If Mort Divine ruled the world

This is an internet forum. I'm not obliged to any academic standards here.

Hilariously you separate the two as if you just turn off one. It's been apparent for awhile you are not a.man of integrity so this just helps demonstrate that.

Only if I actually cared about the object (i.e. the manifesto) in question.

Yes we've gone over how your beta Ness permits you from entertaining any idea about men. You and crimson share this

and that it's counterproductive to force more women to work through diversity policies.

Isn't the premise behind programs like affirmative action that short term counter productiveness of forced equal representation then transforms to long term productiveness?

But the business insiders argument is weak to say it best and you didn't counter that so it's really just a waste of time.
Hilariously you separate the two as if you just turn off one. It's been apparent for awhile you are not a.man of integrity so this just helps demonstrate that.

That's exactly what I do. I just turn one off.

You don't get to see my integrity. You get my asshole side.

Yes we've gone over how your beta Ness permits you from entertaining any idea about men. You and crimson share this


Isn't the premise behind programs like affirmative action that short term counter productiveness of forced equal representation then transforms to long term productiveness?

You can't tell when I'm citing someone else's opinion or giving my own, can you? I could say "T Swift suggests that donkeys pee rainbows," and you'd challenge me to defend that statement as though it's my own.

But for what it's worth, donkeys do piss rainbows. Obviously.

But the business insiders argument is weak to say it best and you didn't counter that so it's really just a waste of time.

Why would I counter it?
Women are much more free now to choose the trajectory of their own lives. Is it not the case that in the 1930's and 1940's when women entered and pioneered tech (leaving aside the fact that there was a massive lack of men at that time due to military service) there was a portion of women in the field that is basically the same portion as there is now?
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(leaving aside the fact that there was a massive lack of men at that time due to military service)

This is the reason why large numbers of women entered the "tech" industry (which wasn't tech at that time, it was engineering). Before that, they weren't major players in the engineering industry. After WWII, many factories refused to rehire women, and the dominant ideology reverted back to women doing "women's work" (i.e. service sector work, if not housewives).

It wasn't until later in the twentieth century that women were able to expand beyond the limited purview of "women's work."
Fortunately women were eventually emancipated from working inside the home so men and women could both work outside the home and still make the same amount of money between the both of them that the man made alone, and then pay someone to do the housework/childcare for a net loss. #progress
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Yeah, fortunately indeed. I'm just saying, that wasn't the case in before WWII. Women pretty much had to work where they were told to.

Women work in engineering and tech today because of those achievements, after the postwar dream of the American household.
Men and women have always been historically limited by what is considered their work. I'd rather be chained to the home than unleashed upon a battlefield. Of course if you say this, people hit back by saying yes women were denied the right to serve in the military too.

To that I would simply say, men didn't have the right to not serve in the military and women didn't fight for this right until peacetime.
been in the woods for awhile and finally back, but thought this tweet (which I think was the most liked from the whitey march) hilariously worked just as well if all the people were black

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My point was that there's only like 2 ways to light a rally at night, and batteries would die before tiki torches - and be more expensive - and flightlights aren't omnidirectional - and are more expensive - and they would still be vilified.
I agree with this part, but I think the rest is reaching. I've worked night construction jobs and I think you're getting your information about flashlights and battery capacity from old movies.

Well lithium lanterns would last long enough, but tiki torches are dirt cheap and last enough hours before being discard-able. Lithium lanterns are 400x expensive at least between the lanterns and the batteries. Flashlights aren't omnidirectional and alkalines burn out quick under sustained use.
Well lithium lanterns would last long enough, but tiki torches are dirt cheap and last enough hours before being discard-able. Lithium lanterns are 400x expensive at least between the lanterns and the batteries. Flashlights aren't omnidirectional and alkalines burn out quick under sustained use.

If they had considered all of this, surely they'd have also considered waiting until it wasn't dark? To me it seems very much symbolically purposeful.

Happy to admit I might be wrong of course, but all of these street movements (both left and right) seem to do everything with purpose and are aware of symbolism in their actions.
If they had considered all of this, surely they'd have also considered waiting until it wasn't dark? To me it seems very much symbolically purposeful.

Happy to admit I might be wrong of course, but all of these street movements (both left and right) seem to do everything with purpose and are aware of symbolism in their actions.

Nightttime marches act to outsize your effort due to light vs darkness and being outside vs inside/sleeping. Same reason for left/minority marches burning shit/marching at night throwing molotovs.