If Mort Divine ruled the world

eh, that's a more complicated issue than that.

The MIN players are being punished in the same way Brady was. Kind of silly for them to act like they cannot be punished by a private organization (unless state collegiate academics are considered public organizations?)

Not sure how much sports talk you listen too but i'm a huge Bomani Jones fan. He does about 30 minutes on the topic last night and I think he does a pretty good job displaying the issue here;

eh, that's a more complicated issue than that.

The MIN players are being punished in the same way Brady was. Kind of silly for them to act like they cannot be punished by a private organization (unless state collegiate academics are considered public organizations?)

It's publicly funded.

I'm not saying it isn't complicated. But if the story Bomani gives is true, the woman went along with it "thinking that would make it end sooner". That's sad, and the whole scenario is an example of how shitty people are and have been, but it doesn't allow for rape/sex assault accusations.
I just skimmed the police report on that Minnesota football team thing and im not exactly sure if everything was kosher. What ended up happening was that the girl got drunk after the game, partied for a while, got hit on by 2 guys (which I presume to be on the football team), and went back to their room to have sex. More guys started coming into the room after a little while and she even has recollection of one of the dudes forcing himself on her in an abusive manner. At one point she supposedly wrapped a blanket around herself and told the guys to stop, but was not successful in her plea. If I am to at all believe in the girl's testimony, id say that sexual assault was involved here. The only complicated thing about the situation is which guys were justified in banging her and which ones werent. The problem with the case is that consensual sex was involved, there is video evidence (of what I presume to be more towards the beginning of the gangbang) of her enjoying herself, and there is no evidence other than the girl's testimony of any unwanted actions.

It looks like some of the players suspended werent directly involved in the sexual activities, which is the only valid point of contention that I see. Otherwise a rather shameful boycott.
It's publicly funded.

honestly have no idea how much of a share of public funds go towards athletic departments in state schools. but most if not all univerisites have their only police or protocols for sexual assault allegations. which makes it more confusing why anyone would ever talk to a uni cop instead of a city/county/town cop but whatever

That's sad, and the whole scenario is an example of how shitty people are and have been, but it doesn't allow for rape/sex assault accusations.

i think that is what he gets at too, the 'floor plan' thing fucking had me rolling. one day women might realize its so hard to demonstrate what actually happened and now get piss drunk at any occasion (men will be rapists implied here)

really enjoying Jordan Peterson and his stand against all this bullshit

he did a podcast with Rogan a week or so ago, has some good things to say but comes off like an idiot on his religious beliefs and his adherence to not just call a trans person whatever. being forced to do it =/= just not being a dick/18 yr old college troll
he did a podcast with Rogan a week or so ago, has some good things to say but comes off like an idiot on his religious beliefs and his adherence to not just call a trans person whatever. being forced to do it =/= just not being a dick/18 yr old college troll

He is being stubborn because of the points that he is trying to prove. He doesnt like the nonsense science of the far left, nor does he like how close they are to getting legislation passed that could set a precedent to the violation of free speech. His point about the pronouns is that gender as a binary is a biological concept that is inalienable. It isnt even about the sensitivities; people see others as being either male of female. Some trans people could be offended if you call them by a pronoun that they have not arbitrarily assigned to themselves. There is talk about 20+ gender pronouns, many of which I am sure most people have never heard of and therefore are incapable of appealing to the sensitivities of someone of non-binary persuasion. How do you know if a trans person wants to be called he, she, zhe, or something else? Since the assignment is arbitrary, this is a concept that is incapable of being utilized in society (you shouldnt have to ask every person you meet what gender pronoun you should use with them). Peterson refuses to use alternative pronouns because he refuses to even acknowledge pronouns outside of the binary. It may appear to be a stubborn and dick kind of move, but ultimately he is just an academic who does not want to nor should he indulge concepts that he does not fundamentally agree with.
Someone needs to publish a special SJW dictionary to catalog their slaughter of meanings. Some of the most referenced terms: Hitler, bigot, rights, and numerous words ending in -phobic.
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Won't defend anyone making comparisons to Hitler that are unwarranted.

It was used correctly here.

Let us not act as if reactionary right wingers don't harp on about rights incorrectly either.

Words ending in -phobic have been used in the way you hate long before 'SJWs' came around.
I would humor a trans person's pronoun if they were a decent and cool type. But there should be no law forcing me or anyone to.
Won't defend anyone making comparisons to Hitler that are unwarranted.

It was used correctly here.

Let us not act as if reactionary right wingers don't harp on about rights incorrectly either.

Words ending in -phobic have been used in the way you hate long before 'SJWs' came around.

"That are unwarranted". But of course to SJWs it's always literally warranted. Bigot was not used correctly here. Bigot does not mean "People who disagree with me."
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"That are unwarranted". But of course to SJWs it's always literally warranted. Bigot was not used correctly here. Bigot does not mean "People who disagree with me."

I mean, it practically does in this case. A bigot is someone who is intolerant. Tolerant means "showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with."

If someone is intolerant of trans people, they would be unwilling to use the terms that trans people have the opinion should be used.
I mean, it practically does in this case. A bigot is someone who is intolerant. Tolerant means "showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with."

If someone is intolerant of trans people, they would be unwilling to use the terms that trans people have the opinion should be used.

The existence is there regardless of whether or not one particular person chooses to participate. He isn't stopping Mort from using the pronouns. We might agree to call it bigotry, but then that makes trans people who wish to force people to not use only he/she also bigots. Yay everyone is a bigot. Another word rendered useless, like racism and rape.
The existence is there regardless of whether or not one particular person chooses to participate. He isn't stopping Mort from using the pronouns. We might agree to call it bigotry, but then that makes trans people who wish to force people to not use only he/she also bigots. Yay everyone is a bigot. Another word rendered useless, like racism and rape.

I don't use the terms either, so I'm a bigot too if the definition here is correct. Curious what would you consider bigotry then? Many people us included want to not acknowledge the existence of these terms nor use them, that's sort of the definition of intolerance of their culture. Are we not bigots in that case? It's sort of like denying someone a title in their religion if you don't believe in it, in a way. We use terms like "catholic priest" even if we are not catholic. We could be like "SJW Ze" for them or whatever the preferred title is, and for normal people just speak normally I guess.
I don't use the terms either, so I'm a bigot too if the definition here is correct. Curious what would you consider bigotry then? Many people us included want to not acknowledge the existence of these terms nor use them, that's sort of the definition of intolerance of their culture.

I think there would need to be some sort of regular action to stymie the disliked thing associated with the term for it to have its own meaning. Otherwise yeah, everyone is a bigot, so it becomes a useless term. OTOH, maybe this is a good thing.

Are we not bigots in that case? It's sort of like denying someone a title in their religion if you don't believe in it, in a way. We use terms like "catholic priest" even if we are not catholic.

Wouldn't this more directly relate to referring to them as transgenders? I wouldn't call a Catholic priest Father, although Catholics may.

for normal people just speak normally I guess.

The end goal is to lose the ability to distinguish anything from anything. When one cannot distinguish one cannot judge. When one cannot judge nothing can be done, and voila the end of history. Pretty much the end of everything. From dust we came, and to dust we may return.