Ephraimites are, and backward at that simply for being so if nothing else. Quite the salve to the dull conscience.
Didn't see the video. I was just responding to the other comments that were off-context as well.

Fair enough.

As an aside, I think this entire reaction to the video I posted is exactly why people often repeat the "we need to teach people to have thicker skin" line because holy shit. I'd hate to see any of you fuckers watch some stand-up comedy.
Honestly, if someone doesn't want to be called a specific word don't use that word to refer to them if you don't want to be seen as an asshole. It is completely different when someone outside of the "community" or whatever uses the term as oppose to those within the community. I don't see/understand how that's difficult to understand.

If you're at a social event and met someone and found out they were from like the south, are you going to be like "Oh you're a redneck"?

Or if you met a transperson and they've told you, are you going to refer to them as "tranny"?

That's fucking rude. It's different if you know the person and you established a relationship with them where that's OK. No one is saying you can't use the word. People are just saying its sorta rude to refer to people as such since many do to make fun of them. Yeah you can say people need to grow a tough skin, but people also need to stop calling people names they don't like too.

Sure, but I don't think anyone here is calling Mort a tranny, or even arguing in favor of calling that person that. I have no idea what that person identifies as.

We're more arguing against the idea of being offended just because a word exists and is spoken in some video. It wasn't directed at Mort in anyway and yet ze(?) took offense to it. That's just thin skin. There are plenty of words that should offend me also but I don't let them have that power over me when some comedian says them. If it was specifically directed at Mort I would agree with you here.
If you're at a social event and met someone and found out they were from like the south, are you going to be like "Oh you're a redneck"?

To be honest I get this occasionally, especially when I leave state. I suppose I have a bit of a southern draw to my voice even if I cant hear it, confirmed by my wife's northern Ohio family. Usually doesn't bother me but I gotta admit some bitch cashier at a Sheetz in Punxsutawne PA mocking the way I talked made me want to punch her in the fucking face. Maybe I should rethink all this shit...
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Nobody has suggested calling trans people "tranny" to their face, not even once.

Since none of you cock gobblers watch any real television

This video is great.
Though she actually shat all over the generally agreed upon rules of consent by revealing afterwards that she was born male. I personally wouldn't care, but many progressives I know would consider that a massive faux-pas.

Also a lot of what the woman said was retarded. I would have dismantled her harder than C.K.'s dick did the night before.