If Mort Divine ruled the world

Sure, but I don't think anyone here is calling Mort a tranny, or even arguing in favor of calling that person that. I have no idea what that person identifies as.

We're more arguing against the idea of being offended just because a word exists and is spoken in some video. It wasn't directed at Mort in anyway and yet ze(?) took offense to it. That's just thin skin. There are plenty of words that should offend me also but I don't let them have that power over me when some comedian says them. If it was specifically directed at Mort I would agree with you here.

I actually didn't watch the video when I posted that. It seemed to me that you guys were arguing about whether or not you can call someone something and if they get offended by a derogatory term, then it's on them. That ideology I don't agree with. I wouldn't want to be referred to as any derogatory term by people I don't know. In terms of it being used in the video for comedy, I don't mind it. Comedy is an entirely different ball game and the intention is different, so I agree with you guys there.

I've experienced people being ultra sensitive over things before (and these were things well within my goddamn realm to make a fucking joke about), so I do understand. I don't think comedy should be censored either.

I wouldn't call/refer to a group of people names that is normally used to insult them, especially if I'm not close to them though. Like I'm not going to call/refer to gays as "faggots" or some other derogatory term because it's just rude. Yes, there's freedom of speech or whatever glistening generality people like to throw out there, but if a bunch of gays are in a room with me and calling each other "faggots" I'm not going to turn around and call them that as well when they aren't my BFFs. It's not my place to joke with them like that unless it was OK'ed by them or something (not that i would feel any inclination to tbh i'm cool just letting people do their own thing). That's more of what I was trying to say in the beginning.

Also, I think Mort is a guy and not transsexual.

@Krow yeah man. The intention is like they are trying to look down on you or something. no bueno.
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I'm no comedian and I barely watch comedy, but the intention isn't very clear so I could see how someone might get offended. I guess there's many serious videos just like this where they actually believe they are right in what they are saying.

I could see my brother liking this stuff, which is a bad sign.

Either way, i'm turning this video off and watching some Netflix instead.
I'm no comedian and I barely watch comedy, but the intention isn't very clear so I could see how someone might get offended. I guess there's many serious videos just like this where they actually believe they are right in what they are saying.

I could see my brother liking this stuff, which is a bad sign.

Either way, i'm turning this video off and watching some Netflix instead.

Just means he has a sense of humour. Life is short, laugh at shit.
I'm not offended by the tranny comment but I think it's incorrect. A tranny can never be 8-10 points on the hotness scale.

I have a bone to pick with you, you piece of shit.

I finally checked out Patrice O'Neal's stand up. The Jimmy System? You sick thieving fuck.

Jimmy that hack stole everything from O'Neal.

that's a little gay dude

The irony is that there are many trans women I've met that are way out of your league. Mine too.
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