If Mort Divine ruled the world

Two things:

I'll admit at the outset that I didn't know exactly what the NPC meme or its predecessors and variants stood for, but it was pretty obvious to me from the first time I saw it posted here that it was a comforting symbol of solidarity among the lonely incel, true-cuck internet community intent on lashing out against the mainstream and establishment to instill in themselves a sense of belonging in the world and to fill the hole that the lack of social lives and sexlessness has bore into their souls. That said, I hardly see how Bill Maher fits this narrative.

Secondly, I gotta say one of the things I really hate about the decentralization of media spurred by the internet is how these nobody cunts like her and Tomi Lahren somehow become somebodies purely out of the fact that they 1) have cunts 2) are at least 6s out of 10s on the neck-beard ranking system 3) and parrot fringe talking points. At least give me some qualifications or deeds of merit.
I'll admit at the outset that I didn't know exactly what the NPC meme or its predecessors and variants stood for, but it was pretty obvious to me from the first time I saw it posted here that it was a comforting symbol of solidarity among the lonely incel, true-cuck internet community intent on lashing out against the mainstream and establishment to instill in themselves a sense of belonging in the world and to fill the hole that the lack of social lives and sexlessness has bore into their souls. That said, I hardly see how Bill Maher fits this narrative.

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Jews make up 1% of the population but are the majority of those involved in the comedy industry, a massive industry monopolized by a handful of media corporations controlled by a small number of (largely Jewish) executives. Why are you upset about women, 50% of the population, making up some modest percentage of the right-wing YouTube commentator cottage industry?
I'll give you a response to your actual point when I'm on a computer. You make one, but it's a false equivalency.

If you say so. But how hilariously cocky is it for Bill Maher to advertise himself as "the whole truth and nothing but" when he's only a political pundit because he was given a show called Politically Incorrect in the 90's and just... kept at it.
Qualifications like being an "edgy 90's comedian" for example.

If you say so. But how hilariously cocky is it for Bill Maher to advertise himself as "the whole truth and nothing but" when he's only a political pundit because he was given a show called Politically Incorrect in the 90's and just... kept at it.

Cocky, sure. It is an advertisement. Cockiness and being unafraid to piss people off is also half his shtick, for what it's worth, and for that same reason, most progressives I know hate his guts. I do have one earnest question for you: have you ever actually watched an episode of Real Time? There's quite a lot of designations you could throw at Maher, but a conduit of typical contemporary progressive ideology isn't one of them.

Back on point: yes, I would argue that does rank higher in qualifications than a pussy and a MAGA hat. His "edginess" was directly related to political issues, and it's more than fair to say that Maher's got significantly more balanced and nuanced views on politics than this new breed of viral video conservatives, whether they be women or men. Hell, the intellectual of the group is Shapiro, but I'd rank the depth of his debating and take-down skills to be much deeper than his intellectual depth. And regardless of his personal views, his show is hardly a vassal for opinions he agreed with. I've watched his show for a while and I fucking hated 80% of his views for years, but I watched it anyways because 1) it's a comedy show and I'm entertained by those aspects of it and 2) it's one of the few places where you can actually see libertarians and democratic socialists engage each other in a (mostly) intellectually honest format.

Jews make up 1% of the population but are the majority of those involved in the comedy industry, a massive industry monopolized by a handful of media corporations controlled by a small number of (largely Jewish) executives. Why are you upset about women, 50% of the population, making up some modest percentage of the right-wing YouTube commentator cottage industry?

Yeah yeah, Jews and Hollywood and intellectuals and Nobel Prizes, etc. I don't want to get into a protracted discussion on this and reaffirm the delusion floating around here that I'm Jewish; further, you're trying to be cute with this and bait me into something with assumptions of fairness you yourself don't support and with assertions that are either misleading, vague, or false (modest percentage--sorry but not close), so there's no real motivation here for me to engage in a sincere discussion on this at this moment.
Two things:
NPC meme.... was a comforting symbol of solidarity among the lonely incel, true-cuck internet community intent on lashing out against the mainstream and establishment to instill in themselves a sense of belonging in the world and to fill the hole that the lack of social lives and sexlessness has bore into their souls.

