If Mort Divine ruled the world

That doesn't present an problem with my statement because two 13 year olds having sex = two individuals having sex with a 13 year old.
what can prevent sluts from having CONSENSUAL sex

and then days/weeks/months/YEARS later claim "hey that was rape!"

they just ruin men's lives because they're money-grabbing hoes.

look at Roman Polanksi / Bill Cosby

You are a bit soft in the head, aren't you? Roman Polanski is not innocent, and I doubt Bill Cosby is either. Cosby likes pudding his dick where it don't belong.
Mort: Do you hate being a white male? I'm extremely curious.

I'm leaving 'straight' out because I'm not really sure what you consider yourself.

What, me leave and let you enjoy your circle-jerking in peace? You dont really expect that do you?

So why do you then bitch about how you can't get us to change our minds?

I'm probably done after this because I'm probably feeding a troll. I get one or two shots a year to do that though. I think that's fair.
Do I really have to answer such an inane question? Oh, you probably have a witty response queued up, I see. Lets get that over with.

Yes unrealistic body standards for men also disgust me.

I didn't ask if said standards disgust you, I asked if you consider them sexist (or misandrist or whatever).
I dont truly think its possible to be sexist towards men in any significant manner. To be honest most of the unrealistic standard for male bodies is set by men, and I'm not really sure what the implications of that really are.
Mort: Do you hate being a white male? I'm extremely curious.

I'm leaving 'straight' out because I'm not really sure what you consider yourself.

No I don't hate myself for being a white male - I have no reason to hate myself or feel guilty for it. No one does - but being aware of the myriad social implications of being white, being male, being both at the same time need to be considered.

EDIT: Oblivious Maximus - tl;dw those videos for me
I dont truly think its possible to be sexist towards men in any significant manner. To be honest most of the unrealistic standard for male bodies is set by men, and I'm not really sure what the implications of that really are.

Do men tell women to not be attracted to men shorter than them?
This post is complete bullshit all around.

How is it bullshit? The primary recipients of sexism are women by a vast majority, its a given that the majority of abusers of sex and gender privilege are male.

The western media (for us) is what is attempting to control and dictate what physical traits are primary and therefore attractive, so the media standard for men being unrealistic is created by those in control of media and *DUN DUN DUN BIG SURPRISE* western media is primarily owned run and created by MEN.
How is it bullshit? The primary recipients of sexism are women by a vast majority, its a given that the majority of abusers of sex and gender privilege are male.

The western media (for us) is what is attempting to control and dictate what physical traits are primary and therefore attractive, so the media standard for men being unrealistic is created by those in control of media and *DUN DUN DUN BIG SURPRISE* western media is primarily owned run and created by MEN.

How does privilege apply to all men when only a very small percentage of men have the political and social power to use their privilege to set unrealistic standards of male beauty, unrealistic standards of male work ethic, unrealistic standards of male willingness to self-sacrifice, etc?
O 72....O 72...

next one

I 64...

There needs to be a rule where X% of your posts have to be about metal in order to post on this board. Although that might eliminate half of GMD so..
another point for MRA bingo

Yeah, keep trivializing the facts that men make up a disproportionate number of suicide victims, are forced to work jobs putting themselves at greater physical risk, are the ones that have to fight and die during a draft, and have a significantly shorter lifespan than women in most cases. Obviously all of that is meaningless compared to the horrors of muh 77 cents per dollar.
It's all because of white male penis It has to be stopped. Otherwise we wont be able to have samosas ever again and there will be a holocaust and muslims will be offended. Consequences will never be the same. So go listen to some hip hop and stop being so fucking lacking in melanin and diversity, you up-tight honkey cracker. Time and time again, white women are refusing to have white babies. The true sons of ilajah, will testify, when the mothership returns to earth.