If Mort Divine ruled the world

THIS BITCH thought she was special

In the Uber home from Ansari’s apartment, Grace texted a friend: “I hate men.” She continued: “I had to say no a lot. He wanted sex. He wanted to get me drunk and then fuck me.” She texted another friend after she got back to her apartment, “I’m taking a bath I’m really upset I feel weird.”


Why did she not fuck him? DAS RACIS
So she feels dirty about it cuz he’s a brown man? White slut!

He’s a typical lefty shit comedian tho so they are both disgusting
What recourse does an accused individual even have in the face of this #MeToo movement? I'd support some kind of mass-police/human resources report movement (something that encouraged people to actually go to the proper authorities when the incident occurs) but from what I can tell this entire thing is basically trial by social media.

I think I support #MeToo but I can't really be sure of the nature of it.

This is exactly how I feel about it, but it's quite hard to formulate this stance in real life without riling up people on either side. I usually stay silent when this talk comes up.
Even Bush didn't call for Trump. I can't believe how apologetic you are for this guy. It's disturbing.

I don't care if he says shithole, and that's being "apologetic". I care about policies and appointments to important positions, and so far Trump is delivering. That says nothing about what I think of his "character". I'd rather have Obama in my home than Trump, if that makes you happy.
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I don't care if he says shithole, and that's being "apologetic". I care about policies and appointments to important positions, and so far Trump is delivering. That says nothing about what I think of his "character". I'd rather have Obama in my home than Trump, if that makes you happy.

delivering? come on Dak...
Somewhat why?

Because the devastating economic situation they've been in since achieving independence is hardly a product of their own doing, unless you want to blame them for fighting to not be under the yoke of slavery. Independence began with crushing debt after the French demanded they pay them for the lost cost of their slaves. Debt and interest directly related to this wasn't paid off until 1947. The US didn't acknowledge their existence until the Civil War, and was apprehensive to any European approaches to the island nation. From acknowledgement of existence until 1957, the US regularly invaded the country, sometimes occupying them for extensive periods of time. This came to an end with the rise of the corrupt, repressive anti-communist dictatorship, supported by the US until the 80s when they became just a little too repressive and we suspended aid. Of course, that toppled and something worse came to power, which was followed by a US blockade. And so on.

The US has more to thank for Haiti than get's acknowledged. France had intended to use Haiti, an otherwise resource poor island, as a giant sugar factory (a product which financed the rise of the French empire), and to feed it using the vast resources of the Louisiana Territory. Independence through a wrench into this. Napoleon, now without the money of his island plantation cut his losses and sold the Louisiana Territory to the US for a steal. Maybe the US would have acquired it later anyways. MAYBE.
(While I appreciate what you're saying) all of that in reaction to me making a joke connecting Ein's "shit sundae" comment to the whole "shithole" subject? There's a shit suffix meme forming here man, try to keep up.
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Of course it is. I still can't believe you're delusional enough to think some of those are good things. But I should stop being surprised, you've been sliding this way for a while now.

Which of those things are something I have slid to? I was never in favor of an individual mandate. I was never in favor of multilateral price fixing/tariff agreements, I've never been in favor of federal taxes, and while I'm against US military adventurism, I'm also against half-measures. I've never been pro-illegal immigration. Gorsuch is considered a staunch Constitutionalist, and Obama neglected filling lower courts, depriving US citizens to some degree of the right to speedy trial. Related to smashing ISIS, I would have been/are pro putting a competent military leader in charge of the military, rather than some fucking twit(s) more interested in internal, misguided social change than accomplishing and supporting the mission of the military.
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