If Mort Divine ruled the world

So this is fairly hilarious. Eli Roth, director of Cabin Fever and the Hostel films has a new one coming out in a few months called The Green Inferno and according to Roth the film parodies SJW's:


Recently an online petition attempting to have the film banned began circulating:


It seems more than likely that this is a PR stunt done by the films marketing team, riffing on something that the PC police would do. Its a classic method of genre marketing, producers and directors used to pull all kinds of similar stunts back in the day to gain publicity. Nevertheless its caused quite a stir over the past few days and even led to this piece from Breitbart:


This in turn has led to some white knights of the horror community to label Roth as a new "hero of the far right" and those who agree with his anti-SJW stance a "fascist, neo-Nazi", see here, and this piece criticizes his "GamerGate" marketing tactics.

*It should be pointed out that the retard who wrote that Facebook post used to be an associate of Rue Morgue magazine, a very prominent horror publication and for many years hosted their official radio show and podcast. He also believes that working class fans of exploitation cinema are pre-programmed to resent women and minorities and whenever said fans watch exploitation films they are acknowledging that resentment.
I really can't be bothered with these cunts anymore.
Braindead fucking saps.
Yeah I think its time to do what's best for my sanity and ignore them while continuing to not take them seriously. I said that to myself last month and while I do feel nonsense like that Facebook post I linked too should just fuck off into obscurity like it deserves, at the same time stuff like that does need to get called out on. One good thing though is that the views for the message board that idiot runs (supposedly a horror board but its essentially turned into him and a few sycophants jerking each other off over social justice issues) are plummeting monthly and his Facebook rants get maybe one or two responses at best.
I've practically stopped reading any news outside of headlines on my RSS feed as the SJW crap is reaching a fever pitch. I'm semi rooting for The Donald at this point just so we have a chance at watching the hive mind collectively explode if he wins the GOP nomination.
I've practically stopped reading any news outside of headlines on my RSS feed as the SJW crap is reaching a fever pitch.
Even still you're likely to encounter it as there's always someone looking for oppression where there is none. I realize that probably sounds conspiratorial but never underestimate peoples ability to turn anything into to social justice issue.
It's incredibly - incredibly - ironic that this thread is still labeled "If Mort Divine Ruled the World."

The fact that the majority of people in this thread ruthlessly oppose Mort's opinions should be the first clue that this whole SJW thing is not as widespread as you all think it is. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people in this country gravitate toward the anti-SJW side of the court.

I agree, though, that it's fun to think you're the underdog. We should rename the thread "Mort Divine's Worst Nightmare."
To be fair, it started as a video of a dystopia ruled by SJW's but soon turned into, as you said, the critique of SJW pseudo-philosophy thread as you've just said.
Oh, I know; and that video was funny albeit extreme, as good satire often is (e.g. "A Modest Proposal"). But we're nowhere near any kind of SJW dystopia, despite Dak's impassioned rhetorical gestures.
Oh, I know; and that video was funny albeit extreme, as good satire often is (e.g. "A Modest Proposal"). But we're nowhere near any kind of SJW dystopia, despite Dak's impassioned rhetorical gestures.

No I agree that in terms of numbers, SJW's are in an extreme minority. But they are a quite vocal and privileged minority, and as such outperform their raw adherent numbers. There is already quite a dystopia as it relates to the curtailing of free speech, but so far primarily limited to urbanized, corporatized, and academized enclaves, mediums, and platforms.
Free speech is the freedom to speak your mind without fear of government detainment. It's a legal precedent, not some kind of metaphysical maxim. And it doesn't prevent other people from calling you out on your shit. SJWs aren't silencing anyone, they're just making a lot of noise.
The fact that the majority of people in this thread ruthlessly oppose Mort's opinions should be the first clue that this whole SJW thing is not as widespread as you all think it is.

That's like saying, since the majority of people in here love underground Metal, love for mainstream Metal isn't as widespread as we all might think.
That logic is thin at best.

Free speech is the freedom to speak your mind without fear of government detainment. It's a legal precedent, not some kind of metaphysical maxim. And it doesn't prevent other people from calling you out on your shit. SJWs aren't silencing anyone, they're just making a lot of noise.

That's flat out bullshit.

There's a confusion in here I'd like to address, while I'm sure SJW's are a minority in society, I think we need to also point out that a lot of society aren't switched on politically, so really it's much more important to frame it within that context.

I think in the portion of society that is switched on politically, they're likely a majority and they're efficient at getting things done, especially because the rest of society doesn't know or care about what's happening until it slaps them in the face.

I'm quite liking this trend of more and more people completely seeing through the rhetoric, propaganda and arguments they produce though, when society is rife with rigid ideologues, political dogma and censorious authoritarians, it breeds cynicism and skepticism and this in my view is why the SJW's and 3rd wave feminism in general is clowning itself so bad.
Someone, I forget who, dubbed them "the religious left."

