But how are you not committing a grievous error by insinuating more than the correlation between "poorly run" cities and democratic leadership? How is that tweet not implying that democratic leadership causes or is incapable of fixing the issues, when in fact they could be caused by any number of things and it's unlikely the republican leadership would fix anything either? The tweet uses the word "correlation," but it's saying more than that.
I'm not frustrated by your attacks on democratic leadership, but in the insinuation (in that tweet, at least) that republican leadership is superior.
It's not simply that it's Democratic leadership, but that we are talking about unbroken decades of it all while these places trend worse and worse, while there is no questioning of the leadership or the citizenry but rather any problems are blamed on "racism". It's Coatsian.
The central event in Between the World and Me is the fatal shooting in 2000 of an acquaintance from Howard U. by an undercover deputy from Prince George County, the country’s most affluent black-majority county. Coates refers to this tragedy repeatedly as proof of America’s demonic drive to destroy black bodies. (The dead man’s family, I found, was eventually awarded $3.7 million in their wrongful-death suit, much like the $3 million awarded to the parents of a teen gunned down by an undercover Obama Administration agent in a shooting that I investigated in 2010. You have never heard of my local police blotter item, though, because the victim was white.)
Since I”m a horrible person, my immediate response to Coates” tale was…okay…black-run county, affirmative-action hiring, and poor police decision-making…you know, I bet the shooter cop was black.
And sure enough, the Carlton Jones who shot Prince Jones turned out to be black. Coates eventually gets around to briefly admitting that awkward fact, but only after seven pages of purple prose about people who believe they are whites destroying black bodies.
Today’s standard story as peddled by Coates rejects Occam’s Razor. For example, in 2011 the Obama administration reported that blacks commit homicide at a rate almost eight times that of whites. Is that proof of “the enduring myth of black criminality”? Or is it just evidence of black criminality?
But the simpler interpretation would be a stereotype! And stereotypes, as you learn at college, are mass delusions. Or something. The professors didn't explain precisely, but you got the message: Knowing that the average person is wrong about everything is what makes you better than people who didn't learn that at college.
What distinguishes Ta-Nehisi from his white competitors in the Hate Whitey business is his guileless faith in what he was taught. He really believes that if he amasses a mound of evidence that everybody for the past 150 years whose opinion is worth considering has been concerned about the black tendency toward criminality, well, that just proves how hallucinatorily racist America is. Since we all know from first principles that blacks couldn't possibly be more inclined toward disorganized crime than, say, Chinese, the fact that every expert has, at one point or another, broken down and admitted that they are just demonstrates how mind-warping white racism must be.