If Mort Divine ruled the world

has nothing to do with pedophilia. Just a basic parenting failure and i woudlnt doubt that some are even using these kids as nothing more than vessels to spread their agendas and fagify the world. An 8 year old kid has no business at a gay parade or anything of the sort. They are drilling their rotten and degenerate thought process into children at an age when sexuality is not supposed to be a topic of any sort.
if your brain is more like a magic eight ball, just shake it a little and see what pops up.


whether you actually have any sincere thoughts

You don't actually care, but I'll humor you:

I do but given the fact that very few people here even give a shit about what I say (or merely brush it off and make a joke about how I'm fat or something just as banal), I don't find any point in discussing them here.
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People who think juveniles should be "affirmed" for every idiotic thing that pops into their head obviously didn't grow up themselves. Permissive parenting is worst type of parenting style officially recognized, and this goes beyond even that. These children would be better off with uninvolved parents.
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People who think juveniles should be "affirmed" for every idiotic thing that pops into their head obviously didn't grow up themselves. Permissive parenting is worst type of parenting style officially recognized, and this goes beyond even that. These children would be better off with uninvolved parents.

So instead of allowing children to express themselves in ways that make them more comfortable with who they are is a problem? This isn't letting their kids eat nothing but candy for breakfast or buying them everything ever for ever passing interest expressed.

Sure, that happens. But that isn't what this is. It isn't some passing interest for the children that are trans.

Would you rather risk a trans child being forced to grow up suppressing who they are and grow up experiencing dysphoria?

has nothing to do with pedophilia. Just a basic parenting failure and i woudlnt doubt that some are even using these kids as nothing more than vessels to spread their agendas and fagify the world. An 8 year old kid has no business at a gay parade or anything of the sort. They are drilling their rotten and degenerate thought process into children at an age when sexuality is not supposed to be a topic of any sort.

So instead of allowing children to express themselves in ways that make them more comfortable with who they are is a problem? This isn't letting their kids eat nothing but candy for breakfast or buying them everything ever for ever passing interest expressed.

Sure, that happens. But that isn't what this is. It isn't some passing interest for the children that are trans.

Would you rather risk a trans child being forced to grow up suppressing who they are and grow up experiencing dysphoria?


For most children with GDC, whether GD will persist or desist will probably be determined between the ages of 10 and 13 years,26 although some may need more time.27 Evidence from the 10 available prospective follow-up studies from childhood to adolescence (reviewed in the study by Ristori and Steensma28) indicates that for ~80% of children who meet the criteria for GDC, the GD recedes with puberty.
I'm fine with allowing people with their own earned resources who claim GD to spend their fortunes on crafting their body to their preference, no less than I'm fine with people doing the same for other reasons via exercise, diet, and plastic surgery. This is not, however, something that should be subsidized by society or visited on impressionable and confused youth.
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You’re conflating the molestation of male children by adult males with homosexuality. Attraction of adult males to male children does NOT translate into attraction to adult males. Pedophilia is an entirely different kind of sexual orientation than heterosexuality or homosexuality.

When you post shit like this, you continue to perpetuate ignorant stereotypes that assume gay adults experience the same kind of sexual attraction toward children.

When trying to operate in the motte, the LGBTQ+++ is bound as tightly together as can be. When operating in the bailey, they are spaced as far apart as possible.
Excuse me, are you suggesting that an example of correlation means causation? I'm confused, because you're refusing to actually explain in clear terms.

There was pushback against gay rights in the 80s and 90s suggesting a "slippery slope" of acceptance of all sorts of sexual "preferences." This was, of course, roundly rejected as a "slippery slope" argument, instead of a recognition of a Chesterton Fence. Trans praise was almost immediate with gay marriage legalization. Pedophilia and Beastiality isn't "the same thing", but sexual deviation from the norm is not as rigid as "bailey" arguers like to submit. Sexuality is more "fluid" for the people for whom it is more "fluid", particularly when we are already talking about 5%> of the population.
I'm not going to read that or respond to what you wrote. If you want to continue, rewrite your comment.

Pedophilia isn't a variant of homosexuality, and adult male attraction to male children isn't the same as homosexual attraction. That's what I said and what I'm saying. If you disagree, then say so.