It's just like an overbearing religion, pumping out atheists with every venomous heartbeat.
That's like saying, since the majority of people in here love underground Metal, love for mainstream Metal isn't as widespread as we all might think.
That logic is thin at best.

Yeah, it probably isn't foolproof logic or anything. But I maintain that it's a fair observation.

If a user comes here and listens primarily to Nightwish, Children of Bodom, and Dimmu Borgir, then he or she will experience a deluge of heckling and mockery, and will most likely quit posting shortly thereafter. Either that, or their tastes will rapidly begin to shift. I've been here for a long time; I've seen it.

That's because this is a metal community whose core membership is comprised of trve metalheads. The "test" of membership, so to speak, is whether one listens to tolerable metal.

Opinions on the current SJW atmosphere of the country, however, are not a part of the litmus test for new UM members. Furthermore, we have members from across the board: high schoolers, undergrads, grad students, full-timers, parents, etc. This suggests that we get, if not an accurate pool, at least a pool that is not heavily affected by the conditions of acceptance at UM.

I wouldn't cite this forum in an academic study. But I do think that my observation makes more sense than yours.

That's flat out bullshit.

There's a confusion in here I'd like to address, while I'm sure SJW's are a minority in society, I think we need to also point out that a lot of society aren't switched on politically, so really it's much more important to frame it within that context.

I think in the portion of society that is switched on politically, they're likely a majority and they're efficient at getting things done, especially because the rest of society doesn't know or care about what's happening until it slaps them in the face.

I'm quite liking this trend of more and more people completely seeing through the rhetoric, propaganda and arguments they produce though, when society is rife with rigid ideologues, political dogma and censorious authoritarians, it breeds cynicism and skepticism and this in my view is why the SJW's and 3rd wave feminism in general is clowning itself so bad.
Someone, I forget who, dubbed them "the religious left."

It's just like an overbearing religion, pumping out atheists with every venomous heartbeat.

I'm confused on what part you think is bullshit. Nothing you say helps to clarify.

SJWs are, by definition, turned on politically. That's how you identify them. You guys aren't complaining about people whose political views fall on the side of gay marriage and more acceptance for transgenders. You're complaining about people who complain about it.

Furthermore, I think it's very difficult to substantiate that SJWs are a majority in the "politically swtiched-on" category. I would venture that hardcore right-wingers are very easily switched on, particularly on issues such as abortion and religious freedom. They used to be quite vocal about gay rights, but fortunately they've quieted down as they realize that they're likely to be challenged on that front.

The SJW trend will almost certainly die down, and probably because it is comprised of people who thrive on vociferously criticizing others; but I don't think it will die out because it breeds skepticism or cynicism. I think it will diminish somewhat because certain changes will be made, and eventually SJWs will just be preaching to the choir. With the access and expansion of the internet it makes sense that there will always be SJWs of some kind, audible to varying degrees.
Yeah, it probably isn't foolproof logic or anything. But I maintain that it's a fair observation.

If a user comes here and listens primarily to Nightwish, Children of Bodom, and Dimmu Borgir, then he or she will experience a deluge of heckling and mockery, and will most likely quit posting shortly thereafter. Either that, or their tastes will rapidly begin to shift. I've been here for a long time; I've seen it.

That's because this is a metal community whose core membership is comprised of trve metalheads. The "test" of membership, so to speak, is whether one listens to tolerable metal.

Opinions on the current SJW atmosphere of the country, however, are not a part of the litmus test for new UM members. Furthermore, we have members from across the board: high schoolers, undergrads, grad students, full-timers, parents, etc. This suggests that we get, if not an accurate pool, at least a pool that is not heavily affected by the conditions of acceptance at UM.

I wouldn't cite this forum in an academic study. But I do think that my observation makes more sense than yours.

Feel free to think it, I stand by my previously stated opinion.

I'm confused on what part you think is bullshit. Nothing you say helps to clarify.

SJWs are, by definition, turned on politically. That's how you identify them. You guys aren't complaining about people whose political views fall on the side of gay marriage and more acceptance for transgenders. You're complaining about people who complain about it.

Furthermore, I think it's very difficult to substantiate that SJWs are a majority in the "politically swtiched-on" category. I would venture that hardcore right-wingers are very easily switched on, particularly on issues such as abortion and religious freedom. They used to be quite vocal about gay rights, but fortunately they've quieted down as they realize that they're likely to be challenged on that front.

The SJW trend will almost certainly die down, and probably because it is comprised of people who thrive on vociferously criticizing others; but I don't think it will die out because it breeds skepticism or cynicism. I think it will diminish somewhat because certain changes will be made, and eventually SJWs will just be preaching to the choir. With the access and expansion of the internet it makes sense that there will always be SJWs of some kind, audible to varying degrees.

