If Mort Divine ruled the world

you have to convince society to listen to you out of its own free will via dialogue.

SJW clones like Mort aren't interested in dialogue because that would require a variety of skills and knowledge they lack. Now, to play devil's advocate for a second, there are plenty of people that antagonize them that are no better, so they get get used to just needing to win shouting and snark matches with people that aren't good at even those things. Then they get upset when someone requires something more.

I just don't get it

But this is hilarious, women crack me up;

This time, I didn’t walk away. Part of me wanted to, but I made a calculated decision to not retreat, to not cede the space. I glared at him for several seconds. Then I froze him out, speaking to everyone except him. It wasn’t long before he left to sit in his news van, alone.
"He apologized. He wanted to shake my hand. I declined. I didn't want him to walk away feeling anything was resolved. I also didn't want to touch him."

Sooooo...are you sure you're not just overreacting given the fact that he was obviously joking and that you guys had gotten along great before? Are you sure that you're not making the issue worse by rejecting his sincere apology and then throwing an entire gender under the bus? Are you sure you're not being completely rash?
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Boring article. Lots of white music is definitely derived from black music but there's no rule that black people can't keep making it too. I think that some white artists like Elvis Presley are overrated in the context of early rock music but I also don't think that Presley showed anything but reverence toward the black musicians of the era. Other bands, including The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and the like continued to make music heavily inspired by black musicians into the 1970s and beyond but thos article makes it seem like there was some concerted effort by white people to invalidate the origins of rock music as being a creation of black artists.

I do think that it's interesting that many of the musical styles that are distinctly American in origin, such as blues, rock, jazz, country and hip-hop music are all largely the creation of black artists, but this article spends too much time on the conspiracy theory when it could have just been an article praising black musicians and it would have been a much more enjoyable reading experience.

Nitpicky point but actually much of the now popular "black music" like blues for example was a combination of Irish worker music and black slave music. It wasn't an invention of one single peoples.

The great Vikings are rolling in their graves as their homeland is ruined by these cucks

The "great Vikings" were cucked by the Christians anyway.

You don't get to decide if you're being the oppressor tbh.

Based on what logic?

"And Mila is a mega star. One of biggest actors in Hollywood and soon to be Ashton's wife and baby momma!!!"

This is the entirety of his email. Factual inaccuracies aside, he reduced my value to nothing more than my relationship to a successful man and my ability to bear children. It ignored my (and my team's) significant creative and logistical contributions.

This is crazy. I really don't understand women, if this is in fact how most women would read this statement.


This viewpoint removes actual person saying these words from the mix and turns the joke into its own separate entity without a context or speaker.

removes context? hahahahahaha

As a queer non-binary person, I’m personally happy about Tinder’s policy. It’s notable that a major dating company has finally acknowledged that people other than men and women exist.

I thought trans men were men and trans women (want to be?) were women, I don't get it