If Mort Divine ruled the world

Mort, if I suck big black dick and hate myself for loving it so so much and I go as far as shaming myself and calling myself a nig loving faggot, yet I respect and I'm genuinely happy for everyone else around me in their homosexual and/or interracial relations.. am I racist and homophobic?
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Well this discussion quickly went downhill.

Identifying as transgender is certainly not a choice, going and having gender reassignment surgery is a choice. Do you think your sexuality is a choice?

(Identifying was probably not the best word here, as no doubt someone will say "well you can choose not to identify as...", but you know what I mean.)

It's funny that people are jumping down Mort's throat for being offended at the use of derogatory and offensive language. I used to use them when I was a teenager, I told myself I was doing no harm (it was only a joke), until I realised I needed to stop being such a shitty person.
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If you believe like most retard SJWs/feminists believe, that gender is a social construct, then yes being a trans person is obviously contextually a choice someone makes.

If however you care about science to some degree you have to be open to the idea that people can be born with brains and bodies that don't match. Also anybody that reduces a discussion of gender and biology down to some kind of simplistic 'male v female' dichotomy is ignoring the existence of the intersex.

Also, people wanting to change the entire way everybody talks about gender and biology because of a tiny minority in the human race is annoying and unbearable.


This term should catch the fuck on.

I realised I needed to stop being such a shitty person.

Almost can't see you up there in the clouds, on that high horse.
Well how is it not being shitty to use language that you know is directly offensive and harmful to a group of people?

I'm on no high horse, people are free to say what they want, I just acknowledged the fact that these words did harm and decided that I wasn't going to use them anymore.
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All language is shitty to someone. I personally just dislike the idea of cow-towing to another's sense of feeling offended.

Especially with humour, like my video that caused all of this, he referenced trans women not in order to insult trans women, but to insult woman (as a monolith) by implying that any woman that isn't crazy was likely born as a male.

I never use the word "tranny" because it's never found a comfortable place in my vocabulary, as anyone who knows me will attest to, but I've also never advocated the actions of people that just insult people to their face. If you're personally insulted by jokes and require others to explain the point of the joke to you, I think you probably need some help and interacting with humour is definitely not something you should be doing until you get thicker skin.

Killing the laughter of the world for your feelings is ridiculously egocentric. Humour is one of the great social tools in actually normalising the abnormal or misunderstood. It's why gay people DOMINATE the art form of comedy.
They embraced mockery and dealt with it through comedy. Master the art of self-mockery and suddenly the rest of the world is your little bitch. Black people in the west did the same. Muslims are starting to do it, you still have the occasional beheading and massacre but they're getting there.

Atheists and trans people are like, the only special snowflake groups left.
Fat people are somehow regressing, they were the original self-mockers but now they're turning into annoying whiny cunts.