If Mort Divine ruled the world

Pacifism dictates that you can't even physically defend yourself though.

No it doesn't. Even devout Jainists might occasionally use self-defense under dire circumstances. In the context of hippies promoting pacifism to oppose unending drafts and war, I see no problem.
Gandhi recommended the Jews of Germany to oppose Hitler with non-violence: that's pacifism.

The smart ones did; they created boycotts and left the country. Fighting when you lack the numbers isn't always viable. Every attempt at self-defense and/or assassination by a Jew under Nazi Germany led to hundred-fold persecution.

That's just one form of pacifism regardless.
Well, looking it up I did forget about how extreme Gandhi was so I'll grant your point with respect to him particularly, but that's still one man and one pacifist movement. He no more represents all pro-pacifism views than Rothbard represents all libertarian views or Lenin all communist views.
Pacifism sounds nice but it's utterly useless in the face of oncoming violence and to the degree in which pacifists are able to face violence with violent resistance it's just them breaking their own rules of pacifism. And pacifism that wields violence in dire circumstances is basically just libertarianism with its NAP that also allows one to defend themselves against violence.

It's basically useless.
On what basis do you define their rules for them?

I value uselessness more than I value short-term utilitarianist violence.