If Mort Divine ruled the world

Hungary Bans Gender Studies From Universities

Bence Rétvári, Secretary of State of Hungary's Ministry of Human Resources, explained the decision by arguing that, while university degrees must have a scientific groundwork to justify them, gender studies are more rooted in ideology than in science, likening the field of study to Marxist-Leninism in that, in his view, it should not be taught at a university-level.

A Hungarian government spokesman expanded on this thinking when he told Breitbart News that degrees in gender studies are simply not useful to Hungarian employers.

“There is no economic rationale for studies such as these,” he said. A degree in the field does not “furnish students with skills that can be readily and directly converted on the labour market," he added.

The spokesman said that gender studies programs are not sustainable for state-run universities, arguing that they "take away valuable resources from other programs, deteriorating the economic stability of universities.”
Orban is doing a great job ensuring that Hungary remains a developing country.

How is it a developing country to begin with? It has a strong economy, and one that had held up better post-2008 than many Western and Southern European countries. Their economy is significantly tech-based, unlike say France which is increasingly trending towards low-skill agricultural work.
How is it a developing country to begin with? It has a strong economy, and one that had held up better post-2008 than many Western and Southern European countries. Their economy is significantly tech-based, unlike say France which is increasingly trending towards low-skill agricultural work.

Just go there if you want to see their strong economy and compare it to living in places in Western Europe. It doesn't compare. I loved Budapest and think it's a gorgeous city, but if you want to talk about the economy and services, visit somewhere else. FWIW Hungary is considered a semi-developing country, and France has always been a bit odd economically while still holding up with the UK and Germany with services.
Just go there if you want to see their strong economy and compare it to living in places in Western Europe. It doesn't compare. I loved Budapest and think it's a gorgeous city, but if you want to talk about the economy and services, visit somewhere else. FWIW Hungary is considered a semi-developing country, and France has always been a bit odd economically while still holding up with the UK and Germany with services.

What kind of work did you do there?
What kind of work did you do there?

I taught English as a TA (and sometimes German to new arrivals) and studied at WWU in Germany. I merely spent a few days in Budapest and spent a good portion of that time intoxicated there, to be honest. I have had a few Hungarian acquaintances during my time in Germany though. Hungary is not a bad place to live, don't get me wrong, and you can get a job there. But their currency doesn't go that far if your income is based on it (and forget about cheap travelling by the euro zone standard), and the infrastructure is more worn down that other places in Central and Western Europe.

Historical context, of course, the places occupied the Western powers did receive a lot of reconstruction funds (and countless more in private loans) from the US directly after the war, while the others were far more limited in their capability to do so.
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Well they've only been an ex-communist nation for 30 years so naturally they're going to be behind ex-empires that plundered half the world of its wealth. I'm just going by various international statistics (HDI, World Bank numbers, etc) and Hungary seems roughly as well off as other Central European ex-commie nations, and moving in the right direction economically compared to most/all Southern European ones and some Western European ones.
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My faggot rapist ex's family came over on the Mariel boatlift. A rather prominent line of homosexuality, in fact. Castro should have lived up to his name a little better and cut some faggot rapist balls off. Ultimately Carter's fault for letting them in though. Catholics, faggot rapists, same thing.