Approximately Infinite Universe
You mean the one where he picks on a bunch of uneducated hicks for the lolz and Ken Ham shows him some initial good faith and then gives him the Patrick Warburton treatment?
Religulous, yeah.
You mean the one where he picks on a bunch of uneducated hicks for the lolz and Ken Ham shows him some initial good faith and then gives him the Patrick Warburton treatment?
Religulous, yeah.
Yeah, I thought he came off like a tremendous douche "punching down" in that movie. Ken Ham is kind of a chucklehead, but he managed to look like the adult in the room. Incidentally the only not-hick he bothered to engage with iirc.
I haven't watched it in years and actually remember very little from it, but at the time I was soaking in all that atheist smugness and loving it.
I'm agnostic at this point and have been for some time now, but I was raised Baptist, so that's at play but: Maher was clearly far more educated and intelligent than the people he engaged with, so I didn't find it to be tasteful at all. Would have been interesting if he was challenging theologians.
Theologians don't practice a subset of philosophy?
This has nothing to do with your background. If we're questioning industry X and their proportion of demographic Y, why not be quantitative about it and focus on the most over-represented groups? And I'm pretty sure that women do make up a modest proportion of YouTube right-wing stars. I don't follow any of them, but men clearly still comprise a giant chunk of that userbase, e.g. Stefan Molyneux, Ben Shapiro, that old black guy who calls everyone "beta males", Styxhexenhammer666420blazeit, Sargon, the "Change my mind" guy, etc. I'm sure there are women that are popular largely because they are attractive, but that applies to everything. Some men have great TV faces too, of course.
The NPC meme is a take on the predictability in the range of available responses to a given stimuli for most people. It obviously applies to most people depending on context, but the context in which it has been/was presented are people parroting often word for word the rhetoric from MSM news sources, "late night funny men" (another label born somewhat in tandem for use in NPC memes), and social media influencers.
It also irritates me as well, except it also goes for the "centralized media" (I guess minus the fringe talking point thing, depending on your definition of fringe). These wahmen are incredibly annoying in their own right, and the fact that they have an audience of any size is obviously driven purely by sex appeal. Of course that's why most talking heads have an audience, but it's usually a tad more subtle in "mainstream" sources.
Yeah of course. I used to love Bill Maher, I was a kind of generic liberal growing up, and an insufferable card-carrying atheist (like Bill still is) so Maher was my bread and butter. I loved his movie, I loved Politically Incorrect etc. In no way am I a traditional conservative nor did I grow up on the right, I liked all the typical left-wing shit, and it's not like I despise Maher even now.
Best thing that ever happened on Real Time was Hitchens flipping off his crowd though.
They're still both pretty poor excuses for being qualified, and Maher certainly makes higher claims for himself.
Not sure why this argument is even being thrown at me. I've never watched Tahmi or whatever her name is and the woman who triggered your sexist rant here in the video I linked is someone I've never even heard of. Throw them all down a well for all I care.
Not really. Shapiro is more known as the debater of the group, the intellectual of the group if you want to frame it in such an embarrassing way is probably Peterson or the fat Weinstein brother.
Not sure anybody said he only has people he agrees with on his show...
The biggest fault with Maher's show that I now see in hindsight and in current episodes is that he wants the credit that comes with "entertaining the other side" but he always sets it up as so one-sided that you don't get an honest discussion but rather some kind of dogpile.
Fuck it, couldn't find the proper clip of Maher and Brand having their full disagreement. I guess Maher's official Youtube channel thought it was too embarrassing to be isolated and uploaded...
I wouldn't say I was raised traditional conservative, but I was born and raised in what is now Trump country and very much absorbed all of it. I branched out to libertarianism later, as I found it's intellectual aspects attractive until I realized the intellectualism was mostly a facade. I liked Maher's show the whole way through though, despite hating him, because of the other opinions offered on the show. The show used to be more genuine in this respect, I'm sure you'll acknowledge. It wasn't uncommon for conservatives (libertarians obviously included) to be the majority on the show before. He's getting older and doesn't have the patience for it anymore.
Sorry, but sexist rant, no. Since when did you get all PC?
Yeah, I've never been a fan of Harris, but the Affleck thing was embarrassing. And agreed that one of the best was Hitchens flicking of the crowd.
Gillette goes abroad: Gillette's "The Best a Man Can Be" campaign seems to have hit the German market, but the thrust is different. The ad caught my eye on FB. "The Best Man has Many Faces." The one I saw stars a guy with big muscles doing work outs and doing community organizing with kids. Background is he used to get in trouble on the streets, in a fitting, thick Ruhrgebiet accent (jo, ich bin Daniel und ich trainiere heute die Kids, damit sie nicht auf der Straße abbhängen). He overcame it with sports and sees helping others reach the next level in life as being a man.
Professor is suspended for using the N-word in class. He was discussing language in a James Baldwin essay. Given the slur's potential to throw learning off course, is it ever worth using in the classroom -- if it ever was?
“I’ve taught courses on hip-hop where the word is ubiquitous, and it’s always a stumbling block,” he said in a Twitter message. “By using the term, even in a quote, you’re essentially asking students, particularly black students, to take it on faith that this is not a vicarious thrill or a kind of ventriloquism that allows access to an otherwise forbidden term.”
In many instances, he said, “it will not be. In some instances it will.” Either way, the student is “almost always going to puzzle over that moment like a Rorschach test.”
So while it’s important question to debate, Cobb added, “the potential downsides of actually saying it are large enough, and the likelihood of derailing conversation high enough, that it’s not worth saying even if you have the most purely pedagogical motives.”