If Mort Divine ruled the world

I thought this was a term of art, but it turns out...no. You cite this as though it's substantiated by a community of researchers and/or intellectuals, but it's actually just the whimsical rantings of an online blogger (kinda similar to this thread, I guess).

Nice appeal to authority you found there. Referencing the rest of your post yes, it's the complex problem.

Also, as far as the blogger goes, he's not some basement dweller, although he's a "wrongthinker":


Yarvin's parents and stepfather were career officers in United States Foreign Service.[25] At age 12 he returned from abroad to attend public high school in Columbia, Maryland.[26] Yarvin attended college at Johns Hopkins and Brown University (undergrad) and UC Berkeley (graduate student).
It doesn’t matter that some people/nations have more than enough money or more than enough food

If we give it to the wrong people (the ones who will eat it and shit it out and need more tomorrow and shit out babies) that’s like nurturing a farm of diseased rats

Mandatory sterilization, while I love the idea, it provides immediate positive results, will be too difficult to implement politically

Stop helping all foreign poor
Help the local deserving poor yea ok
Stop helping local undeserving poor
Enjoy lower taxes
Have a smarter, more attractive, more prosperous population
I know who he is, believe me.

So the new edition of Trump is in bed with a dictator coming from the left (especially neolibs) is Ali Khamenei because he called off the attack on Tehran. Clintonites and Maher die-hards really are the scum of the earth.

trans-gendered people are trying to do sports so fucking much that this Wikipedia page somehow exists

And of course it's mostly men competing against women, wonder why.

The red scare might be long gone (although it isn't really, because the geriatrics on Fox still shake their canes at it), but its international effects haven't faded away.

As opposed to the speds on every other leftist network that regularly cry into their soy lattes about fascists and Nazis. Both sides have their bogeymen.
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The red scare still hasn't been given its proper credit given that most left-liberals still ignore the fact that the nation under FDR and Truman was filled with NKVD-supported spies at even some of the highest levels of government. Academics still marginalize the Venona project results while latching onto muh Putin on the thinnest of evidence, probably because said academics and spies are both overwhelmingly Jewish and hesitant to attack their in-group. We haven't nearly purged our nation of its worst, most subversive left-wing elements.
The case I make for reparations is, virtually every institution with some degree of history in America, be it public, be it private, has a history of extracting wealth and resources out of the African-American community. I think what has often been missing—this is what I was trying to make the point of in 2014—that behind all of that oppression was actually theft. In other words, this is not just mean. This is not just maltreatment. This is the theft of resources out of that community.

Just ignore that non-whites/Asians as a population contribute a massive net deficit to our public spending.
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We use lab experiments and field data from the Dutch Math Olympiad to show that women are more likely than men to stop competing if they lose. In a math competition in the lab, women are much less likely than men to choose competition again after losing in the first round. In the Math Olympiad, girls, but not boys, who fail to make the second round are less likely to compete again one year later. This gender difference in the reaction to competition outcomes may help to explain why fewer women make it to the top in business and academia. (JEL C90, D82, D91, J16)
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The Venn of people concerned about climate change's "threat to the human species" and people who have children probably has a noticeable lack of overlap. This is an astonishing amount of hypocrisy that shouldn't be overlooked. Queue the excuses....