My bad, the part that I think is bullshit is you saying that SJW's aren't silencing anybody, just calling you out on your shit as pretty much every SJW smugly puts it, also your comment on free speech and what it is seems tenuous to say the least considering most of these actions are now international, how is the U.S. government going to silence me over here in Australia or stop me from joining online petitions to have people fired for their opinions or comments? That particular it's just there to stop the government silencing you, society is free to silence you line is stale at this point.

I didn't say anything will die out because it breeds skepticism or cynicism by the way, what I implied is that these arguments are less and less being accepted at face value and therefore breeding more and more opposition, it's great.
Nothing repulses me more than echo-chambers, especially considering the kinds of topics SJW's and 3rd wave feminism troubles itself with.
Free speech is the freedom to speak your mind without fear of government detainment. It's a legal precedent, not some kind of metaphysical maxim. And it doesn't prevent other people from calling you out on your shit. SJWs aren't silencing anyone, they're just making a lot of noise.

I know the difference between 1st amendment violations and social pressure. It is admittedly almost amusing at this point that the tables have turned to some degree, in light of the Red Scare et al.

But SJWs are silencing people. They must be, or that majority you referred to would silence them. But we all have jobs, positions, etc that we would like to keep. The Inquisition, from whatever political direction, is always a minority. But that doesn't save people from the literal or proverbial stake. If society is indeed free to silence, then why the outrage when private establishments shut people out? When a member of that majority seeks to silence?

Need Mort in here with one of his erudite "fuck offs".
My bad, the part that I think is bullshit is you saying that SJW's aren't silencing anybody, just calling you out on your shit as pretty much every SJW smugly puts it, also your comment on free speech and what it is seems tenuous to say the least considering most of these actions are now international, how is the U.S. government going to silence me over here in Australia or stop me from joining online petitions to have people fired for their opinions or comments? That particular it's just there to stop the government silencing you, society is free to silence you line is stale at this point.

:confused: No one is silencing you. What are you doing right here, right now? You're complaining. Mort has criticized you, Dak, and other posters numerous times. It hasn't silenced you one bit. If anything it's made you all more vocal.

I know the difference between 1st amendment violations and social pressure. It is admittedly almost amusing at this point that the tables have turned to some degree, in light of the Red Scare et al.

But SJWs are silencing people. They must be, or that majority you referred to would silence them. But we all have jobs, positions, etc that we would like to keep. The Inquisition, from whatever political direction, is always a minority. But that doesn't save people from the literal or proverbial stake. If society is indeed free to silence, then why the outrage when private establishments shut people out? When a member of that majority seeks to silence?

Need Mort in here with one of his erudite "fuck offs".

It would be quicker and easier than addressing all the bullshit that spills out of your asinine views.

Fear of losing your job doesn't qualify as an infringement on your right to free speech, which is a constitutional right - not a metaphysical right. Gay and transgender people had to keep silent for a long fucking time in order to guarantee service, and even today they still get refused (although this is far more controversial now). If the logic we're working with is that they should keep their sexual preferences to themselves, then I say that you should keep your opinions to yourself. There, problem of being fired solved.
:confused: No one is silencing you. What are you doing right here, right now? You're complaining. Mort has criticized you, Dak, and other posters numerous times. It hasn't silenced you one bit. If anything it's made you all more vocal.

Joss Whedon gave up twitter after the "rape" joke in the new Avengers (damn good joke btw), Seinfeld and several other comedians don't go to college campuses because the audience is too "victim"friendly. Eli Roth's new film is apparently trying to be subjected to this as well. Of course the internet is not a silencing place unless you are in "enemy" territory, but the internet is a different beast entirely.

I got threatened with academic punishment after I made a comment that "offended" a few people, times they are a changing. I don't think the SJW's are going to "win" but they are definitely pushing society in a direction and I don't like a lot of it.
If the logic we're working with is that they should keep their sexual preferences to themselves, then I say that you should keep your opinions to yourself. There, problem of being fired solved.

I'm pretty sure I never said people need to "keep their sexual preferences to themselves". I did say maybe the gay man has a point, but I wouldn't dream of straightsplaining :cool:. I have been against absurd public signaling. If Adam and Steve are out and about it's usually obvious when it isn't platonic - without wearing pink mesh and giant dildos. I worked several years with a lesbian who neither made a big deal about it nor hid it, and we got along fine. But that concerns homosexuals, and the original context of the thread was SJWs, which only partially intersect with gay rights, and as gays have reached acceptance, the intersection is decreasing.

It is highly un-PC to even submit that maybe men and women, as groups, are generally illequipped to handle certain roles, jobs, etc; that there are biological/hormonal/cognitive differences which lend themselves to certain differentiated proclivities. It is un-PC to suggest that the general division of proclivities is more biological than cultural - and that the division isn't "problematic" in either case. If you find those suggestions asinine, that's fine. But I'd hate to be unhireable for even suggesting the possibility.

"Have a taste of your own medicine" is a default response for people, so I get why SJWs applaud and seek the ruination of visible people who fail to support their platform, but there's no moral high ground, no legitimate claim to "tolerance", no claim to a representation of "Equality".