If Mort Divine ruled the world


Malnutrition has become “the new normal” and now affects a third of humanity, according to a study that warns of the devastating human and economic toll ofundernutrition and obesity.

The 2016 global nutrition report says the world is not doing enough to tackle a worldwide epidemic that is leaving more and more people suffering from diet-related conditions such as stunting, anaemia, heart disease and diabetes.

It finds that almost half the countries surveyed are experiencing very serious levels of both undernutrition and overweight or obese adults, while the number of children under five who are overweight is now approaching the number of those who suffer from wasting, or acute malnutrition.

Avoid eggs guys. Lots of cholesterol. Eat lots of processed low cholesterol food. Also don't go running because sunshine gives cancer and impact hurts the knees. omg why isn't everyone the healthiest ever?

Avoid eggs guys. Lots of cholesterol. Eat lots of processed low cholesterol food. Also don't go running because sunshine gives cancer and impact hurts the knees. omg why isn't everyone the healthiest ever?

Excessive sun exposure does cause cancer, and even if it didn't, it's shown to cause premature aging of the skin. Best to avoid it and leave the tanning for leather jackets. Acknowledgement of this fact is not the cause of couch potato lifestyles. Besides, it's not as if running is the only cardiovascular exercise out there.
Pretty sure first-world dietary advice has no impact on third-world starvation.

It doesn't, but I'm not talking to third worlders. Malnutrition doesn't only include starvation.

Excessive sun exposure does cause cancer, and even if it didn't, it's shown to cause premature aging of the skin. Best to avoid it and leave the tanning for leather jackets. Acknowledgement of this fact is not the cause of couch potato lifestyles. Besides, it's not as if running is the only cardiovascular exercise out there.

"Excessive". Not "any". I heard it used as an excuse once or twice. When you don't want to do something any excuse is good enough I guess. Of course there's all sorts of cardio, I mentioned the easiest one.
Just leaving .2cents here in lieu of the craziness and all the debate about gun control and stuff from the recent Orlando shootings. Personally, I believe our greatest strength as a people in the United States is our diversity. When people take events that happened in Orlando to further their own political agenda (i.e. Donald Trump using it to further perpetrate Islamophobia...) in the wake of the shootings of the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood, no one threw around the term "Christian extremist" but of course it's thrown around in this situation.

Oh please, and Obama hasnt used gun shootings in the past to promote his gun control agenda? And Hillary? These types of incidents are sad and should be mourned, but it is also the responsibility of leaders to identify the problem and seek solutions. I guess Trump is just an asshole because he isnt PC enough to ignore the Islamic terrorist threat and focus on the strawman gun control issue.

As logic stands, the only common denominator in mass shootings is assault rifles. Not race, not religion.

So much logical fallacy in your logic. Are people honestly still blaming guns for violent crime? The only real common denominator in mass shootings or other acts of terrorism is that the perpetrators are invariably disturbed mentally. However do not misunderstand, there is a difference between indiscriminate killings like in the Columbine case and 'off-the deep-end' killings/murders involving parents or teachers vs. acts of terrorism with a hate-filled message (neither of which 'guns' are the prime mover). While both are equally tragic when it comes to the victims and their families, acts of terror with a message are far more damaging to the morale of the people and tend to have more long-lasting ramifications.

There is enough evidence to suggest that the Orlando shootings were an act of terror done in the name of ISIS. This man was inundated with radical Islamic values, and thus attacked with religious motivations. On point, ISIS had even forewarned about such acts of terror 3 days before the shooting. But no, clearly the AR-15 is to blame. Stone cold logic.
Reading speculation that more than one person was a shooter in the nightclub. No one can corroborate it of course (a la conspiracy theories). 'Friends' of victims say more than one shooter was present, but that's considered hearsay in court so...
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Reading speculation that more than one person was a shooter in the nightclub. No one can corroborate it of course (a la conspiracy theories). 'Friends' of victims say more than one shooter was present, but that's considered hearsay in court so...

Yeah and now supposed cellphone footage is bouncing around FB showing "crisis actors" being taken to the Pulse nightclub.

"Liberty is a threat to liberty" says constitutional law professor.


Not in my hands. I’ve shot pistols before, but never something like an AR-15. Squeeze lightly on the trigger and the resulting explosion of firepower is humbling and deafening (even with ear protection).

The recoil bruised my shoulder. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

America needs to do better on mental health it would seem, even if all religious extremists were removed from the equation you would still have many lunatics committing atrocities and the real common denominator that I can see is mental health and drug usage/medication.
I'm incapable of understanding why people think guns are the only dangerous thing in the world. These murdering/crazy assholes would build bombs if necessary, or potato cannons loaded with spiky acid balls, or just go old fashioned and stab people. It's not like if allll the guns completely disappeared they'd just think WELL GEE WIZ NO GUNS GUESS I'LL BE A GOOD PERSON INSTEAD.

I understand nobody here is retarded enough to make that argument but I can't sleep and it's my two cents. The weapon is always irrelevant. Unless it's a nuclear bomb. There's a reason those are so expensive.
I'd know. I've wanted a nuclear bomb since I was a kid but every year beneath the Christmas tree there's none to be found.
I want you to get your girlfriend pregnant because I'd genuinely laugh my fucking ass off and never be able to arch again. Worth it.
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