If Mort Divine ruled the world


Why am I on the list?
You were added to the list because you publicly called for someone to be fired, disinvited, shunned, no-platformed, or otherwise punished or silenced for refusing to submit to the SJW Narrative. The particular incident is linked to your name in the list. Tortious interference is not a joke.

There are three criteria for inclusion on The Complete List of SJW:

  • Self-identifying as a Social Justice Warrior
  • Publicly advocating the disemployment or no-platforming of an individual for failing to submit to the SJW Narrative
  • Being a journalist and publishing articles that support the SJW Narrative or an SJW attack campaign.
He'd only be a chickenhawk if there was a draft, don't be a fuckwit. Still trying to figure out what a "cuckservative" even is, besides being an alt-Right buzzword.

No, a chickenhawk is someone who never served in the military who is big on military "adventures". Draft dodging is just a relic of the pre-volunteer force. The most significant aspect, in practical terms, of the "cuckservative" is being very pro immigration in general. After that, there is a descending list of progressivist policies which get accepted by self proclaimed "conservatives", which make them "cuckservatives" in actuality. It's a more vulgar way of saying hypocrite, fraud/sellout, etc.
Okay, care to explain to me how Ben Shapiro falls into that definition then?

Especially given the irony that most people I see using the term are Milo dickriders and Donald Trump supporters. Two fanbases attached to two of the fakest conservatives in recent memory.
He believes that noticing differences, or making general decisions based on generalities is badthink and should be punished. That's a cuckservative. He never served in the military, yet is is very pro military adventurism in the maintenance of empire. That's a chickenhawk.

Ben is a smart guy but like most smart guys (I'll include myself), we can be both right and wrong at any given time. He is right that many/most military members are hawks, and that the left has no interest in the military having much say in FP. However, the difference between the Sheehans and the Moores, and the Chicken Hawks, and the military hawks, is that the military hawks know the net cost (and where the real cost is). The Moores only see the cost (edit: in dogtags and money-that-could-be-spent-on-dindus), and the chickenhawk only sees the (expected) revenue.
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This seems really stupid and is an example of you going too far and doing mental gymnastics. Kind of embarrassing.

I've not seen or heard him say restrictive immigration policy is racism in action, the few times he has agreed with Donald trump for example was on his immigration ideas. He also is in favour of freedom of association as far as I'm aware, he supports religious people not baking cakes for gay weddings obviously.

If anything he's a supporter of free markets, in the same way Sowell supports free markets because that's also the most effective way to deal with bigotry, they lose money and either change or struggle.

Edit: Oh you edited your post. Well, still.
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This seems really stupid and is an example of you going too far and doing mental gymnastics. Kind of embarrassing.

I've not seen or heard him say restrictive immigration policy is racism in action, the few times he has agreed with Donald trump for example was on his immigration ideas. He also is in favour of freedom of association as far as I'm aware, he supports religious people not baking cakes for gay weddings obviously.

If anything he's a supporter of free markets, in the same way Sowell supports free markets because that's also the most effective way to deal with bigotry, they lose money and either change or struggle.

Edit: Oh you edited your post. Well, still.

Well you can say people are wrong but have the right to their opinion. This is what makes him not an SJW. However, what the "Wrong opinion" is can still get you a cuckservative. The real litmus test would be if the "market" proved to not support what he thought was right. I think there are quite a many people who believe in Freedom until it doesn't turn out how they like. I've already come to terms with that after dalliances with Anarchistic philosophy. Frankly most people can't handle and/or don't want Freedom - for themselves and/or others. I don't want it for people who can't handle it or want it. So there we go. There's basically only a small fraction of the population for which Freedom (as opposed to freedom) is generally desirable from all angles. Any other position shows a distinct lack of exposure/knowledge of humanity, or an obtuse holding of an ideal in the face of overwhelming evidence.