If Mort Divine ruled the world

Well CIG makes two points, and two that I think I generally agree with either together or separately:
1. A guy who can demonstrate independent mastery of things other than SJW activism (whether it be physical or mental in nature - I'm being very lenient in my interpretation) is going to be more attractive (which one has more weight depends on the woman).
2. A straight woman who indulges in feminist propaganda is less likely to be brought to orgasm by any male.
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The first point will be generally true whether you're talking about women or men. Everyone likes people who have their shit together.

As far as the second point goes, I'm inclined to disagree, although I would admit that, on an individual level, it's probably accurate in some cases. I just don't think it's a generalizable principle.
No, but We Should All Be Feminists was.

The first book in the 50 Shades trilogy sold over 100 million copies. I can't find any sales stats on the book you listed. Sweden forced it on their highschoolers apparently, so that's a taxpayer funded 1 million max. Only 99 million more to go.

I'm not saying 50 Shades wasn't trash, but there's something there in that modernized dime store smut that got a bunch of women all excited.
I find it funny that women are so intent on emasculating men with all of this feminist nonsense and yet can't see that they need a fucking man (that isn't a little bitch) to satisfy them.

they are really just ridiculous creatures

look at this response to a woman who claims to have never had an orgasm in her life (stupid Bachelor shit I run into on sports websites now, because women think the Bachelor is sports and they are ruining my existence)

  1. Imagine a man saying he’d never had an orgasm at the age of 25. I’m sure those guys are out there, but they’re few and far between, because in our society, men are supposed to. And yet, for women, there’s still a lot of shame associated with sexual pleasure.
  2. That’s garbage.
  4. Honestly, what is your problem? Figure out how to make a woman feel good and then do it, for crying out loud.
  5. R.I.P. Raven’s ex. You just got dunked on so hard on national TV that I’m pretty sure you’re dead now.
  6. If Raven’s lying, and she did have good sex with her ex but is just saying this to get back at him for cheating on her with that nurse, it’s the most impressive troll job I’ve ever witnessed. I wouldn’t put it past her, given that she’s already told us she hit him over the head with a stiletto.
The first book in the 50 Shades trilogy sold over 100 million copies. I can't find any sales stats on the book you listed. Sweden forced it on their highschoolers apparently, so that's a taxpayer funded 1 million max. Only 99 million more to go.

I'm not saying 50 Shades wasn't trash, but there's something there in that modernized dime store smut that got a bunch of women all excited.

I get what you're saying Dak. Are we really comparing sales now?

We Should All Be Feminists was on the NYT Bestsellers list for at least seventeen weeks. I don't think it sold as well as 50 Shades, but fiction always sells better than nonfiction. Pointing out that differential proves very little because it's remarkable that a book explicitly on feminism sold that well in the first place, and stayed on the bestseller list for so long.

Also, Sweden distributed copies to high school students. They didn't "force" it on them. Stop being so sensationalist, please.
Exactly. What books has Sweden burned?

The distribution of literature is never a bad thing. It could even be Mein Kampf (although the optics of that would be pretty bad, haha), as long as they also distribute, or make available, something like The Origins of Totalitarianism.
Tyrants burn books, they don't distribute them.



Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (simplified Chinese: 毛主席语录; traditional Chinese: 毛主席語錄; pinyin: Máo Zhǔxí Yǔlù) is a book of selected statements from speeches and writings by Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), the former Chairman of the Communist Party of China, published from 1964 to about 1976 and widely distributed during the Cultural Revolution.[citation needed]
Exactly. What books has Sweden burned?

I wasn't speaking literally. Sweden is obviously far from a tyrannical state. :rofl:

But the idea that their government distributed a specific book with a specific view to students and it isn't compelled (as if the government isn't an authority within the schooling system) to me seems odd.

When the government distributes a book to students, it's implied that they read the dang thing. Perhaps not doing so hurt their grades?

I'm well aware of this. As I already said, it would be different if Sweden was regulating the circulation of literature and prohibiting a ton of other books.

I wasn't speaking literally. Sweden is obviously far from a tyrannical state. :rofl:

But the idea that their government distributed a specific book with a specific view to students and it isn't compelled (as if the government isn't an authority within the schooling system) to me seems odd.

When the government distributes a book to students, it's implied that they read the dang thing. Perhaps not doing so hurt their grades?

I doubt most students felt compelled to read the book, unless it was assigned by their instructors. I mean, when I was in undergrad they distributed complementary copies of books to freshmen. Not every freshmen read them though.

We Should All Be Feminists was distributed with the hope that teachers would integrate it into their curricula. It wasn't made mandatory reading like Mao's Little Red Book. Saying it was "forced" on students is just sensationalizing what is honestly an entirely non-restrictive measure by the Swedish government. But those damn European liberals man...

I'm more creeped out by the fact that the government wanted teachers to include a specific ideology into their curricula like that.

I've not read the book myself, so I readily admit to ignorance on this either way.
I get it man, bureaucracy's a creepy thing sometimes. But I think the point is that it's important to include a plethora of ideological materials (I mean, there's no such thing as a non-ideological book). So, we've been teaching Faulkner, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, etc. to high schools for decades now. If they're going to read Hemingway's portrayal of women, maybe it makes sense to include texts that resist those kinds of representations (Austen, Woolf, Plath too, which admittedly you find more of in high school curricula).

Additionally, schools also teach Orwell all the time--Nineteen Eighty-Four is immensely popular, as is his essay on politics and the English language. If they keep teaching Orwell along with writers like Adichie, then at least they're providing students with the tools necessary to perceive how they could be manipulated, no...? Again, it's when books are prohibited that I begin to worry.
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I get what you're saying Dak. Are we really comparing sales now?

We Should All Be Feminists was on the NYT Bestsellers list for at least seventeen weeks. I don't think it sold as well as 50 Shades, but fiction always sells better than nonfiction. Pointing out that differential proves very little because it's remarkable that a book explicitly on feminism sold that well in the first place, and stayed on the bestseller list for so long.

Nonfiction generally has more staying power though. Thinking Fast & Slow has been up there for over 2 years. I guess making it up there is notable, but CIG might suggest an orgasm differential between readers of 50 Shades and readers of Feminists. Of course it is somewhat conjecture; I imagine doing research into philo-political differences in orgasms would A. be difficult to get funded and B. be difficult to study (self reported orgasms? Take psychophysiological measurements? Etc)

Also, Sweden distributed copies to high school students. They didn't "force" it on them. Stop being so sensationalist, please.

Well hopefully they didn't pry their eyes open and strap them down in front of it but.....I think you would use the same language if Trump (which he wouldn't obv) distributed The Road to Serfdom to all high schoolers in the US.