If Mort Divine ruled the world

Pretty much. Bigotry is fucking bigotry, whether you're oppressed or not. If you spout bigotry and sexism, whether you're a woman, man, transgender, etc or not, you're a cunt.

not when it is a means of survival you fuck up

you seem to have some pretty intimate knowledge of the mentalities of children


Haha, you wonder why no one here takes you seriously. (Protip: its cause you're an insufferable bleeding twat tbh.)

Also don't make me bring up that you were the original "resident pedophile" on these boards tbh; may want to think about that before you start implying things you really don't want to be implying. :lol:
I don't want to be "taken seriously" by the likes of you.

Also yeah, sure, when I was 18-19 or so, but clearly I've moved beyond being a complete piece of shit.

And no, oppression matters. Hating ones oppressor is complete natural and completely defensible.
And no, oppression matters. Hating ones oppressor is complete natural and completely defensible.

Except that your personal dictionary defines oppressor as simply belonging to a more privileged class. You could be the most progressive-minded person in the world, but you're still an oppressor by that definition. It's all just a black-and-white, Manichean dichotomy between the wicked oppressors and the righteous oppressed. Oppression "matters" in that it exempts the latter group from observing basic decency.

No, but the VAST MAJORITY is done by men...

I don't know why I didn't respond before, but it's impossible for a woman to rape a man, because rape = coercion + power.
SJW's are retarded and they are generally in a fucking massive us and them dichotomy between themselves and an imagined reactionary white male mass, that might soil their beautiful cultural indian carpets and vomit on the chinese arts and crafts. It's a load of bullshit.
Men doing most of the raping is irrelevant. Again, it is not a gender-exclusive behavior.

:err: Could you explain... well, both of these a bit more?

I'm not sure exactly how you're juxtaposing these two statements. Are you suggesting that because the word "rape" doesn't specify gender that its meaning somehow trumps the historical details of particular cases? I would say that I disagree entirely; "rape" has no singular meaning, it has a historical meaning - and that meaning strongly connotes sexual violence committed by men against women.

Trying to remove the gender dynamics from a word like "rape" is similar (in an American context) to trying to remove racial dynamics from a word like "slavery." Throughout the past multiple peoples have been enslaved; but there is a specific racial component to pre-Civil War plantation slavery that cannot be extricated from use of the word. If the abolitionists had attempted to outlaw slavery in the nineteenth century by ignoring its racial components, they would not have gotten anywhere.

Finally - and this will likely be controversial - I want to suggest that rape, etymologically speaking, is tied to masculinity. That is, even the use of the term, going back to its roots, had very strong reverberations in a male-dominated hierarchy. The word in Latin originally meant to seize, and wasn't primarily used to signify sexual assault. Seizure gets us to property. While it was the case that Roman women could hold property, the means of doing so were less available to them and highly regulated, and there was no preponderance of property-owning women that rivaled the men. So, while rapere eventually came to mean "snatch," or even "seize" in a less loaded sense, we can imagine that its original creation/use developed within a set of property relations involving men.

Coincidentally, there is a Latin word used specifically for sexual assault (if I recall correctly); and it also carries along with it a specific masculine connotation.

It is often tempting to think that the words we use somehow free us from historical happenstance or political/ideological conditions, but this simply isn't true; words carry profound histories along with them.
Did Mort make an alt or who is this person (note: gender nonspecific!)?

He brought two flunkies he knows from elsewhere to agree with him here. (Seriously)

And apparently cries about this board on other corners of the Internet.
Seriously curious how many times it needs to be spelled out that an entire thread devoted to "beautiful women" is sexist as shit, all the gross sexual implications aside.

If you take issue with the existence of a thread like that then you do not belong on this forum. Have a nice day.

Coincidentally, there is a Latin word used specifically for sexual assault (if I recall correctly); and it also carries along with it a specific masculine connotation.

Constuprare, perhaps?
what can prevent sluts from having CONSENSUAL sex

and then days/weeks/months/YEARS later claim "hey that was rape!"

they just ruin men's lives because they're money-grabbing hoes.

look at Roman Polanksi / Bill Cosby