If Mort Divine ruled the world


Didn't know CNN would spew such a sexist myth:

Researchers surveyed 32,748 Dutch women between the ages of 15 and 45 to evaluate lost productivity associated with menstrual symptoms. They measured both time off from work or school, as well as working or studying while feeling ill -- what the study termed "presenteeism."
The study, which was published Thursday, found that around 1 in 7, just under 14%, had taken time off from work or school during their period and 3.5% said that this happened during every, or nearly every, menstrual cycle.

Some 81% of the Dutch women said they had been less productive as a result of their menstrual symptoms. On average, the researchers calculated, women were absent from work or school 1.3 days per year because of their period and, on average, productivity loss was equivalent to 8.9 days per year.

"Women said that they weren't as productive as they could be while at work -- they needed to go to the toilet every hour or they had a headache and couldn't concentrate," said Theodoor Nieboer, an author of the report and a gynecologist at the Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands.

He added that women under the age of 21 were around three times more likely than older women to say they had taken time off because of their menstrual symptoms.
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Well, the article's most daring interpretation and solution were:

Even though the study couldn't explain why there were these differences in gun deaths by race and states, the researchers offered some ideas.
The firearm suicides appeared to occur at the highest rates in rural settings while the homicides occurred at the highest rates in urban settings, the researchers noted.

This urban-rural divide could suggest that social and geographic isolation, having access to lethal mechanisms and stresses related to agricultural work play a role in high suicide rates among white men in rural areas. Higher levels of income inequality and crowding, among other factors, in metropolitan areas could play a role in high homicide rates among black men in urban areas, the researchers wrote in the study.


"The large difference in homicide and suicide rates across states suggest that rates of homicide and suicide can be reduced by focusing on states with very high rates and learning from the states with the lowest rates. So there's more work to be done," Riddell said.

Just ignore that nowhere in non-Eastern Europe do you see a substantial urban vs rural effect. Berlin (ex-Bloc itself) has the highest homicide rate in Germany yet it's still only something like 2-3x the national average. A fair number of American cities like San Diego, Irvine, etc have homicide rates comfortably below the national average. The common problem is toxic blackness, but you can't talk about that because some white kid smiling awkwardly is the true problem here. But with the numbers right in their face, where the *largest* state gaps are 6-fold for whites and blacks, the solution to them is to go after problematic states, rather than the problematic race that displays an average gap closer to 15-fold (and as high as 40-fold).
I’ll never understand this mentality that facts are transparent and somehow foreclose interpretation. (FYI I read the article, and don’t see how it contorted anything)

It's long been claimed that any suggestion that periods create any issue for women at work is pure sexism. Now not only is it openly acknowledged that it is an issue, but that the right action is accommodations.

This is just like saying that diversity is a strength, until it's switched to saying that all the not-strength is because of whites.

Clown world.
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The left had a funny thing going with the milkshake attacks, but already they've ruined it with their violent ways. Portland police have been receiving reports of milkshakes being laced with quick-drying cement. Andy Ngo (journalist who films protests) is in hospital after being mobbed and bashed, covered in milkshake, with bleeding on the brain.
The left had a funny thing going with the milkshake attacks, but already they've ruined it with their violent ways. Portland police have been receiving reports of milkshakes being laced with quick-drying cement. Andy Ngo (journalist who films protests) is in hospital after being mobbed and bashed, covered in milkshake, with bleeding on the brain.

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