If Mort Divine ruled the world

No, and I wouldn't have called it bitter if he hadn't included that comment. The stereotype of Antifa's physique is a conflicted and confused amalgam of right-wing bullshit. There's nothing personal about it; I'm simply chuckling at the attempt to salvage a particular body image.


That meme just exudes a lack of understanding.

They're cowardly because they mask up, throw piss, put women in their frontlines, attack unprepared people, vandalize property and they're snowflakes because they do all of this stuff as a reaction to speech and opinions.

Nobody I know of has ever called them terrifying though, but they're definitely violent thugs and I don't know of anybody of a sound mind who conflates bravery with thuggery.

Congratulations on the meme though I guess, kinda true that the left can't meme.
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The meme makes a point, it just does it in a blunt way (as all memes do, even the right's ridiculous memes). It points out that leftists are called out for being simultaneously confrontational and afraid of confrontation. It accomplishes exactly what a meme sets out to accomplish.
There's also a difference between being in shape and being a gym rat with telephone poles for arms.

I'm not saying that's what you are. I'm saying that plenty of liberals and leftists are in shape, but don't necessarily look like this:


I also not saying that you're in the same camp as Christopher Cantwell. What I am saying is that there's a false dichotomy emerging between leftist protestors and rightist protestors, where the former are painted as generally unhealthy, while the latter are seen as muscular and "in shape."
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If Antifa ever formed a military, the drill sergeant would be sent to the gulag for body-shaming.

The meme makes a point, it just does it in a blunt way (as all memes do, even the right's ridiculous memes). It points out that leftists are called out for being simultaneously confrontational and afraid of confrontation. It accomplishes exactly what a meme sets out to accomplish.

The point it makes is that leftist apologists for Antifa don't understand the criticisms against Antifa. That's it.
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The point it makes is that leftist apologists for Antifa don't understand the criticisms against Antifa. That's it.

This isn't fair, and it's way too apologetic toward rightist memes.

The cartoon that Dak posted depicted an antifa person as a large, bulky, intimidating looking individual. That's a popular image, and it's from a right-wing cartoonist (or at least someone who's committed to representing the right-wing side). It's reflecting a popular image of the left that's coming from the right.

Maybe you don't share this impression, and maybe you're capable of critically separating accusations of violence from a particular image of what violent people look like. But the cartoon is evidence to the contrary (in Dak's words, the physiques should be switched, or whatever); it perpetuates a particular image of leftists that conflicts with simultaneous criticisms of them as fragile snowflakes.

Now, you can maintain that there is no real contradiction, and that accusations of violent behavior don't reflect a specific image; but if you do, then you also have to admit that the cartoon Dak posted is propagating the same misconception as the meme I posted.

Which is exactly what memes and cartoons do. They don't offer insightful, nuanced criticisms of political discrepancies, and to think they do is to either a) grant way too much intellectual merit to these images, or b) betray your political biases (or both, of course). The meme I posted isn't less insightful than any rightist memes. Fuck the whole "the left can't meme" bullshit--no one can meme, if by meme we're talking about detailed critical analysis. Memes are shortcuts to provocative talking points, that's all.
You have to be on the right to mock or criticise Antifa?
Saying that Antifa are usually scrawny cowards means you're saying that represents the left?

No wonder the American left is a giant shitfire right now, you get your feelings hurt when far-left domestic terrorists are called names, because clearly you identify to some degree with radical Maoist and Stalinist street thug movements. :lol:
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Okay, I'm probably not being clear.

I'm not saying that accusing antifa of being scrawny cowards automatically is an accusation that the left is comprised of scrawny cowards. I'm also not saying that accusing antifa of being violent is automatically an accusation that the entire left is violent (although that is the position of some on the right). I'm also not saying that you need to be right-wing to criticize antifa. If you re-read my post, I specifically stated that the cartoonist could be "someone who's committed to representing the right-wing side." But even if that's the case, the cartoonist chose to depict the antifa member in a certain way. That's contributing to a particular social image, which the meme I posted is picking up on. That's what I'm saying.

Now, Dak already said that the images in the cartoon should be switched for accuracy. My complaint wasn't out of spite because I felt like he was attacking me for being out of shape. It was for believing that one particular body type or image could be claimed for any side, or for any ideology whatsoever. Plenty of people on the left are out shape; so are plenty of people on the right. Making it into a competition for which side is the most macho is simply a rhetorical circus stunt.

Memes like the one I posted don't convey a sense of deep or perceptive understanding because they're an assemblage of fifteen words or so that aren't presented as any kind of engaged critical discussion. They're responding to discrepancies and contradictions that emerge from anti-left, or anti-antifa (there's a neologism), discourse. It's surface-level condescension, that's it. Cartoons aren't much better.
As I already said, it was a comment on his choice to include a comment about body image, not an attempt to save face on my part. But then that's just my explanation, you can read whatever you want into my comments.

But then you'll be doing exactly what I'm doing, so I can't fault you for it. I read too much into everything--that's what I do. I don't see it as a fault, because I believe that even the most inconsequential piece of bullshit contains biblical amounts of cultural ideology. No text or expression escapes that. That's just how it is.

This is just default for me. I respond to everything with a suspicion and skepticism, including my own positions. I can't sit comfortably with a single post I make because when you boil it all down, every comment is a contradictory one. So it all just depends on where you decide to dig in your heels. Logic is debilitating, and ethics are transcendental (according to Wittgenstein--which means we have no direct, programmatic access to anything like a set of practicable ethics). I read a comment about linking body image to particular political positions, and I see something weird and uneven about that connection. Maybe I read too much into what Dak intended, but I don't think I read too much into the associations that swarm over that comment like wasps on a hive.

It strikes me that the news thread has become the new thread of Batshit Theories. Maybe they're no longer all Dak's...

At any rate, I stand behind my batshit theories.
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But if other people take a similar defensive approach to criticisms and mockery of say, the alt-right, that suggests something more malevolent I assume?

Anyhoo, I've watched so many videos of recent rallies, protests etc and if you want to play a fun drinking game, try out spot the beefcake at the Antifa gatherings on Youtube.

No alcohol will be required. :D
This is great. She's a weak-minded bigot and the extent of her ignorance is on full display here.
Pretty sad when someone like Piers just shreds you up and down like this.

Hopefully this is an upward trend of anti-white racism being called the fuck out. Either we can all spew bullshit about other races or none of us can.
that's the woke position, bro. don't have to link her, just spend some time reading Ein thinking he's actively participating in dismantling white supremacy
No he definitely shredded the living fuck out of that simpleton twat.

He also proved she's a lying scumbag when she said I never said all and then he read her statements out loud, wherein she absolutely said all.

Then she tried to pull the don't invalidate my experiences card even though he hadn't.

Typical mental mush that only impresses dipshits like you.
But if other people take a similar defensive approach to criticisms and mockery of say, the alt-right, that suggests something more malevolent I assume?

You guys do it all the time. I don't think you're being malevolent.

that's the woke position, bro. don't have to link her, just spend some time reading Ein thinking he's actively participating in dismantling white supremacy

I don't think white supremacy will ever disappear.

But nice dig, you must be getting antsy since you and I haven't had ourselves a little spat in a while. Stay here while I go lick the paper cut you just gave me.