If Mort Divine ruled the world

You would think that the most victimized people in this country (women and gays) would be more inclined to arm themselves. You never hear about mass shootings thwarted by someone packing heat though. They happen, but it goes against the current agenda of 'ban dem gunzz'

You would think precisely that, but 'their' party wants government dependence, not empowerment. Which means call the cops, wait 5 minutes and watch while everyone becomes a victim. More victims = more anti-gun political mandate = less guns, which further perpetuates the victim cycle. Repeat over a few more decades until we can't even legally own a rusty spoon.

I snope'sed it, and she did say this, although she included more things about war that affect women. However, I do think that, you know, dying in war has a sort of overriding finality that refugee status et all doesn't override.
Because to be a mass shooting, it has to have happened. "Oh nothing happened" doesn't get much play in the news.
Someone armed to the teeth and ready to take down a whole bunch of casualties being taken out by an innocent HERO bystander before they had a chance would surely be the stuff of dreams for a journalist, would it not?
Well these gun free zones are certainly a wet blanket on the 'if everybody was armed' argument then aren't they. They should be eradicated immediately. There's no problem that more guns can't fix.
The only issue I see with this in the states is that each individual state determines which zones are 'gun free' and they do differ across each state.

From what I've read most gun free zones are schools, hospitals, music venues, cinemas, religious buildings and shopping malls and I guess now social spots like clubs. These are usually the places that mass shooters target.

Are any of those places different state to state with their gun bearing policies?
From what I've read most gun free zones are schools, hospitals, music venues, cinemas, religious buildings and shopping malls. These are usually the places that mass shooters target.

Are any of those places different state to state with their gun bearing policies?

Yes. There are music venues here which allow people to carry (if you include bars as music venues). I know there are some across the river in Kentucky where I can carry too. If a venue doesn't want someone to carry, a sign needs to be posted in a conspicuous location (like an entry way door). However, some states enforce that and some don't. It's weird.

In addition, you can carry in most liquor establishments as long as you don't consume alcohol. Here is a copy of Ohio's CCW laws. Page 10 has a list of 'gun free' zones

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Agreed, they should be eradicated. There is less gun crime in America in areas with common gun ownership and it's not uncommon to see armed pedestrians foil robberies.

Armed pedestrians foil robberies because in many cases robbers don't have a firearm.

Also, areas with more registered gun ownership tend to be outside heavy urban areas, which have more crime to begin with. It probably has less to do with gun ownership than it does with other factors such as wealth disparity, gang violence, etc.

I try to stay out of this whole debate because, to be entirely honest, I'm not as die-hard about gun regulation as many of my colleagues are. It isn't that I'm concerned for my reputation as a left-wing academic so much as it has to do with my understanding that arguing with those who take a hard stance on regulation isn't very productive.

As far as I'm concerned, more guns means more gun violence (like Paul Virilio said - when you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck). Allowing open carry laws in public places such as theaters or nightclubs won't reduce the number of individuals who seek to harm others, it will only (maybe) reduce the number of victims. All in all, I'm not opposed to people carrying guns if they want, although I absolutely admit that it makes me uneasy. I'm also not opposed to any venue, public or private (restaurants, theaters, nightclubs, schools, etc.), prohibiting firearms from their premises.
Agreed, they should be eradicated. There is less gun crime in America in areas with common gun ownership and it's not uncommon to see armed pedestrians foil robberies.
Oh fuck yeah man, more guns and freedumz.

Oh hang on, I enjoy living in a society with extremely little gun crime at all.
Sometimes I think I'm the only Brit in the world who likes the Castle Doctrine and wishes we re-adopted it.
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