If Mort Divine ruled the world

You can allow trans people to transition without also coddling them. That's where I stand, it's why I fully support the actualisation of a trans person's desires and needs as they see them whilst defending the use of words like "tranny" in jokes.

Coddling them is banning all potentially offensive speech, debating the topic on eggshells and hiding them in safe spaces.
Also I thought this would go a whole different direction, with people posting hot trannies, or "can you tell if this is a woman or not?" type pics. Oh well.
here ya go...
^lol nasty, but it's cool if that's your thing man

Nah, i posted it for you. Wanted to see how high you would have rated him on your tranny scale. ;)

when's your lying ass going to armenia

I dont lie, that's one thing i pride myself on. And if all works out then i should be there by the 18th-19th. Its not easy as you think to just get up, leave everything and go to the other side of the world. And next time spell the name of that country with a capital A, you slut.
I think you'll like it there. All kinds of hookers, from $20 ones that are roaming the streets of downtown Yerevan to top-notch ones that show up in benzes and shit.

I will not be spending much time in Yerevan though. I will probably spend a few days there and catch up with some family but will be going straight to the war torn barren lands of Artsakh/Gharabagh after that.
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nah, those whores probably have more in common with you and the women in your life than they do with people out there. They are a product of the US. This is their home, not Armenia.

I think you'll like it there. All kinds of hookers, from $20 ones that are roaming the streets of downtown Yerevan to top-notch ones that show up in benzes and shit.

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... i fail to see the connection there. Did you really think i was referring to the kardashians as hookers? Or are you trying to imply that we dont have hookers here or something? There are more hookers here in the Los Angeles area than there are in all of Armenia. But that has nothing do with what i was saying, so yeah.

Also, you cant be that black and white can you? This country basically encourages its young girls to go out and become whores(and i dont literally mean hookers bruh). Whores like the kardashians are fucking role models to a countless number of young women here. ugh. They are only Armenian by name, but they are 100% American .... right down to their slutty bones.
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... hah, touche. But that must also mean that you think most of the young women out here are whores, no? Someone like here is actually far more dangerous/harmful than a hooker(as is evident by her countless number of fans). But that also goes back to my point of her/them being purely a product of America and its current lifestyle. So we should breed whores out here and then unleash them on to the rest of the world? Sorry, but no. Let her stay here, at home where she belongs .... instead of spreading her poison throughout the world.
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I dont lie, that's one thing i pride myself on. And if all works out then i should be there by the 18th-19th. Its not easy as you think to just get up, leave everything and go to the other side of the world. And next time spell the name of that country with a capital A, you slut.

It is kinda easy tbh

armenia gets a capital A when more armenians live in that country instead of california

I watched this yesterday, and not really for a good reason. But the logic the women have makes me dislike the gender more and more. Invokes my inner Patrice O'Neal.

Film does a good job explaining how athletes are more important to universities than students but that's kind of obvious. And Fraternities (I am guessing the term fraternity industrial complex is going to come from this movie)

But holy fuck the stories these women tell.

One harvard law graduate/student tells a story about how her and her friend get drunk and pass out at some dude's house (2 on 2 scenario) and she wakes up to her friend being naked and this dude's hand finger-raping-banging. She says no and all that.

Next day she sends a text, in what she defines as 'casual,' and it says "Should I get my friend a pregnancy test?"

What the fuck kind of response is that to the person who just fingerbanged-raped you the night before!?

There's also another 'thing' about how women don't want to 'relive' the experience again and again, but happily tell the filmmaker as well as the main two women who are leading a Title IX lawsuit. But tell the administrator?! Too much to bear! What the fack? And why the hell do all these women go to campus police and not real police?!

And then the biggest issue, I think 95% of the stories in this documentary are about unconscious women due to alcohol consumption (or drugs, who knows), but holy shit do they ever reflect any kind of personal responsibility or ask them to reflect on how they lost control of their body because X
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You're enabling rape culture bro. Anyone should be able to just pass out naked anywhere they want, with all their liquid wealth littering their bodies and not one bad thing will happen to them. Not one cent will go missing.

There's a very easy answer to all your "what the fack" responses to the bullshit you listed, but it's not goodthink.
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