If Mort Divine ruled the world

So, basically, some Trump-hating-feminist thinks it's okay to randomly grab a guy's junk just because he's wearing a MAGA-hat
Yeah, this is stupid
I normally don't like the people who are willing to wear MAGA-hats but that girl was just a dumbass
Beto O'Rourke: Tear down existing border walls - Washington Times

in other news
some crazy SJW people keep posting this pic on Facebook
not sure its interesting to see Shapiro be so cowardly to just hide behind "capitalism" -- for a man so interested in debates, his position lacks reality, substance and any actual thought. never liked that douche
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Yeah, Shapiro runs into trouble as soon as he isn't talking about free speech.

On the Smollett thing:


It's a hell of a redirection. x ∈ X claims harm from y ∈ Y. The Archons firmly declare that this proves all X are harmed by all Y. x lied. The Archons declare that some ys' reaction to this revelation...is simply further proof that all X are harmed by all Y.
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This story ties into one of my qualms about the way progressives talk about race, and marginalized groups in general, these days: It feels increasingly common for progressives to treat the opinions of elite members of marginalized groups as representative of the groups in question — even though rank-and-file members without platforms may feel quite differently.

But at the same time, if you’re a progressive who is calling for the Washington football team to change its name, or for Ralph Northam to resign, because of the harm that football team name and that governor did to marginalized people, it should feel very weird that the actual groups most affected mostly disagree with you, no? Or if it doesn’t feel weird, why doesn’t it feel weird? What does it mean to say you hold an opinion out of a desire to protect a given group when members of that group say, in polling, they don’t require your protection on that particular issue?

The broader problem here is that progressive political elites have a bit of a class problem.

Stats included.