If Mort Divine ruled the world

i mean demolishing a clearly inadequate opponent doesn't prove your point, it's like just an ego trip for the show host here. would like to see someone more intelligible debate him on it. not that i agree with the kid, but i disagree with the selection of opponent for a televised debate
i mean demolishing a clearly inadequate opponent doesn't prove your point, it's like just an ego trip for the show host here. would like to see someone more intelligible debate him on it. not that i agree with the kid, but i disagree with the selection of opponent for a televised debate

I don't like Carlson's presentation per se but he has had much more worthy opponents on there based on youtube clips. I don't have a television service or even an antenna so I wouldn't know otherwise. It's not about an ego trip for the host though, it's an ego trip for all those non-college educated Middle Americans who are still smarter than that fucking ignorant dweeb.

Once it was clear that Donald Trump would be president instead of Hillary Clinton, I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to gather my children in bed with me and cling to them like we would if thunder and lightning were raging outside, with winds high enough that they power might go out. The world felt that precarious to me.

My oldest came out of her room the next morning to show me the money the Tooth Fairy had left her. She’d unexpectedly had to have a tooth pulled, and so bravely went through it that I said, “Just think: You’ll always remember the day you got a tooth pulled with the day we elected our first female president.”

When I told her Trump had won, she protested: “But Mom. You said Hillary was going to win.”

Fucking hell, those poor kids.
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Actually, that's probably the most accurate description of the alt-right I've ever read. Most members of that movement are just 4chan and forum trolls, anonymously shitposting and Pepeposting about race. Richard Spencer is a nobody who would stay a nobody if the MSM didn't need a boogeyman with a voice, and with David Duke getting old, it's about time they found a new one. Now every time anyone speaks up endorsing protectionist views of any kind, they can pull out the alt-right-endorsement card right after the KKK-endorsement card. It's the equivalent of talking about the horrors of metal music and then only interviewing Glen Benton or the kid that blew his face off to Judas Priest. Currently, ANTIFA (still an irrelevant bunch on their own) commits more crime and violence than the alt-right does, but no one cares because they're a commie group and commies are so pre-90s.
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but alt right = white supremacist to these people

I don't get how they think these people are the the harbringers of the 21st century KKK? I don't even think it's correct to say that they are more prejudiced than their interest in making a meme/joke/getting troll famous etc

If the alt right is really this white nerdy virgin internet subculture, why are people scared of what they do?
Most people are scared because they've been brainwashed through years of conditioning ("Trayvon Martin was a good boy", "x was endorsed by the KKK", "Mel Gibson said anti-semitic things, oy vey", "That poor black cheerleader was gangraped by three Lacross players (oh wait no she wasn't but no time to apologize)", etc) to think it's a serious and pervasive threat. Race-pitting is a fully embraced tactic of the left, as observed multiple times via Wikileaks, and a great way to keep a solid voting bloc. The media happily plays along (it gets people watching therefore meaning more ad $$$) or even consciously works with the relevant parties. All you have to do is add, "Well, Hitler was once just an angsty, loner of a painter too" and voila, 4chan is now responsible for the Fourth Reich.

The people in control aren't scared at all though, they openly admit that it's a fringe movement and something useful to paint opponents with.
The best article I've seen on the definition of the alt-right is one co-authored by Milo on Breitbart: http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/03/29/an-establishment-conservatives-guide-to-the-alt-right/

There actually is a bit of truth in calling some of these people nationalists. But for the most part it looks like they just exist to antagonize and question leftist PC culture.

Also mentioned is the 1488rs, which is basically the racist hater part of the alt-right that I am sure leftists like to group the whole movement into. I feel like I've been seeing more of these bastards vocalizing on the internet lately, and they seem to ironically resemble the irrational campus leftists that they enjoy hating on so much. I think the worry about the alt-right lies in the idea of this group growing and causing social unrest. Though like HBB mentioned, the left doesn't mind race-pitting, so the growth of this segment of the alt-right will only provide more traction for the left in the future. From a social justice perspective, it is somewhat worrying that white supremacist ideology is being given a modern platform. I prefer to think that the majority of the alt-right does not think this extremely, and therefore are champions of balancing out the rights of average Americans (instead of the minority-pandering politics that have been so pervasive as of late). Anti-Muslim sentiment is probably the biggest concern at the moment.
It's probably the only piece of journalism on the movement that ive ever seen actually break it down into a coherent ideology while considering its history without proclaiming their bafflement. Personally I dont think it is the alt-right pandering piece you expect it to be.