If Mort Divine ruled the world

I think that's beyond retarded. That you don't want freedom for people who can't handle it or don't want it.

I agree with the rest. You come a little close to justifying authoritarianism though, lately.
You actually need to ask?

Because like speech, freedom is meaningless if it only exists for some. Like the right to speech is void without the right to listen. The desire to not be censored is nothing if coupled with a desire to be a censor.

Speech is meaningless if one doesn't use rules of the language, not if only some can use it. Freedom has its own rules.
I really can't imagine Dak as a therapist working in his field. He'd be trying to play by the book and give people sound advice, but with awkward pauses while secretly labeling them buzzwords like "cuckservatives" and "libtards" and "SJW" and hating them immensely. I think he'd hate that job too. Hope you get into research or something else like you said bro.

Well I am pretty sure I'd enjoy research more than the therapy side of it. In addition, I always wanted to work with veterans, not the general public so much. At least up until possibly the near future, the nature of the military caused it to lack many of those types. But I have years of retail experience, dealing with ignorant fellow service members, and then sitting through some intensely liberal college classes without developing a twitch or anything.

Very rarely do I hate though. Most people can't help it, and the problem is no one wants to admit this. Blank slatism and all that. "If only they had a few more classes".

Edit: Just to give you a anecdote about my general disposition: People are very surprised when they find out I listen to death metal etc (if they find out). People each have their own shortcomings. I don't get mad at the person who lacks the wetware to do certain things - I do get angry at those who wish to destroy civilization just to try and squeeze the proverbial blood from a stone.
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Well I am pretty sure I'd enjoy research more than the therapy side of it. In addition, I always wanted to work with veterans, not the general public so much. At least up until possibly the near future, the nature of the military caused it to lack many of those types. But I have years of retail experience, dealing with ignorant fellow service members, and then sitting through some intensely liberal college classes without developing a twitch or anything.

Very rarely do I hate though. Most people can't help it, and the problem is no one wants to admit this. Blank slatism and all that. "If only they had a few more classes".

There are millions of democratic military vets though also


"The nation’s 24 million troops and veterans...A Pew survey released last year showed post-9/11 veterans’ political leanings: 36% describe themselves as Republicans, and 21% as Democrats"
Very true, but I doubt you have a friendly view of democrats in general if you dislike and call names to conservatives who only disagree with you on a single issue or two.

I don't walk around using it. I just don't care if some do. I wish I could find conservatives with only a single issue disagreement :p.

I avoid talking about politics with pretty much anyone outside of this forum because I'm most likely only going to hear some incredibly vapid and uninformed opinion, even if I happen to agree with the sentiment, and they won't be able to follow along with any sort of intelligent input I might provide. It would be a conversation destined for a quick death and no one would be better off for it. This forum functions as more of an outlet valve in that regard than anything. Plus there is, relatively speaking, a larger contingent of those that can at least follow along and provide intelligent counterpoints than what I would run into otherwise.
I don't walk around using it. I just don't care if some do. I wish I could find conservatives with only a single issue disagreement :p.

I avoid talking about politics with pretty much anyone outside of this forum because I'm most likely only going to hear some incredibly vapid and uninformed opinion, even if I happen to agree with the sentiment, and they won't be able to follow along with any sort of intelligent input I might provide. It would be a conversation destined for a quick death and no one would be better off for it. This forum functions as more of an outlet valve in that regard than anything. Plus there is, relatively speaking, a larger contingent of those that can at least follow along and provide intelligent counterpoints than what I would run into otherwise.

If you put yourself and your own viewpoints on a pedestal like that, of course you're going to think other people's viewpoints are vapid and uninformed. What if their viewpoints are just as thought out as yours, only following a different line of reasoning that pertains to them and their own lives? What if they just don't want to talk about it, or don't spend all day overthinking it? Arguing politics is no fun most of the time, but I have definitely spent a lot of time thinking about my opinions and why I hold them.

Anyway, my main point is that: Even if outwardly you're a really nice guy and I believe that, inwardly as you express here you have very very strong judgements of people. And I think if your inward self does not agree with your outward self it would be difficult to be happy in that job. Speaking from personal experience in other jobs here.
If you put yourself and your own viewpoints on a pedestal like that, of course you're going to think other people's viewpoints are vapid and uninformed. What if their viewpoints are just as thought out as yours, only following a different line of reasoning that pertains to them and their own lives? What if they just don't want to talk about it, or don't spend all day overthinking it? Arguing politics is no fun most of the time, but I have definitely spent a lot of time thinking about my opinions and why I hold them.

Even if I disagree with the thoughts of someone like yourself, or Pat, or BO, etc, I wouldn't call them vapid. But we're talking about an incredibly small slice of humanity that that pertains too. Just because someone puts a lot of thought into something, that provides no guarantee whatsoever of quality. There are very involved and thought out arguments for a flat earth.

Anyway, my main point is that: Even if outwardly you're a really nice guy and I believe that, inwardly as you express here you have very very strong judgements of people. And I think if your inward self does not agree with your outward self it would be difficult to be happy in that job. Speaking from personal experience in other jobs here.

You are conflating judgement with hate. Why?
Whenever I hear "cuckservative" it just makes me think of conservatarians or conservatives that aren't ideologically rigid. Depending on who says it, it also makes me think of conservatives that aren't extremists or racists, like when Trumptards say it. A lot of those people are Jew conspiracy theorists.
I don't even know what conservative is supposed to mean to the average person other than "Cruz voter" or something. There's certainly no rigidity in Republican voting habits. There are racists supporting Trump, but that really is a red herring in regards to policy proposals. You can be right for the wrong reasons. I think that cuckservative was born out of the frustration that "RINO" had lost any impact it may possibly have had.
cuckservatives are conservatives who compromise their views and bend to the will of the left to be more popular. they let themselves get fucked in the ass like Paul Ryan who was generally ineffective at stopping Obama.