If you give the poorest people their basic needs, they will still be poor, but healthy enough to make babies. That is bad.
Thus creating more poor people, who will need more wealth redistribution. More money out of your and my paychecks.
Not all wealth redistribution is bad, but it must be targeted, and conditional.
Only give it to poor people who
1. show potential to become productive
2. will not breed until they can support themselves and their offspring unaided
The poorest, most hopeless cases, the worst shitholes of the world, should be left to starve and suffer so badly that they won’t even want to reproduce, and just die off.
if you're only talking about USA
then i support the idea of min wage becoming a living wage
but, then,
how exactly do you expect America to be even able (let alone willing) to fix (or exacerbate) the problem of (any) other countries having starving-to-death-people
if you expect (or even want) the USA to do something that makes people in the rest of the world die (so they can't immigrate to here) what-the-fuck exactly do you think America is actually capable of doing??
if you look at the mis-shaped food that never reaches store shelves
added to the food that rots on store shelves
added to the food that rots in people's refrigerators
added to the food in McDonald's trashcans when people order more food than they're going to eat
all this added together and what you have is this
the United States of America alone manufactures enough food to feed every fucking human on the entire fucking planet
the reason you see those fucking commercials about how you can feed a child in Africa for the cost of a cup of coffee
if because of corrupt food-ministers
people who have the job-description of feeding their country who are failing at their job
because they are corrupt enough that they are just pocketing the American money that should be spent turning Africa into farmland
if you look at the mis-shaped food that never reaches store shelves
added to the food that rots on store shelves
added to the food that rots in people's refrigerators
added to the food in McDonald's trashcans when people order more food than they're going to eat
all this added together and what you have is this
the United States of America alone manufactures enough food to feed every fucking human on the entire fucking planet
you wanna feed Africa?
just get a fucking jet and just fly food over there
if any of
@arg 's paycheck leaves America, it doesn't fucking feed anyone, it just lines the pocket of a corrupt "food minister"
i honestly want the United States to be able to institute some kind of "you're not allowed to breed until..." thing
where broke people in the United States are somehow temporarily sterilized until they stop being broke