If Mort Divine ruled the world

I can't find where she deleted a tweet containing that. Kind of wimpy if she got pressured by the DNC to remove it after they already more or less disowned her in 2015, especially since she has almost no visibility right now and could use any controversy, let alone good controversy, but the content is still more or less spot on.
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Sounds pretty bullshit to me. The idea that testosterone alone is a good indicator for fair play in athletics is wrong from the start, in that men can have their balls cut off and undergo HRT for many months, and still retain many of the physical advantages (e.g. skeletal structure, height) even with veritably low testosterone. Then there's the fact that there are many other genetic differences between people, e.g. Kenyans have genetic advantages that make them particularly suited to long-distance running. Ultimately this is just the trans lobby making things difficult for intersex people.
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yo CiG if i redesigned the burnt up idiot mill, it will be Satanic as fuck

Sounds pretty bullshit to me. The idea that testosterone alone is a good indicator for fair play in athletics is wrong from the start, in that men can have their balls cut off and undergo HRT for many months, and still retain many of the physical advantages (e.g. skeletal structure, height) even with veritably low testosterone. Then there's the fact that there are many other genetic differences between people, e.g. Kenyans have genetic advantages that make them particularly suited to long-distance running. Ultimately this is just the trans lobby making things difficult for intersex people.

Adam Ruins Everything recently went on Rogan trying to push that bullshit, was pretty great to watch him fall apart under questioning.

Sounds pretty bullshit to me. The idea that testosterone alone is a good indicator for fair play in athletics is wrong from the start, in that men can have their balls cut off and undergo HRT for many months, and still retain many of the physical advantages (e.g. skeletal structure, height) even with veritably low testosterone. Then there's the fact that there are many other genetic differences between people, e.g. Kenyans have genetic advantages that make them particularly suited to long-distance running. Ultimately this is just the trans lobby making things difficult for intersex people.

yeah, pretty surprised their stand was "she was born a woman thus we don't care. rather than "she's not in this mold of woman that has never been reinforced anywhere :lol:
Burger King introduces a range of boxed deals called “Real Meals,” including the Pissed Meal, Blue Meal, Yaaas Meal and DGAF Meal, as part of Mental Health Awareness Month: “Burger King restaurants understands that no one is happy all the time."


As we all know, Pissed, Yaaas, and DGAF are serious mental health disorders. Also, didn't know that restaurants could "understand" anything.
I agree with the fact that testosterone in itself is not the only advantage of males against females in sports. You can lower it down artificially but still have a big advantage due to the morphology of your body (there's the case with the cyclist and now this weight-lifter).

To be completely honest, I think top tier competitive sports are ultimately pretty stupid so to me this is just another thing that's stupid about them. However it seems obvious enough that in most sports there was a need to make male and female categories and by letting trans people compete in them you undermine that.

A thing I liked from that big bald amrucan guy with microphone clip is that it's not people's right to compete in whatever top tier sports they'd like to and frankly, most people won't stand a chance in most sports just due to how their body is. It would be laughable if a small guy wanted to go height jumping on the olympics and I won't be able to compete in heavy weight box because I weigh less than average insect.

Sports are ultimately unfair and you just have to fucking deal with it, because in a way, everybody has to.

Fucking deal with it, ffs.
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Original sin in its original form might now be confined to certain communities who are still apologising to the One True God, but we certainly have a replacement for it and for its deeply unpleasant sense that you just can’t win. People, it seems, still want the repetition of comforting, closed ideas, a sense of in-group and out-group; they want to learn their prayers, they want to repeat them within earshot of other believers and they still take any opposition as evidence of heresy, of people who have not yet been brought into the light. But, as with original sin, it’s the people facing down this new orthodoxy who stand to bring about any sort of meaningful appraisal of what it means to be here, now. The banal concept of ‘privilege’ is failing to indoctrinate everyone, and this can only be a positive.