If Mort Divine ruled the world

I've sat through multiple Trump-bashing mini-rants and comments in the last 2 years as a graduate student. I can't imagine the situation is better for undergraduates.
How often do teachers side with the snowflakes in class though? I've heard a lot of anecdotal evidence that they side with them a lot.

In this case, most anecdotal evidence is virtually worthless, since the students who go on to complain about being silenced are almost always right-wing sympathizers who want to paint academia in a bad light. The SJWs who are silenced typically don't comment on it, often because they try and talk to their professors afterward. It's the right-wingers who most often claim censorship because they already believe that academia is trying to silence them. For the most part, teachers don't "side" with anyone. It's just a matter of how their interruption is interpreted by the interrupted.
I take siding to be a performative behavior. It has to be socially visible.

A teacher might silently side with students, but in the case of interruptive or distracting comments, a teacher won't usually support or denounce out loud.
Many meteorologist and climatologists consider above 85-90 to be "hot." They probably chose 90 as a way to demonstrate that more places are experiencing greater hot-ness.
I don't understand people's objection to the idea behind that study, regardless of any objections to the study itself. The world is getting warmer. It's doubtful a NYT study can effectively convey that point, but a vast majority of scientists agree on it.
Sorry, i haven't been following up here so i might have missed some stuff. But who in the world thinks it's not getting warmer? I know that's how one side loves to spin it but the argument has never been about if it's getting warmer or not, it's about how and why.
Consensus =/= fact but- I don't really have any sort of ideological issue with the potentiality or likelihood that the earth is currently in a wamring pattern. My issue is with the religious hysteria surrounding the warming, its causes, and its dire consequences.
Consensus =/= fact but- I don't really have any sort of ideological issue with the potentiality or likelihood that the earth is currently in a wamring pattern. My issue is with the religious hysteria surrounding the warming, its causes, and its dire consequences.

Well its causes are almost certainly partially influenced by humans, and the consequences will likely be significant for near-future generations.

I know that consensus doesn't equal fact, but that's a pretty pointless comment.
Well its causes are almost certainly partially influenced by humans, and the consequences will likely be significant for near-future generations.

It probably is partially influenced, but the world has been hotter and has been much, much colder. We still attach too much significance to ourselves. I'd rather call them effects than consequences, at least as far as warming goes. This isn't ozone-killing emissions or plastic in the oceans, which have pretty clear connections with significant consequences.

I know that consensus doesn't equal fact, but that's a pretty pointless comment.

Well so is the constant trotting out of consensus as a justification by every hack in media.