If Mort Divine ruled the world

Bernie said climate change was the cause of terrorism

I don't want to try and defend the logic of this claim, but has anyone here ever actually read the studies/arguments correlating climate change and terrorism? It's way more complicated than "A causes B," but I don't think that's any reason to reject the connections outright.
The connections are irrelevant because you don't defeat ISIS or strengthen national security by fighting climate change, a process that will take hundreds of years to do.

He said we have to tackle climate change in response to the Paris attacks in 2015, that's an utterly redundant and retarded response to something like that. I understand the connections.
The Middle East didn't become agriculturally destitute because of western coal, and Wahhabism or Baathist tyranny wasn't seized on as a solution because of CO2 emissions.
The connections are irrelevant because you don't defeat ISIS or strengthen national security by fighting climate change, a process that will take hundreds of years to do.

He said we have to tackle climate change in response to the Paris attacks in 2015, that's an utterly redundant and retarded response to something like that. I understand the connections.

This was clearly a poorly formed argument on Bernie's part, but why can't we fight both?
This was clearly a poorly formed argument on Bernie's part, but why can't we fight both?

Because one is an immediate danger and one isn't. That's why it was a stupid thing to say to begin with in my opinion, even if you agree that there is something we can do to stop man-made climate change, it's solved over such a long period that to even bring it up after a terrorist attack is just pathetic and opportunist as fuck.
This was clearly a poorly formed argument on Bernie's part, but why can't we fight both?

A lot of political leaders suggest the turmoil in Syria and Libya is exacerbated by climate change (droughts), but obviously Bernie still mispoke.

But let's be honest, our and other western nations policy of giving aid to these nations have indirectly caused a dramatic increase in population that has found itself lost in a world without adequate basic resources (food and water) as well as without proper employment. But nobody wanna talk about dat.

I prefer man-made climate change skeptic.

Emphasis on the man-made part.

I mean, you can show in a lab that chemicals we emit trap heat better than air (fill a fish tank with said chemicals and put a heat lamp over it, test its temperature vs a tank with a heat lamp and just air). So we can prove the greenhouse effect of man made chemicals. Sure there are also natural chemicals that cause a greenhouse effect but we are emitting them at faster and faster rates, why should we continue making a problem worse?

Even if you deny the provable greenhouse effect, do you want to be breathing in all the garbage emitted from factories and vehicles? Clean air is also directly beneficial to your lungs. Further we have a responsibility to future generations to keep it clean.

... I don't feel like going through all of this. The evidence is there with a couple of google searches.
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Cleaning up the air because it's better for our lungs is a clear and present benefit. Trying to stabilize the global climate is quixotic.
Cleaning up the air because it's better for our lungs is a clear and present benefit. Trying to stabilize the global climate is quixotic.

They go hand in hand. We need agreements with other nations to clean up the air as well. AIr quality is shared among nations. Trump backing out of our international agreements is going to set global air quality back 30 years, if America is not holding up its end of the bargain, why should they? Dirtier air for everyone! all in the name of making more money for the rich.
They go hand in hand. We need agreements with other nations to clean up the air as well. AIr quality is shared among nations. Trump backing out of our international agreements is going to set global air quality back 30 years, if America is not holding up its end of the bargain, why should they? Dirtier air for everyone! all in the name of making more money for the rich.


The US is doing a pretty good job. Why should the US pulling out of ineffectual agreements have a detrimental effect on countries that don't give a damn already (eg China)?
Um it's common knowledge that China is not holding up their end of the bargain, I don't see what the point of linking that map was.

i'm talking about all the countries that are upholding the agreement. Ok China's not doing it so let's not do it too, and then the dominos fall and no country does it. Is that how you want this to play out? How about we be better than China instead of stooping to their level?
Um it's common knowledge that China is not holding up their end of the bargain, I don't see what the point of linking that map was.

i'm talking about all the countries that are upholding the agreement. Ok China's not doing it so let's not do it too, and then the dominos fall and no country does it. Is that how you want this to play out? How about we be better than China instead of stooping to their level?

Withdrawing from an agreement that isn't being honored can be a tactic to force cooperation. Obviously honoring the agreement isn't accomplishing this with the #1 polluter. I'm not saying that is Trump's reasoning, I'm just saying that pieces of paper are just that. Exiting the agreement isn't going to suddenly reverse all of the steps that have been taken to scrub the air in the US.
why should we continue making a problem worse?

outside of the 'drowning' of the Maldives and other islands, not sure what the problem is for most people or most developed countries. Short term is unable to be altered, as a near consensus of scientists argue. So nothing we can do to shift geopolitical climate problems in the middle east. So then what, we are making changes for preservation of property and real estate values in coastal wealthy nations?
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