If Mort Divine ruled the world

the hillary tweet and the obama tweet clearly appear to have been written by the same person

this ghost-writer seems to be either
a person trying to imply that the group called "easter worshipers" might somehow include people that are non-christian
someone who was instructed by someone else to to "make tweets about the Christians being killed without actually using the word christian"

there's no such thing as a "standard google-search"
someone google-ing the exact same phrase as someone else will get completely different results depending on the country (or state/province or even the city) of the IP address, and the IP addresses previous google-searches, and if you've opened up your google-account the differences are even more extreme

when it comes to whether or not the phrase "easter worshippers" existed before the easter-bombings, clearly what's happened is 2 people doing the same google-search and getting completely different results because they were in different countries
Genesis says that God created man; so they were human. But then again, the Book of Genesis is a fairy tale; so Adam and Even weren't human insofar as they weren't real. :D
Genisis chapeter 1 has the order of events depicted in an order that's physically impossible

chapter 2 has a spot appears to contradict something in chapter 1

chapter 3 is clearly a fairy-tale (with God being a jack-ass)

there's no evidence to prove that Noah's Flood was actually a global event

the existence of dinosaurs contradicts the story of Noah's flood

even excluding dinosaurs the dimensions of Noah's Ark wouldn't have been big enough to hold "2 of every animal"

Sara and Rebekah are referred to as "beautiful in the face" and Rachel is referred to as "prettier in the face than Leah" check the genealogy charts and you'll see that the "beautiful faces" are a family-resemblance, this family is so fucking inbred that these 3 women have all inherited the exact-same beautiful face

Jacob and Laban tricking each other is fucking hilarious

when Dina is raped, the punishment for 1 unmarried guy and raping 1 unmarried woman is an entire fucking city slaughtered and then looted

Judah impregnating his son's wife because God needs that specific woman to get knocked-up
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Indians, Asians, and other successful ethnic groups are automatically white, regardless of skin tone.

Is this the same Women's March that celebrated a couple of black female rapist-murderers who killed some gay guy?
A contemporary of the wife, an immigrant artist, was not allowed to display his art depicting suicide or male on female violence. The Cathedral's tenants were violated. Must only create the secular religion's approved art.

From a feminist language perspective, she adds, labelling ships, countries, and other inanimate things as female could be interpreted as “perpetuating the patriarchal view”, and as “slightly derogatory and patronising”.

Alternatively, from a feminist language perspective, labeling ships, countries, and other inanimate things as male could be interpreted as "promoting patriarchal hegemonic views", and as "exclusionary and erasing".
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so when the distinctive-looking building burns and is getting re-built
why exactly would you need to change what it looks like??
why not make the think look like it did before the fire??

maybe we should have @ArtixMcMahon design the rebuilding of the burned down church

Apparently this went viral and then the Gabbard account deleted it.

Especially spicy bit:

"Most of the attacks I get are not from Republicans, they're from Democrats. They're from people in the MSM, they're from people in the foreign policy establishment that you're talking about, people who represent the interests of the military industrial complex."
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