If Mort Divine ruled the world

Wolfkin people actually believe they were meant to be born as a wolf.

It's ridculous IMO. Wolves can't even grasp the concept of identity, much less care; their brains aren't as advanced. This is why I find the concept paradoxical.

This is well-said, and is what I was trying to get at regarding bestiality - although I wouldn't say their brains are less advanced. I would just say they're different.

When humans say they identify as wolves, they actually undermine their own claim; because, as the Butt says :)cool:), wolves have no concept "wolf" as an identity. So identifying as a wolf misses the entire point of what a wolf actually is.

Genders and races, on the other hand, are socially and cognitively acknowledged aspects of biological beings, not beings in and of themselves. So when someone identifies as a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth, they aren't doing the same thing as a person identifying as an animal. They are participating in social structures of language, thought, and identity that assume an acknowledging partner, or partners.
A coping mechanism for people who aren't happy with themselves or the way they exist in the world who "believe" they are [insert x].

Weird shit that I don't take seriously, but it isn't really hurting anyone so whatever

Coping mechanisms - that's in my particular field of study. How broadly applicable do you think the label of coping mechanism is to behaviors and beliefs?
Applying this degree of rationale to an inherently irrational belief seems redundant though.

I'm not sure what you mean by "redundant"; do you perhaps mean "futile"...?

If so, then I would agree, but only when speaking strictly about dealing with people who maintain such irrational beliefs.

Claiming access to animal minds on the level of human relations (i.e. suggesting that all minds function like human minds and share the same forms of relations between subjects) is about as mystic as claiming to be hearing the voice of God. One significant test of a language's conceptual capacity lies in its ability to be taught. I may not know how to speak Finnish, but I can be taught how to speak it. While we may be taught how animals respond to certain commands or bodily movements, these aren't conceptual signs. We aren't speaking a dog's language when we tell it to sit, nor are we speaking a bear's language when we play dead.

The reason why claims of speaking to God and animals fail is because the alleged communication ends at the solipsism of the subject claiming it. A priest can claim to translate the language of God for the rest of us, but when I ask him to teach me how to talk to God, he says this is impossible (teaching it, that is).

Likewise, if a person claims to be conversing with an animal on some level, I would challenge that person by asking him or her to teach me how to converse with the animal. If the language is truly conceptual, then this should be possible absent the animal itself.
Comedy is a pretty sensitive subject because it thrives on offensiveness, but I think a good way to think of it is in the case of rape jokes.

Really sensitive subject, but okay to joke about as long as the purpose of the joke is not to make fun of the victim of the rape.
Limits on comedy are lame, but seems pretty hard to find a joke on rape victims that is funny. I'm sure someone has and can do it.

Tosh's joke is probably funny considering his character is to only think of the most deplorable things at all times.
I'm not talking about making light of rape or victim blaming or having an "opinion" however right or wrong it is. I'm talking about intentionally and viciously making fun of a rape victim for a cheap laugh, something some guys do in private with shitty "brutal rape jokes." Same with "my pals jokes." You'll never see that on stage
I wouldn't say never.
More likely you'll see it once, it'll bomb, it'll be filed away as material never to use.

But I don't mind brutal comedy, what you're talking about seems to be leaving the realm of comedy altogether though, like a serial killer confession tape or something.
i think the feminism "debate" is basically beyond anyone's capabilities now. the minute you begin to make a point, you're stereotyped into being some kind of an idiot and everyone is opinionated as fuck.