If Mort Divine ruled the world

I'm not going to read that or respond to what you wrote. If you want to continue, rewrite your comment.

Pedophilia isn't a variant of homosexuality, and adult male attraction to male children isn't the same as homosexual attraction. That's what I said and what I'm saying. If you disagree, then say so.

I never said it was a variant. Pedophilia can exist independently or coexist with homosexuality. A fetish is not the same thing as a sexual orientation. You can't have a sexual orientation to children.
I never said it was a variant. Pedophilia can exist independently or coexist with homosexuality. A fetish is not the same thing as a sexual orientation. You can't have a sexual orientation to children.

Well I couldn’t tell what you were saying.

And I don’t disagree. Attraction to children isn’t the same as homo- or heterosexuality. So why all this causal association from people claiming that gay pride is somehow related to pedophilia?
Well I couldn’t tell what you were saying.

And I don’t disagree. Attraction to children isn’t the same as homo- or heterosexuality. So why all this causal association from people claiming that gay pride is somehow related to pedophilia?

Because the LGTBQ+++ flag is already such a wide tent within a small fraction it captures that extra .5% deviant. It's not "related" in the sense that a father is related to a son, but that sort of relation is of no account in this sense anyway.
Because the LGTBQ+++ flag is already such a wide tent within a small fraction it captures that extra .5% deviant.

No it doesn’t. You’re saying that if someone’s a pedophile, then they fall under the LGBTQ flag; but that’s simply untenable. What about male pedophiles who abuse female children? If your argument holds, then the deviation belongs to the heterosexual community as much as it belongs to the gay community. But no one’s saying that adult men abusing female women is related to heterosexuality.
There is a study which shows that many children who claim they feel like the opposite gender just end up growing up to be a homosexual (and others straight or bisexual). This doesn't mean transgenderism isn't a thing and can't be self-knowledge at a young age, but just that we should wait before transitioning and not start it at such young ages.

also @CiG what part of gender-affirmation for trans children is 'irreversible' it isn't like people are taking their 7 year olds to have bottom surgery

Referring to post-puberty treatment that includes blockers and hormones that will irreversibly change a developing body. This usually starts as late as age 13, and there are many voices pushing for these treatments to start younger and younger. These things can also increase cancer risk and can lead to sterility.

These aren't decisions that should be made by kids/tweens.
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No it doesn’t. You’re saying that if someone’s a pedophile, then they fall under the LGBTQ flag; but that’s simply untenable. What about male pedophiles who abuse female children? If your argument holds, then the deviation belongs to the heterosexual community as much as it belongs to the gay community. But no one’s saying that adult men abusing female women is related to heterosexuality.

No I'm not. I'm saying that pedophiles can fall under either, but they only get some protection and praise under the former, and otherwise it's all getting exposure and coverage in the Catholic Church expose. Men abusing women has nothing to do with pedophilia so???
But no one’s saying that adult men abusing female women is related to heterosexuality.

I would. (I assume you mean female children, not female women, lmao).

Pedophilia is a deviancy that exists within both hetero and homosexuality. The pervasive nature of hebephilia seems to bridge them in fact. Though I would say apologism for hebe/pedo deviancy is worse among heterosexuals. Example; adult female teacher has relations with student, society cheers.
Trans didn't get praise either until they did. The current year is new every year. Cultural change is a thing.

I would. (I assume you mean female children, not female women, lmao). Pedophilia is a deviancy that exists within both hetero and homosexuality. The pervasive nature of hebephilia seems to bridge them in fact. Though I would say apologism for hebe/pedo deviancy is worse among heterosexuals. Example; adult female teacher has relations with student, society cheers.

At least you’re consistent.

But even adult male on female child has nothing to do with heterosexuality. It’s a fixation, not a sexual orientation. The problem is that many people insist on associating adult male abuse of male children with homosexuality, while denying that abuse between opposite sexes is related to heterosexuality.
The fixation is expressed via the orientation.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the connection between homosexuality and same sex child abuse due to the correlation between being abused as a child by someone of the same sex and growing up to be a homosexual?
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But while those abused by a same-sex adult might grow up to be homosexual, that doesn’t mean they’re attracted to children. Attraction to children is distinct from sexual orientation. There’s no denying that homosexual adults can be pedophiles—just like heterosexual adults can be pedophiles; but sexual orientation doesn’t lead to pedophilia.

It may be true that children abused by same-sex adults grow up to be homosexual; and plenty of children abused by opposite-sex adults grow up to be heterosexual. The problem is that homosexuality gets demonized for permitting pedophilia (or some bullshit), while heterosexuality doesn’t. If we’re going to throw gay pride under the bus, then we should be shitting on heterosexuality just as much.
I'm happy to throw all pride in an immutable arbitrary characteristic under the bus lmao.

That said, I think it's important to view it in proportion. Is pedophilia over-represented among homosexuals vs heterosexuals?
An immutable arbitrary characteristic that is still fighting to be perceived as normal...

If I understand what you're asking, I don't think so; but the research is also very fuzzy on the issue, I think. For one thing, not all child abusers are pedophiles, and not all pedophiles actually commit abuse.

Another thing, I'm pretty sure the likelihood of pedophilic tendencies is equally spread between hetero- and homosexuals.

Not that this is specific to you, but there's a common tendency among many people to deny that something is occurring or that something is reaching a high likelihood of occurring - until it does occur - and then there's an immediate switch from denial to acting like the change is totally normal likewhywouldyouevencarejustbenormal.

I would. (I assume you mean female children, not female women, lmao).

Pedophilia is a deviancy that exists within both hetero and homosexuality. The pervasive nature of hebephilia seems to bridge them in fact. Though I would say apologism for hebe/pedo deviancy is worse among heterosexuals. Example; adult female teacher has relations with student, society cheers.

Hebephilia, or at least simply the marrying and childbirth among persons in the ~13ish age range was the norm for thousands of years. It's now considered a fetish because it's no longer the norm, and for good reason, just like in the developed world cousin marriage is no longer the norm.

I wouldn't say society "cheers" female teachers, but they do get lighter sentencing, because that's what happens to women regardless of crime.
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