My grandma is catholic and calls going to church on Easter.... “easter worship”
(hope Krow doesn't mind me using this)
And my point is that churches were bombed. Why the fuck do they need to mention churches? Nothing about your comments makes sense.
I wonder if any twitter followers were under the impression that Christians weren't targeted during the attacks.
Scores of Easter worshipers surged toward him, lighting their candles from his, passing the light to others.
Like other clergy, Monsignor James Flaherty, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, near the main entrance to Pensacola Naval Air Station, wants to make Easter worshipers feel welcome.
As dawn peeked through the clouds, 300 Easter worshipers gathered in a high school stadium and praised God as the only keeper of heaven's gate.
"Jesus Christ is the gate, he's the only way. There's no UFO waiting behind a comet," Pastor Bob Botsford told 300 Easter worshipers gathered in a high school stadium near where the cult members died.
Muslim woman ready to be suicide bomber to kill Easter worshipers set free
Easter worshipers injured in when car crashes into Fla. church
Easter worshipers blessed with vivid sunrise
Everyone is bigger than Dak, he's a midget.
I deleted it because I replied with the page open for like 30 mins and hadn't seen your reply. Then I replied and it loaded showing your response. Sorry.
And changed your post.
Look, you can complain about what I've linked here all you want. The fact is that it is a phrase that's been used, and used fairly regularly in journalism for years. I could increase that list if I cared to keep searching the depths of the internet archive. But I don't. You're pushing a baseless perspective here, so I'm done.
I didn't even have any hand in the fact that page after page of Google returns show that in 2000 years of Christian history, there seems to be no example of Christians ever referring to themselves as "Easter worship[p]ers" that can be appealed to to demonstrate that it's just an idiom or a colloquial turn of phrase.