If Mort Divine ruled the world

What is this otherkin shit anyway?

A coping mechanism for people who aren't happy with themselves or the way they exist in the world who "believe" they are the reincarnated souls of animals/mythical creatures and sometimes even fictional characters

Weird shit that I don't take seriously, but it isn't really hurting anyone so whatever
I would've thought you would be triggered by it as it sorta makes a bit of a mockery of those with legitimate identity issues.
A coping mechanism for people who aren't happy with themselves or the way they exist in the world who "believe" they are the reincarnated souls of animals/mythical creatures and sometimes even fictional characters

Weird shit that I don't take seriously, but it isn't really hurting anyone so whatever

So it's just a weird internet community version of Hinduism? Hahaha.

Nah, that actually sounds pretty cool.
Wolfkin people actually believe they were meant to be born as a wolf.

It's ridculous IMO. Wolves can't even grasp the concept of identity, much less care; their brains aren't as advanced. This is why I find the concept paradoxical.
I would've thought you would be triggered by it as it sorta makes a bit of a mockery of those with legitimate identity issues.

As long as they are not detracting from actual issues that people such as trans folk face I really don't care

Whatever people do to get by, long as they are not preventing actual issues from being addressed
I guess.

IMO identifying as a wolf or a mythical creature, is the sign of a seriously malfunctioning brain. They're free to live as they wish though, so long as, as you said, they aren't taking focus away from people who are legitimately struggling with identity issues.
It's really no more ridiculous than any religious belief and as Mort says, as long as it's effects are personal, I think it's fine.
I wouldn't want some rationalist taking my drugs away from me, so who am I to say some dude can't believe he was meant to be born a wolf?
Then again, I don't believe in anything spiritual either, believing it to be irrational (although I usually try not to voice that), so there's that.

I dunno. I just believe that while you can choose your gender, you can't choose your species. You're a human being and that won't ever change no matter how much you will it to be.
Perhaps "choose" was a poor choice of words. But it is possible to believe you are a gender aside from your birth sex. There are scientific reasons why this is possible.

There is no scientific backing, however, to rationalize believing that you are a species you aren't.
Anybody noticed that most bestiality porn tends to be women doing it?

Yeah, and I'm pretty sure women are disproportionately represented in bestiality relative to most other sex crimes as well. Especially getting fucked by the family dog and etc. Deep down they all want to be dominated by a hulking, aggressive beast.

When the world is getting you down, womens be fuckin' dogs and horses more than they fuckin' you, listen to this uber funky fresh Super Mario Compact Disco rap marathon and let your friendzoned-over-rover troubles melt away like your self-respect already did.
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I've never been friendzoned because I've never asked a girl out. tbh I find men much more obnoxious to be around so I don't want to sound like I think women have all the flaws, it's just that this discussion seems to be naturally gravitating towards that.

In related news, for the first time I got an erection due to an image of some 18-20 year old trap. Even though I'm pretty disenchanted with homosexuality at this point, I can't deny that highly feminine men have a special kind of allure.

Is that Mario thing an officially-endorsed thing? I think I prefer Jellyfish's Mario tribute btw

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I've never been friendzoned either, didn't even know what it was until last year or something, to be friendzoned you really have to care about things and that's not me, plenty of people get turned down but it seems to me that being friendzoned is entirely in your own head, it's rejection + other wimpy feelings with a touch of expectation, or something.
What's a trap?

Funnily enough yeah that shit is endorsed, this British rapper Einstein who had a decent 80's career beforehand was commissioned for the record and then it seemingly killed his career, can't figure why, hahaha.

This link doesn't do it for me for some reason, not cheesy and retarded enough maybe? I'm retarded.