If Mort Divine ruled the world

Is Clickhole the Onion parody of those clickbait websites? Or is that something else? I don't know if I want to click on that link.
much funnier than the onion IMO. idk if it's the exact same people behind it, but if it is it seems like they're way more uninhibited and less concerned with being mainstream-palatable. it's actually too absurd and ridiculous to really be classed as satire a lot of the time.

Found this in Vilnius yesterday. Best thing ever?

I lol'd

One of the most maddening arguments that I’ve seen from feminists and social justice warriors is that there’s no such thing as discrimination against men. These hashtag activists make insane assertions that men are not the victims of sexism, and use all sorts of faulty rhetoric to try to prove their ludicrous claims. I’m sorry, feminists, but I’m simply not buying it. If discrimination against men doesn’t exist, then how come eagles keep grabbing me by my penis and pulling me into the sky?

It’s a simple matter of examining the evidence. Any SJW claiming that “reverse sexism” is a myth is ignoring the fact that every single time I walk outside, a shrieking eagle swoops out of the sky, clutches my penis in its talons, and flies away with me into the clouds as my cries for help grow fainter and fainter over the horizon. This is a struggle that I have to endure several times every single day, and it’s a direct result of my gender.

Now, before the feminists fire up their outrage machine and start tearing me apart on Twitter, let me just ask you this: When a woman walks outside, does she ever have to fill her pockets with stones in a futile attempt to make herself too heavy for an eagle to lift her by the penis up into the sky? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Yet when my pocket stones are too heavy for just one eagle to lift me, a second eagle often comes to help it, and the two eagles latch onto my penis together and fly with my flailing body into the woods. It often takes weeks for me to hitchhike my way back home.

Last time I checked, the hack feminist bloggers making $90,000 a year to complain about diversity in Marvel movies have never had to worry about when the next time an eagle is going to grab their penis, pull them kicking and screaming up their own chimney, and carry them through the sky to the roof of a distant parking garage. Please, though, go right ahead and lecture me about my so-called “male privilege.” I’ll be sitting here with undivided attention.

Frankly, I’m sick and tired of SJWs insisting that sexism against men doesn’t exist while constantly ignoring the gender-based discrimination that eagles subject me to on a daily basis. Yesterday, I was driving to work when an eagle reached its legs through my sunroof, grabbed my penis in its claws, and pulled me into the sky through the roof of my car. Women’s rights militants always so convenientlyoverlook this, but my car then careened off the road and burst into flames while the eagle carried me to a nearby cathedral and swung me by my penis into the church bells in order to play Simon and Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water.”

This would never have happened to me if I didn’t have a penis. Yet every time I point this out to feminists, or mention that after years of eagle attacks, my threadbare, talon-frayed genitals feel like they’re turning to dust, these SJWs dismiss my complaints as “male tears” and refuse to pay any attention to the concrete, empirical truths that I’m placing right in front of them. But the fact of the matter remains: Every eagle that dangles me upside down in the sky by my genitals is a living reminder that discrimination against men is a real and enduring problem, and no amount of Tumblr posts claiming that such reverse sexism doesn’t exist is going to make it disappear.

Mic. Dropped.
The anti-SJW team is falling apart and it's hilarious. Milo just got destroyed by Ben, I think the honeymoon is over.

I do think Shapiro has a point though, Milo is an intellectual coward and I've felt this way for a long time with him.

Ben has his own weakpoints, but Milo is an intellectual coward. He does well against SJWs because they have no intellectual nor factual bases. He can just mock them basically, effectively. Shapiro isn't susceptible to Milo's typical guff.
I realised Milo was as weak as he is the moment he was questioned on his views on atheists and instead of destroying the question, he avoided it.

Opened my eyes to the fact that anybody with any level of debate skills could decimate him easily and that's why he avoids all debates and where he doesn't (re: Joe Rogan on circumcision) he gets destroyed and converted.
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This is barely relevant but I'm drunk and as funny as Joe Rogan is dude needs to stfu about science and weed. I get it man, you fucking smoke weed and you're an atheist/agnostic who thinks space is cool. Like 9/10 other people. PLEASE for fucks sake just stick to making fun of your girlfriend, sounds like such a basic bitch when he tries to wax intellectual.
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The anti-SJW team is falling apart and it's hilarious. Milo just got destroyed by Ben, I think the honeymoon is over.

I do think Shapiro has a point though, Milo is an intellectual coward and I've felt this way for a long time with him.

I could have sworn you were sucking Milo's dick here just a few months ago.

The only thing he has going for him is that he's a flamboyant homosexual that can say things on television and college campuses he couldn't as an ordinary straight guy. I don't really get the impression that he believes the things he says, he just knows he can make a name for himself by saying them. Best case, he's like one of those kinds of women that just agrees with what her husband believes, but since he apparently likes the big black cock I find that statistically unlikely as well.
Feel free to show proof of that, but I've not said I'm not a fan. He's hilarious and entertaining, doesn't mean I won't criticise him.

I like you but I have no problem with calling you a retarded faggot with shit opinions 99% of the time.

Edit: actually I get into quite a lot of arguments with Milo dickriders online, they're some of the most annoying people on the internet.
As I said, I've never hidden the fact that I'm a fan of his for very specific reasons, but by no means is he an idol above criticism or anything. He's just funny, Jim Jefferies the Australian comedian is funny but his views on guns are terrible and I have no problem shitting on him for it.

Absolutes are pretty retarded, either you like or hate someone 100% is not something I subscribe to.
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I only like up to the last season with Michael Scott. After that can dildo itself in the ass like Onder.