If Mort Divine ruled the world

to be fair im having a lot of trouble telling these other people apart, i guess people with similar opinions MUST be the same person theres no other logical explaination
Wait, so I didn't meet Mort this past January...?


So I've been seeing a lot of stuff about rape and consent recently and I've been surprised by the amount of college bro-dawgz that don't seem to know how to grasp the concept of consent. How fucking retarded does someone have to be to not be able to understand no means no?

Another thing that annoys me are the people that say things like "I shouldn't have to protect myself, men should just stop raping women" or "we need to teach boys that rape is wrong".

First, men aren't herd animals. We also don't have weekly man meetings with king man to discuss how we are going to go out into the world and rape people. Saying "men should just stop raping" is an ignorant generalization just like saying "black people should just stop committing crimes". Yes, rape is horrible. No, you shouldn't have to protect yourself from other people, but this is the real world. You don't hear stores say "We shouldn't have to have security systems, people should just not steal products". In a perfect world people would be able to do as they please without being hurt by someone else, but this is not nor will it ever be a perfect world. So either be safe and prepared to protect yourself or understand that you could become a victim.

Second, teaching kids that rape is wrong isn't a bad idea, but believing that it will solve the problem is like saying "if we just taught kids that murder is wrong..." or "if we teach kids that stealing is wrong...". And no amount of social change, awareness, or teaching will reach the men that actively prey on women. They are already acting outside of the law and outside of society. Instead of teaching kids people should continue to focus on college students.
Saying "men should just stop raping" is an ignorant generalization just like saying "black people should just stop committing crimes". Yes, rape is horrible. No, you shouldn't have to protect yourself from other people, but this is the real world. You don't hear stores say "We shouldn't have to have security systems, people should just not steal products". In a perfect world people would be able to do as they please without being hurt by someone else, but this is not nor will it ever be a perfect world. So either be safe and prepared to protect yourself or understand that you could become a victim.

Because women are a commodity for men to consume, making rape equivalent to theft, of course of course.

Also please evaluate yourself if you truly believe that there can be no such thing as a world without rape. Certainly the drive to rape will always exist, but there could exist a world where a man once he realises his desire to commit a rape seeks a mental health professional instead of committing a rape, and receives the help he needs. Certainly there can be a world where greater education on what rape actually constitutes is possible, and a world where human beings look out for other human beings is certainly not out of the question.

Saying that a world where predatory outliers cant be mitigated or outright prevented is absolute idiocy.
I think the biggest issue with people who say education on rape wouldn't be effective is they just have poor ideas of what rape really entails or how it happens most often

I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that the masked sexual assaulter holding a knife to the woman's throat is definitely a problem, but the myriad cases of men taking advantage of intoxicated women means that maybe people don't have such a great understanding of consent and rape in the first place. Not to mention it is far more likely to be someone the victim is close with that does the assault.

Teach women to be aware and to protect themselves, but also teach men more thoroughly about consent and what is and isn't acceptable.

I don't think many will go around with the masked violent rapist shtick, but fucking someone who cannot legally consent due to the level of intoxication they're at, or coercing someone who is clearly uncomfortable, etc. I'm sure many more don't even see the issue with either when potentially happening upon those situations
Curious, what do transsexuals usually identify as? Do they identify as transsexuals or do they identify as the gender they are transitioning to? Or is it case by case?
Because women are a commodity for men to consume, making rape equivalent to theft, of course of course.

Also please evaluate yourself if you truly believe that there can be no such thing as a world without rape. Certainly the drive to rape will always exist, but there could exist a world where a man once he realises his desire to commit a rape seeks a mental health professional instead of committing a rape, and receives the help he needs. Certainly there can be a world where greater education on what rape actually constitutes is possible, and a world where human beings look out for other human beings is certainly not out of the question.

Saying that a world where predatory outliers cant be mitigated or outright prevented is absolute idiocy.

I wasn't making rape equivalent to theft I was showing how the idea that teaching people that something is wrong and expecting that to keep everyone from doing it is fucking retarded.

:rolleyes: Because we all know that all people that want to cause others harm will stop and think "Oh gee, I should not do that and get help" if they were educated. I'm sure Albert Fish wouldn't have eaten people if he just had a mental health professional to call.
Unless there is a one world government with good morals that can police every spot on the planet constantly there will never be a world without rape, murder, etc. People will never be perfect.
I've evaluated myself and still feel the same.
Now that doesn't mean that we as human beings shouldn't strive to reduce the amount of rape and try to eradicate it, but to believe that it can be completely eradicated and never happen again is foolish.

Also, I was only speaking of education when talking about predators. There are ways to mitigate the threat, but education and awareness will not change them. Education and awareness can help other people to be alert and protect their self and others, like you said, but it won't change the heart or mind of someone that doesn't operate by society's moral standard.

I think the biggest issue with people who say education on rape wouldn't be effective is they just have poor ideas of what rape really entails or how it happens most often

I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that the masked sexual assaulter holding a knife to the woman's throat is definitely a problem, but the myriad cases of men taking advantage of intoxicated women means that maybe people don't have such a great understanding of consent and rape in the first place. Not to mention it is far more likely to be someone the victim is close with that does the assault.

Teach women to be aware and to protect themselves, but also teach men more thoroughly about consent and what is and isn't acceptable.

I don't think many will go around with the masked violent rapist shtick, but fucking someone who cannot legally consent due to the level of intoxication they're at, or coercing someone who is clearly uncomfortable, etc. I'm sure many more don't even see the issue with either when potentially happening upon those situations

Definitely. I was only talking about those that actively decide to assault and forcibly rape women instead of idiots that don't understand consent. Education and spreading awareness is a good way to reach those that do not for what ever reason understand consent.
"Boys need to stop raping" is a bullshit statement SOLELY for the fact that rape is not a gender-exclusive behavior tbh.

I saw this FCKH8 vidya on YouTube once where they had 8 year old girls dressed up in dresses spouting that bullshit. "Teach boys not to fucking rape". More like teach these young girls to not be sexist cunts.
No, but the VAST MAJORITY is done by men...

FCKH8 is trash though.

Women having some degree of "sexism" as a defense mechanism to deal with the oppression that they deal with living in a patriarchal society is probably not a bad thing ldo.
Seriously curious how many times it needs to be spelled out that an entire thread devoted to "beautiful women" is sexist as shit, all the gross sexual implications aside.
No, but the VAST MAJORITY is done by men...

FCKH8 is trash though.

Women having some degree of "sexism" as a defense mechanism to deal with the oppression that they deal with living in a patriarchal society is probably not a bad thing ldo.

Men doing most of the raping is irrelevant. Again, it is not a gender-exclusive behavior.

And "fight fire with fire" is a child's mentality tbh. :danceboy:
Men doing most of the raping is irrelevant. Again, it is not a gender-exclusive behavior.

And "fight fire with fire" is a child's mentality tbh. :danceboy:

not when it is a means of survival you fuck up

you seem to have some pretty intimate knowledge of the mentalities of children
