If Mort Divine ruled the world

I wanted to fuck adult women when I was 11. That's not "society cheering" though, that's just men reminiscing their earliest lusts (or posting South Park memes because that's the full extent of their humor).
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I wanted to fuck adult women when I was 11. That's not "society cheering" though, that's just men reminiscing their earliest lusts (or posting South Park memes because that's the full extent of their humor).

When I was 11 I didn't know you could fuck girls from behind AND in their pussy, I thought you could only do it in the butt if she was bent over. I don't know, basic physiology I guess, but back then, this was a revelation.

EDIT: Not that it went through a practical trial until several years later..
I didn't even understand human physiology then. At that age I thought women just had a totally smooth mound of skin called the "bagina" and that all babies were made by peeing in girl's butts. I didn't really learn about how sex actually worked until closer to 13. So when I thought about fucking my friend's mom it was more me just squeezing my dick until it hurt while thinking about her tits. First time I saw a pornographic image of a woman, I was probably 10 and thought she was pulling either her large intestines or some kind of an egg sac (a long transparent dildo) out through a wound in her lower abdomen, and the smile on her face while she was doing particularly unnerved me. For years it left a scar on me, and the only internet-accessible porn I could watch was ecchi/hentai (where naughty bits are conveniently pixelated) or nude Unreal Tournament skins.
I think they're most popular among mothers of participating daughters that wish they received more attention in school.
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What exactly are we admiring when a child puts on a form-fitting dress, lipstick, heels and struts around? Maybe I just don't get it or my revulsion when it comes to children is too reactionary.

We admire the child's balls.

...In a figurative sense.

He wants to wear a lipstick even though he will be laughed at and called a freak and he does it. That gives courage to other people, even though they're grown-ups, to do the things they want to do and wear things they want to wear. There's a lot of people like this.

That's the whole point really, stop looking for pedophilia in there.

And don't ask me why they want to wear a lipstick, I don't fucking know and I don't care. Lipsticks are disgusting.

EDIT: Also, before getting called a "libtard" and "leftist" by the American posters here, I'm not advocating for using kids on these parades - I would probably agree that it's not a good place for kids.
EDIT: Also, before getting called a "libtard" and "leftist" by the American posters here, I'm not advocating for using kids on these parades - I would probably agree that it's not a good place for kids.

In case you're not aware, some of these "drag kids" literally perform on stage, dancing at clubs.
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He wants to wear a lipstick even though he will be laughed at and called a freak and he does it. That gives courage to other people, even though they're grown-ups, to do the things they want to do and wear things they want to wear. There's a lot of people like this.
That's the whole point really, stop looking for pedophilia in there.

I never said the kids are being exposed to this/dressed up like this due to pedophilia you libtard.

MY point is that regardless of intentions these children are being sexualised and exposed to an adult environment. Children shouldn't be there to be dressed up and paraded around to boost the confidence of adults. They're kids, not icons of the LGBTQ+ to be exploited.

And don't ask me why they want to wear a lipstick, I don't fucking know and I don't care. Lipsticks are disgusting.

I don't care how a child experiments with their identity in the privacy of their own home. It isn't the point.
I never said the kids are being exposed to this/dressed up like this due to pedophilia you libtard.

MY point is that regardless of intentions these children are being sexualised and exposed to an adult environment. Children shouldn't be there to be dressed up and paraded around to boost the confidence of adults. They're kids, not icons of the LGBTQ+ to be exploited.

Well, we agree then. :)

It's just that you asked what is there to admire and I tried to explain.
I don't care how a child experiments with their identity in the privacy of their own home. It isn't the point.

Hmmmmmm. Interesting. How do you experiment with your identity in the privacy of your home? Doesn't experimenting with your identity require socializing? (I don't know, I'm asking).
I didn't say all experimentation should be done at home, I'm speaking specifically about kids dressing in drag and twerking for adults in the middle of the street.

Also no, experimenting with your identity doesn't require socialising, if you're implying a blanket statement with that. Masturbation for example is a big part of identity experimentation in that it's part of the process of developing your sexual preferences, doesn't mean a 12 year old should take his dad's magazine and start fapping at a parade.
Beauty pageants have sexualized children for much longer than pride parades have. It makes me uncomfortable that people are so eager to leap on the use of children in these parades, but somehow beauty pageants just pass us by unremarked.

Also no, experimenting with your identity doesn't require socialising

There are probably phases to this though. Maybe early phase experimenting doesn't require socialization, but at some point people need to experience their identity within a social situation.