No one inherently deserves any respect.
What do you mean? You're bisexual?
Such a postmodernist.
I don't think what's inherent about relationships between human beings is really what's at issue here.
Ha, no. It was a joke. I'd be a hell of a lot more interesting if I were though. Just a straight white guy who studies American literature. How refreshing.
None of my amorous interactions with women began by me saying "hey good lookin, what's cookin?"
The phrase has been used as an excuse for anything from minor bad behaviour which may lead to "things getting out of hand" or learning to use fists to solve problems, but also some really fucked up shit. Maybe there's a less sexist way to point that stuff out and a more honourable organisation to do it. But thwarting a genuinely evil person once isn't going to change their ways so I'm not seeing the leap to violent rapist.The advert repeats the "boys will be boys" narrative which implies that what it means to be a boy is to be a violent rapist or something. That advert is an example of casual misandry.
The notion that respect must be earned predates post-modernist thought, and respect =/= being left alone, nor does it equal being treated well. You can respect your enemy and seek to do them harm.
Yeah, not usually, more like very occasionally at most. Though I only looked at a few pages about the phrase yesterday before I found this:from what i remember "boy will be boys" is usually just used as a way of allowing "masculine" guys to do some kind of specific thing that most females would never do in a million years, like egging a house or maybe roughhousing of something
it's usually not used to excuse "fucked up shit" behavior
Last year we heard from a mama whose daughter was out on the playground for recess one day when three boys held her down on the slide. Two sat on her legs, and a third held her from behind by the neck of her dress and slammed her head down twice. Another stabbed her in the eye with a stick multiple times. There was blood. This mama told us, “We are very lucky that my daughter's eye was fine, but the three puncture wounds on her eyelid were between a 1/4 inch and 1/8th of an inch from puncturing her actual eye.” Mama called the school. “We have to do better than this, we have to talk about this behavior,” she said. She was fed the typical lines: they didn't know what they were doing. It was typical play that got momentarily inappropriate. And yes, you guessed it: "Boys will be boys."
It's incumbent on you to clarify your terms here. There are a lot of assumptions packed into these statements--first and foremost what you mean by "respect." You can respect something about your enemy and seek to do them harm; but clearly what you respect isn't the fact that your enemy is a living person who feels pain. Plenty of ethicists would argue that, at the very least, acknowledging that another person feels pain establishes grounds for respect--perhaps not respect for that person's values or beliefs, but respect for their existence.
Also, the notion that respect must be earned might predate the twentieth century, but I think there's a sleight of hand there in that it implies certain actions or behaviors are inherently deserving of respect. If no one's inherently deserving of respect, is any act inherently deserving of respect? I just think it's a more complicated concept than you presented.
1. a feeling of admiration for someone or something because of their good qualities or achievements
2. polite behavior toward or care for someone or something that you think is important
If you like Gillette razors, cool. As it happens, so do I. But don't be fooled: these people don't give a fuck about you."
Pain in particular seems like a terrible point of focus to establish anything other than certain physical systems (e.g., nervous system).
lmaoThere are many elements of the male sex that have no place in civil society
Why do you feel that way? I'd think you would be particularly keen on pain as a point of establishment for some kind of intercorporeal ethics, seeing as it connects intimately to subjective experience.
Also, you're in a minority when it comes to the importance of pain. That tends to be a central point in debates within ethical philosophy.
There are benefits to pain, and some amount of pain is necessary to be healthy. There's a difference between pain and suffering.