If Mort Divine ruled the world

There really isn't any real evidence that raising wages to $15 would significantly increase inflation to the point where it is noticeable. The equilibrium price for most goods shouldn't be affected by that (according to econ textbooks, anyway).

I do not necessarily agree with the $15 proposal, but it's clear that the current wage is too low when compared with overall cost of living.
Noticeable for who? The point of the article is that even small increases will be disproportionately felt by those at the bottom of the economic ladder.

There is not a single person who would suggest that wages have kept up with inflation. So why is it always wages that are immediately looked at as opposed to inflation?
I thought the argument was more about unemployment, not inflation. Doubling the minimum wage could absolutely eat away the profit margins of small businesses and reduce the number of people they're able to hire.
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More fun with Trump protestors:

Not as full blown retarded as some of the other videos but the lack of specifics given when asked to give examples of why they oppose Trump is pretty staggering. And that last woman, fucking hell. "We're here on my sons behalf". And what was that about painting with broad strokes? Pot, meet kettle.

*Edit* Sorry to throw a wrench in your narrative person @ 1:02 but...

Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want
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Costs of living is rising because there's limited space + a plethora of wealthy people looking to buy into that area?

How do you combat rising prices without price controls? Highly efficient manufacturing?

Not everyone has to live in NYC.
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I thought the argument was more about unemployment, not inflation. Doubling the minimum wage could absolutely eat away the profit margins of small businesses and reduce the number of people they're able to hire.

Well that's a problem with raising the minimum wage. The reason people want the minwage raised is because it's a dumb solution to an actual problem.
It's any residential neighborhood that actually has good jobs outside of manufacturing

A minimum wage job isn't a "good job" so I don't get your point. We've never had 100% "good jobs" in the history of our country. The most manufacturing jobs we've had was immediately after WW2 when we made up more than half of the entire world's industrial output, and had an entire devastated continent to sell goods to. Those jobs aren't coming back unless there's another world disaster.
Cost of living generally rises with the good jobs you mentioned before. Meaning, of course Joe Burgerflipper is going to eventually get priced out of the market if enough John Engineers move into town. What's the point of encouraging people to hold noncompetitive and overvalued menial labor jobs?
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The point is that those jobs simply aren't going to disappear or no longer need to be filled. People will need to do that work and keep getting 'gentrified' out of those areas. With more and more people getting into that state of affluency, I would imagine more and more people are in the service economy and/or the sharing than ever before.
Of course they can disappear

- Payroll cost increases
- Profitability decreases (or hell maybe they can't afford operating cost/rent space/raw materials from suppliers/utilities anymore)
- So they lay people off (or slash the salaries of those above minimum wage why the fuck not)
- Production output decreases because of less workers
- But the company stays afloat (while making less money)
- They could increase prices of their products but that could turn away customers

Alternatively, have manufacturing done in Mexico


MINIMUM WAGE NEEDS TO BE LOW. If you wanna make more money get a better job you fuckin bums
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I agree there should be a low (but reasonable) minimum wage. There needs to be low paying jobs to incentivize upward mobility. If everyone can just make a living working at Burger King, then why work on progress? People would just do that their whole lives and never be pushed to do anything else.

However, minimum wage does need to pay significantly better than like welfare at least. And it should just keep up with inflation. So it is always somewhat uncomfortably low, but never dangerously low.
The point is that those jobs simply aren't going to disappear or no longer need to be filled. People will need to do that work and keep getting 'gentrified' out of those areas. With more and more people getting into that state of affluency, I would imagine more and more people are in the service economy and/or the sharing than ever before.

Do gentrified neighborhoods need Walmarts or McDonald's? There's this great new thing called automation that has been on the rise for the last 40 or so years, btw. Human-performed service work has never been less valuable.
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Those neighborhoods need Starbucks, restaraunts and whatever other bullshit rich people spend their money on

You're being silly on automation. Our society encourages, both religiously and financially, to have plethora of children. This is creating an unbalance that is turning our system into a welfare state because overpopulation + only country that welcomes all kinds of immigrants = benefit to capitalists, detriment to everything else
TBH it's kind of bs that people get tax breaks for having too many kids. Since I pay more than them, it's basically punishing me for being responsible, and encouraging them to have more.
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Those neighborhoods need Starbucks, restaraunts and whatever other bullshit rich people spend their money on

You're being silly on automation. Our society encourages, both religiously and financially, to have plethora of children. This is creating an unbalance that is turning our system into a welfare state because overpopulation + only country that welcomes all kinds of immigrants = benefit to capitalists, detriment to everything else

An actual restaurant in a swank part of town will pay its employees well in excess of minimum wage.

Only the Mexicans reproduce like beasts, and The Wall(tm) is going to fix that. Every first-world nation has a slowing birth rate, and countries like Japan are going negative. That's a good thing. If the common man wants to stop benefit the ebil corporations, they should stop sticking their dicks in everything.
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