I fucking love Nigerians. They're smart and have a great pride in their selves and their culture. I've had two different Nigerian students in two different sections, both were top students for their respective labs. The reality of the matter is that the Igbos had a functional civilization and even metalworks on par with Scandinavians around the same time. Nigerians today in the UK perform on par with Indians and Chinese. Slavery by the Igbo of others was used as a punishment for crime, and surprise surprise, ex-slaves today are disproportionately criminal.
I don't really give much of a shit about the whites in South Africa themselves. They've had ages to leave, and even were offered payment for their lands that would be sufficient for their owners to live comfy for the rest of their lives. I'm not saying that race should be used to determine land-ownership, especially when Cape Town and Johannesburg were largely unpopulated by Bantu at the time of their founding by whites, but they imported slaves by the boatload and accepted all the cheap immigrant labor they could find to work the mines and plow the fields. Then after hundreds of years of compromises, racial politics, and a pretend value of democracy, they surrendered. Except for the poor whites (who aren't that prevalent; it's poor Asians that have it far worse), there's no excuse for not leaving, especially when we're talking about parents putting the lives of their children behind a stupid pride in a stupid barely-nation.