The NPC meme is a take on the predictability in the range of available responses to a given stimuli for most people. It obviously applies to most people depending on context, but the context in which it has been/was presented are people parroting often word for word the rhetoric from MSM news sources, "late night funny men" (another label born somewhat in tandem for use in NPC memes), and social media influencers.

nobody cunts like her and Tomi Lahren somehow become somebodies purely out of the fact that they 1) have cunts 2) are at least 6s out of 10s on the neck-beard ranking system 3) and parrot fringe talking points. At least give me some qualifications or deeds of merit.

It also irritates me as well, except it also goes for the "centralized media" (I guess minus the fringe talking point thing, depending on your definition of fringe). These wahmen are incredibly annoying in their own right, and the fact that they have an audience of any size is obviously driven purely by sex appeal. Of course that's why most talking heads have an audience, but it's usually a tad more subtle in "mainstream" sources.
Yeah yeah, Jews and Hollywood and intellectuals and Nobel Prizes, etc. I don't want to get into a protracted discussion on this and reaffirm the delusion floating around here that I'm Jewish; further, you're trying to be cute with this and bait me into something with assumptions of fairness you yourself don't support and with assertions that are either misleading, vague, or false (modest percentage--sorry but not close), so there's no real motivation here for me to engage in a sincere discussion on this at this moment.

This has nothing to do with your background. If we're questioning industry X and their proportion of demographic Y, why not be quantitative about it and focus on the most over-represented groups? And I'm pretty sure that women do make up a modest proportion of YouTube right-wing stars. I don't follow any of them, but men clearly still comprise a giant chunk of that userbase, e.g. Stefan Molyneux, Ben Shapiro, that old black guy who calls everyone "beta males", Styxhexenhammer666420blazeit, Sargon, the "Change my mind" guy, etc. I'm sure there are women that are popular largely because they are attractive, but that applies to everything. Some men have great TV faces too, of course.
Some men have great TV faces too, of course.

And beautifully developed cocks I'm sure.

I do have one earnest question for you: have you ever actually watched an episode of Real Time? There's quite a lot of designations you could throw at Maher, but a conduit of typical contemporary progressive ideology isn't one of them.

Yeah of course. I used to love Bill Maher, I was a kind of generic liberal growing up, and an insufferable card-carrying atheist (like Bill still is) so Maher was my bread and butter. I loved his movie, I loved Politically Incorrect etc. In no way am I a traditional conservative nor did I grow up on the right, I liked all the typical left-wing shit, and it's not like I despise Maher even now.

Best thing that ever happened on Real Time was Hitchens flipping off his crowd though.

I would argue that does rank higher in qualifications than a pussy and a MAGA hat.

They're still both pretty poor excuses for being qualified, and Maher certainly makes higher claims for himself.

His "edginess" was directly related to political issues, and it's more than fair to say that Maher's got significantly more balanced and nuanced views on politics than this new breed of viral video conservatives, whether they be women or men.

Not sure why this argument is even being thrown at me. I've never watched Tahmi or whatever her name is and the woman who triggered your sexist rant here in the video I linked is someone I've never even heard of. Throw them all down a well for all I care.

Hell, the intellectual of the group is Shapiro, but I'd rank the depth of his debating and take-down skills to be much deeper than his intellectual depth.

Not really. Shapiro is more known as the debater of the group, the intellectual of the group if you want to frame it in such an embarrassing way is probably Peterson or the fat Weinstein brother.

And regardless of his personal views, his show is hardly a vassal for opinions he agreed with.

Not sure anybody said he only has people he agrees with on his show...

I've watched his show for a while and I fucking hated 80% of his views for years, but I watched it anyways because 1) it's a comedy show and I'm entertained by those aspects of it and 2) it's one of the few places where you can actually see libertarians and democratic socialists engage each other in a (mostly) intellectually honest format.

The biggest fault with Maher's show that I now see in hindsight and in current episodes is that he wants the credit that comes with "entertaining the other side" but he always sets it up as so one-sided that you don't get an honest discussion but rather some kind of dogpile.
The biggest fault with Maher is that he's 200% smug and laughs at his own jokes, which amount to nothing more than smarmy sarcasm.
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