Genesis says that God created man; so they were human. But then again, the Book of Genesis is a fairy tale; so Adam and Even weren't human insofar as they weren't real.
Genisis chapeter 1 has the order of events depicted in an order that's physically impossible
chapter 2 has a spot appears to contradict something in chapter 1
chapter 3 is clearly a fairy-tale (with God being a jack-ass)
there's no evidence to prove that Noah's Flood was actually a global event
the existence of dinosaurs contradicts the story of Noah's flood
even excluding dinosaurs the dimensions of Noah's Ark wouldn't have been big enough to hold "2 of every animal"
Sara and Rebekah are referred to as "beautiful in the face" and Rachel is referred to as "prettier in the face than Leah" check the genealogy charts and you'll see that the "beautiful faces" are a family-resemblance, this family is so fucking inbred that these 3 women have all inherited the exact-same beautiful face
Jacob and Laban tricking each other is fucking hilarious
when Dina is raped, the punishment for 1 unmarried guy and raping 1 unmarried woman is an entire fucking city slaughtered and then looted
Judah impregnating his son's wife because God needs that specific woman to get knocked-up